Error setting up shop

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Joined: 04 Mar 2020, 19:40

Error setting up shop

Post by edu27 » 04 Mar 2020, 19:49

First of all, Hi! I'm Edu, from Spain.

This morning I've started installing the Laravel package on a existing laravel proyect. I've edited the users table to comply with the requirements and almost everything was working. (I couldn't edit users, I had a conflict with the 'status' user field).
When I solved that issue, I tried to set up the proyect again but I can't stop seeing this error:

Code: Select all

[vagrant@homestead:~/suitacademystudents$ php artisan aimeos:setup --option=setup/default/demo:1 -v
Initializing or updating the Aimeos database tables for site "default"
Add new type columns                                                  
  Checking table "mshop_attribute":                                   OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_property":                           OK
  Checking table "mshop_media":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_property":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_plugin":                                      OK
  Checking table "mshop_price":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_price_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_product":                                     OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_property":                            OK
  Checking table "mshop_service":                                     OK
  Checking table "mshop_service_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_stock":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_supplier_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_tag":                                         OK
  Checking table "mshop_text":                                        OK
  Checking table "mshop_text_list":                                   OK
Drop old unique indexes                                               
  Checking table "mshop_attribute":                                   OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_property":                           OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_property":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_plugin":                                      OK
  Checking table "mshop_price_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_property":                            OK
  Checking table "mshop_service_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_stock":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_supplier_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_tag":                                         OK
  Checking table "mshop_text_list":                                   OK
Migrate typeid to type                                                
  Checking table "mshop_attribute":                                   OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_customer_property":                           OK
  Checking table "mshop_media":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_media_property":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_plugin":                                      OK
  Checking table "mshop_price":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_price_list":                                  OK
  Checking table "mshop_product":                                     OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_product_property":                            OK
  Checking table "mshop_service":                                     OK
  Checking table "mshop_service_list":                                OK
  Checking table "mshop_stock":                                       OK
  Checking table "mshop_supplier_list":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_tag":                                         OK
  Checking table "mshop_text":                                        OK
  Checking table "mshop_text_list":                                   OK
Update attribute "key" columns                                        
  Checking table mshop_attribute                                      OK
Renaming catalog index tables to index                                
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_attribute"                      OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_catalog"                        OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_price"                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text"                           OK
Migrating configuration keys in coupon tables                         done
Migrate mshop_index_text table engine to InnoDB                       OK
Prepare mshop_index_price table for simplification                    OK
Prepare mshop_index_text table for simplification                     OK
Remove mshop_locale char constraints                                  
  Checking constraint for "langid"                                    OK
  Checking constraint for "currencyid"                                OK
Adding warehouse code to order base product table                     done
Adding tax column to order tables                                     
  Checking table "mshop_order_base_product":                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_order_base_service":                          OK
  Checking table "mshop_order_base":                                  OK
Rename "prodid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_product_stock"          
  Checking column "prodid"                                            OK
Migrating product property domain to "product"                        OK
Changing warehouseid column in mshop_product_stock                    OK
Rename warehouse table                                                
  Drop "mshop_product_stock.fk_msprost_whid"                          OK
  Drop "mshop_product_stock.fk_msprost_stock_warehouseid"             OK
  Rename "mshop_product_stock.wareshouseid"                           OK
  Rename "mshop_product_stock_wareshouse"                             OK
Move stock tables to own domain                                       
  Checking "mshop_product_stock"                                      OK
  Checking "mshop_product_stock_type"                                 OK
Ensure unique codes in mshop_service                                  done
Migrate product code in stock table                                   
  Remove index "unq_msprost_sid_pid_tid"                              OK
  Remove index "unq_msprost_sid_pid_wid"                              OK
  Migrate to column "productcode"                                     OK
  Remove foreign key "fk_msprost_parentid"                            OK
  Remove foreign key "fk_msprost_pid"                                 OK
  Remove column "parentid"                                            OK
Clear property "key" columns                                          
  Checking table mshop_attribute_property                             OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_property                              OK
  Checking table mshop_media_property                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_price_property                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_product_property                               OK
Update "siteid" columns                                               
  Checking table mshop_attribute_type                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_attribute_list_type                            OK
  Checking table mshop_attribute_property_type                        OK
  Checking table mshop_attribute_list                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_attribute_property                             OK
  Checking table mshop_attribute                                      OK
  Checking table madmin_cache_tag                                     OK
  Checking table madmin_cache                                         OK
  Checking table mshop_catalog_list_type                              OK
  Checking table mshop_catalog_list                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_catalog                                        OK
  Checking table mshop_coupon_code                                    OK
  Checking table mshop_coupon                                         OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_list_type                             OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_property_type                         OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_group                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_property                              OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_list                                  OK
  Checking table mshop_customer_address                               OK
  Checking table mshop_customer                                       OK
  Checking table madmin_job                                           OK
  Checking table mshop_locale_site                                    OK
  Checking table mshop_locale                                         OK
  Checking table madmin_log                                           OK
  Checking table mshop_media_type                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_media_list_type                                OK
  Checking table mshop_media_property_type                            OK
  Checking table mshop_media_list                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_media_property                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_media                                          OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_product_attr                        OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_service_attr                        OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_coupon                              OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_product                             OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_service                             OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base_address                             OK
  Checking table mshop_order_base                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_order_status                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_order                                          OK
  Checking table mshop_plugin_type                                    OK
  Checking table mshop_plugin                                         OK
  Checking table mshop_price_type                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_price_list_type                                OK
  Checking table mshop_price_list                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_price                                          OK
  Checking table mshop_index_attribute                                OK
  Checking table mshop_index_catalog                                  OK
  Checking table mshop_index_price                                    OK
  Checking table mshop_index_supplier                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_index_text                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_product_list_type                              OK
  Checking table mshop_product_property_type                          OK
  Checking table mshop_product_type                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_product_list                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_product_property                               OK
  Checking table mshop_product                                        OK
  Checking table mshop_service_type                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_service_list_type                              OK
  Checking table mshop_service_list                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_service                                        OK
  Checking table mshop_stock_type                                     OK
  Checking table mshop_stock                                          OK
  Checking table mshop_subscription                                   OK
  Checking table mshop_supplier_list_type                             OK
  Checking table mshop_supplier_list                                  OK
  Checking table mshop_supplier_address                               OK
  Checking table mshop_supplier                                       OK
  Checking table mshop_tag_type                                       OK
  Checking table mshop_tag                                            OK
  Checking table mshop_text_type                                      OK
  Checking table mshop_text_list_type                                 OK
  Checking table mshop_text_list                                      OK
  Checking table mshop_text                                           OK
Moving product tag tables to own domain                               
  Moving table "mshop_product_tag_type"                               OK
  Moving table "mshop_product_tag"                                    OK
Rename "refid" to "parentid" in table "users_address"                 
  Checking column "refid"                                             OK
Remove left over Laravel user references                              
  Remove records from users_address                                   OK
  Remove records from users_list                                      OK
  Remove records from users_property                                  OK
Update Laravel "siteid" columns                                       
  Checking table users_list_type                                      OK
  Checking table users_property_type                                  OK
  Checking table users_property                                       OK
  Checking table users_list                                           OK
  Checking table users_address                                        OK
  Checking table users                                                OK
Add new type columns for Laravel                                      
  Checking table "users_list":                                        OK
  Checking table "users_property":                                    OK
Drop old unique indexes for Laravel                                   
  Checking table "users_list":                                        OK
  Checking table "users_property":                                    OK
Migrate typeid to type for Laravel                                    
  Checking table "users_list":                                        OK
  Checking table "users_property":                                    OK
Creating base tables                                                  
  Using schema from locale.php                                        
    Checking table "mshop_locale_currency":                           OK
    Checking table "mshop_locale_language":                           OK
    Checking table "mshop_locale_site":                               done
    Checking table "mshop_locale":                                    OK
  Using schema from attribute.php                                     
    Checking table "mshop_attribute_type":                            done
    Checking table "mshop_attribute":                                 done
    Checking table "mshop_attribute_list_type":                       done
    Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":                            done
    Checking table "mshop_attribute_property_type":                   done
    Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":                        done
  Using schema from customer.php                                      
    Checking table "mshop_customer":                                  OK
    Checking table "mshop_customer_address":                          OK
    Checking table "mshop_customer_group":                            done
    Checking table "mshop_customer_list_type":                        done
    Checking table "mshop_customer_list":                             done
    Checking table "mshop_customer_property_type":                    done
    Checking table "mshop_customer_property":                         done
    Checking table "users":                                           done
    Checking table "users_address":                                   OK
    Checking table "users_list_type":                                 done
    Checking table "users_list":                                      done
    Checking table "users_property_type":                             done
    Checking table "users_property":                                  done
  Using schema from media.php                                         
    Checking table "mshop_media_type":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_media":                                     done
    Checking table "mshop_media_list_type":                           done
    Checking table "mshop_media_list":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_media_property_type":                       done
    Checking table "mshop_media_property":                            done
  Using schema from order.php                                         
    Checking table "mshop_order_base":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_address":                        done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_product":                        done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_product_attr":                   done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_service":                        done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_service_attr":                   done
    Checking table "mshop_order_base_coupon":                         done
    Checking table "mshop_order":                                     done
    Checking table "mshop_order_status":                              done
  Using schema from plugin.php                                        
    Checking table "mshop_plugin_type":                               done
    Checking table "mshop_plugin":                                    done
  Using schema from price.php                                         
    Checking table "mshop_price_type":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_price":                                     done
    Checking table "mshop_price_list_type":                           done
    Checking table "mshop_price_list":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_price_property_type":                       done
    Checking table "mshop_price_property":                            done
  Using schema from product.php                                       
    Checking table "mshop_product_type":                              done
    Checking table "mshop_product":                                   done
    Checking table "mshop_product_list_type":                         done
    Checking table "mshop_product_list":                              done
    Checking table "mshop_product_property_type":                     done
    Checking table "mshop_product_property":                          done
  Using schema from stock.php                                         
    Checking table "mshop_stock_type":                                done
    Checking table "mshop_stock":                                     done
  Using schema from service.php                                       
    Checking table "mshop_service_type":                              done
    Checking table "mshop_service":                                   done
    Checking table "mshop_service_list_type":                         done
    Checking table "mshop_service_list":                              done
  Using schema from supplier.php                                      
    Checking table "mshop_supplier":                                  done
    Checking table "mshop_supplier_address":                          OK
    Checking table "mshop_supplier_list_type":                        done
    Checking table "mshop_supplier_list":                             done
  Using schema from text.php                                          
    Checking table "mshop_text_type":                                 done
    Checking table "mshop_text":                                      done
    Checking table "mshop_text_list_type":                            done
    Checking table "mshop_text_list":                                 done
  Using schema from coupon.php                                        
    Checking table "mshop_coupon":                                    OK
    Checking table "mshop_coupon_code":                               done
  Using schema from catalog.php                                       
    Checking table "mshop_catalog":                                   done
    Checking table "mshop_catalog_list_type":                         done
    Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":                              done
  Using schema from tag.php                                           
    Checking table "mshop_tag_type":                                  done
    Checking table "mshop_tag":                                       done
  Using schema from index.php                                         
    Checking table "mshop_index_attribute":                           done
    Checking table "mshop_index_catalog":                             done
    Checking table "mshop_index_price":                               OK
    Checking table "mshop_index_supplier":                            done
    Checking table "mshop_index_text":                                OK
  Using schema from subscription.php                                  
    Checking table "mshop_subscription":                              done
Remove ctime/editor from index tables                                 
  Checking table "mshop_index_attribute":                             OK
  Checking table "mshop_index_catalog":                               OK
  Checking table "mshop_index_price":                                 OK
  Checking table "mshop_index_supplier":                              OK
  Checking table "mshop_index_text":                                  OK
Migrating preview column in media table                               done
Add locale data for languages and currencies                          
  Adding data for MShop locale languages                              
   Aimeos\MW\DB\Exception  : SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'suitacademystudents.madmin_log' doesn't exist: 
					INSERT INTO "madmin_log" ( 
						"facility", "timestamp", "priority", "message", "request", "siteid"
					) VALUES ( 
						?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

  at /home/vagrant/suitacademystudents/vendor/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/DB/Statement/DBAL/Prepared.php:77
    73| 	{
    74| 		try {
    75| 			$stmt = $this->exec();
    76| 		} catch( \PDOException $e ) {
  > 77| 			throw new \Aimeos\MW\DB\Exception( $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $this->sql, $e->getCode() );
    78| 		}
    80| 		return new \Aimeos\MW\DB\Result\PDO( $stmt );
    81| 	}

  Exception trace:

  1   Aimeos\MW\DB\Statement\DBAL\Prepared::execute()

  2   Aimeos\MAdmin\Log\Manager\Standard::saveItem(Object(Aimeos\MAdmin\Log\Item\Standard))

  3   Aimeos\MAdmin\Log\Manager\Standard::log("{"time":0.38504600524902344,"class":"Aimeos\\MShop\\Locale\\Manager\\Language\\Standard","stmt":"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmlocla.\"id\" AS \"\", mlocla.\"label\" AS \"locale.language.label\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmlocla.\"status\" AS \"locale.language.status\", mlocla.\"mtime\" AS \"locale.language.mtime\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmlocla.\"editor\" AS \"locale.language.editor\", mlocla.\"ctime\" AS \"locale.language.ctime\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \"mshop_locale_language\" AS mlocla\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE 1 = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY mlocla.\"id\" ASC\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2147483647 OFFSET 0\n\t\t\t\t\t"}", "core/sql")

  4   Aimeos\MShop\Locale\Manager\Language\Standard::getSearchResults(Object(Aimeos\MW\DB\Connection\DBAL), "
							mlocla."id" AS "", mlocla."label" AS "locale.language.label",
							mlocla."status" AS "locale.language.status", mlocla."mtime" AS "locale.language.mtime",
							mlocla."editor" AS "locale.language.editor", mlocla."ctime" AS "locale.language.ctime"
						FROM "mshop_locale_language" AS mlocla
						WHERE 1 = 1
						ORDER BY mlocla."id" ASC
						LIMIT 2147483647 OFFSET 0

  5   Aimeos\MShop\Locale\Manager\Language\Standard::searchItems(Object(Aimeos\MW\Criteria\SQL), [])

  6   Aimeos\MShop\Common\Manager\Decorator\Depth::searchItems(Object(Aimeos\MW\Criteria\SQL))

  7   Aimeos\MW\Setup\Task\MShopAddLocaleData::addLocaleLanguageData(Object(Aimeos\MShop\Common\Manager\Decorator\Depth))

  8   Aimeos\MW\Setup\Task\MShopAddLocaleLangCurData::migrate()

  9   Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrateTasks()

  10  Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrateTasks()

  11  Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrateTasks()

  12  Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrateTasks()

  13  Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrateTasks()

  14  Aimeos\MW\Setup\Manager\Multiple::migrate(Object(Aimeos\MW\Setup\Task\MShopAddAttributeData))

  15  Aimeos\Shop\Command\SetupCommand::handle()

  16  call_user_func_array([])

  17  Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::Illuminate\Container\{closure}()

  18  Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod(Object(Illuminate\Foundation\Application), Object(Closure))

  19  Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::call(Object(Illuminate\Foundation\Application), [])

  20  Illuminate\Container\Container::call()

  21  Illuminate\Console\Command::execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle))

  22  Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle))

  23  Illuminate\Console\Command::run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

  24  Symfony\Component\Console\Application::doRunCommand(Object(Aimeos\Shop\Command\SetupCommand), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

  25  Symfony\Component\Console\Application::doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

  26  Symfony\Component\Console\Application::run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

  27  Illuminate\Console\Application::run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

  28  Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
Linux machine
Laravel 5.8
I've tried Aimeos 2019.10 and 2020.01
PHP 7.2.27

I need some help to figure this error out.

Thanks in advance.

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Joined: 01 Jan 1970, 00:00

Re: Error setting up shop

Post by aimeos » 05 Mar 2020, 14:37

Maybe an error occured before and it should be written into the madmin_log table (which doesn't exist yet). Can you change that method to "getPostDependencies" and run "./artisan aimeos:setup" afterwards: ... in.php#L23
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Joined: 04 Mar 2020, 19:40

Re: Error setting up shop

Post by edu27 » 09 Mar 2020, 08:44

Thanks fot the quick answer. I'll try what you say and let you know.

Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Apr 2020, 17:43

Re: Error setting up shop

Post by JoseBibiloni » 07 Apr 2020, 22:34

aimeos wrote: 05 Mar 2020, 14:37 Maybe an error occured before and it should be written into the madmin_log table (which doesn't exist yet). Can you change that method to "getPostDependencies" and run "./artisan aimeos:setup" afterwards: ... in.php#L23
I had installed 2019 without issues, when I upgraded to 2020 I had the same issue as OP. This is what solved it. Thank you.

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