Search found 19 matches

by MSchrading
12 Feb 2020, 12:01
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'
Replies: 6
Views: 222835

Re: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'

Thanks a lot.

That was it. I'm wondering why not using exception from symfony but works except status code. But that's not important.

by MSchrading
10 Feb 2020, 13:02
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'
Replies: 6
Views: 222835

Re: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'

^Sorry, but maybe I miss something. I don't want to remove all groups or even remove the admin role. I just want to handle exception with aimeos in the way that aimeos shouldn't throw an exception and stop the system when one page couldn't be found or someone asn't the right to access an url. So how...
by MSchrading
07 Feb 2020, 07:43
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'
Replies: 6
Views: 222835

Re: Avoid Exception 'Not allowed to access JQAdm "customer" client'

Hello aimeos. This isn't a realy satified answer. In symfony (at this monet 4.3) I use to setup an exceptionEventListener in service.yaml. Which leads me to a app/EventLister/ExceptionListener.php where I can catch requests and handle them before running in some trouble. But under aimeos this way do...
by MSchrading
06 Feb 2020, 10:29
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Sitemode for customers.
Replies: 0
Views: 139416

Sitemode for customers.

Hello again. As a admin in one shop in a multishop system I want to see only admins and editores for my own shop.. That means no aggregation nor inheritens => sitemode= 0. But this doen't work in aimeos multi shop system or do I have forgotten something to configure? But this separation of users and...
by MSchrading
06 Feb 2020, 10:05
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Customer administration in a multishop system.
Replies: 2
Views: 124145

Re: Customer administration in a multishop system.

Okay. undestand. On our login page we got only username and passwort for out credentials. So we need an second filter creteria the side id. At this moment the systems looks for an email-Address and if it finds one, it get the side-Id automaticaly. Now this side Id has to selected at the beginning of...
by MSchrading
05 Feb 2020, 15:10
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Customer administration in a multishop system.
Replies: 2
Views: 124145

Customer administration in a multishop system.

Hi I hope you can resolve this otherwith please send me an email. I have an aimeos Multishop system and I create customers in many single shops. But this customers should not be inherited nor aggregated. So one customer can only be seen in his own shop not on the default shop (market place). How do ...
by MSchrading
05 Feb 2020, 08:49
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: missing directory or files on composer update
Replies: 1
Views: 100701

missing directory or files on composer update

Hi there. When I start composer update composer stucks with this error: Could not scan for classes inside "ext/ai-fosuser//lib/custom/src" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder And this folder will be empty... Symfony 4.3 php7.2 aimeos with multi mandants Thank you for a quick he...
by MSchrading
24 Jan 2020, 10:46
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: set admin role for specific user in a specific shop
Replies: 1
Views: 100108

set admin role for specific user in a specific shop

I have a default shop with two shops below. As superadmin I add a user in one of this shops below (below default). Now I tried to set this user the role admin, in a shell with ./bin/console aimeos:account --admin <site code> but I get this: Locale item for site "sitename" n...
by MSchrading
24 Jan 2020, 10:08
Forum: Symfony bundle
Topic: Multishop - Configuration
Replies: 5
Views: 196402

Re: Multishop - Configuration

I set it exactly like you said. In routes/aimeos_shop.yaml: aimeos_shop: resource: "@AimeosShopBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /{site}/ defaults: { site: 'default' } aimeos_shop_admin: path: /admin defaults: { _controller: AimeosShopBundle:Admin:index } aimeos_shop_admin_check...