Multi tenancy email cronjob
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Multi tenancy email cronjob
Version info:
Laravel - 8.x, PHP - 8.0, Aimeos - ~2023.07
I understand the order emails are sent using cronjob. But I have a multi-tenancy setup, what can I do to make the cronjob work for all tenant databases? So that it looks order status for all tenants and sends emails.
Version info:
Laravel - 8.x, PHP - 8.0, Aimeos - ~2023.07
I understand the order emails are sent using cronjob. But I have a multi-tenancy setup, what can I do to make the cronjob work for all tenant databases? So that it looks order status for all tenants and sends emails.
Re: Multi tenancy email cronjob
The jobs will be executed for all active sites in a multi-tenancy setup automatically.
Additionally, you can restrict executing a job to specific sites by adding the site codes as last parameter, e.g.:
Additionally, you can restrict executing a job to specific sites by adding the site codes as last parameter, e.g.:
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:jobs order/email/payment "default site2"
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Re: Multi tenancy email cronjob
Thanks for the reply. By multi-tenancy, I mean I have multiple tenant databases. All tenant databases can have a single or multi-shop setup. The cronjob only seems to work for the database set in the .env file. How can I make the cronjob loop over all tenant databases?
Re: Multi tenancy email cronjob
If you have multiple databases, you also have multiple application instances. Then, you have to add the cronjobs for each application instance.
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Re: Multi tenancy email cronjob
I have a single application with multiple databases. Each database is set into config for use.
I am running the following code in a cron every minute.
And in the custom command,
But it takes the first database in loop and works only for that, not working for other DBs. Any help is appreciated.
I am running the following code in a cron every minute.
Code: Select all
$allTenants = Tenant::all();
foreach ($allTenants as $key => $tenant) {
config(['database.connections.user.database' => $databaseName]);
config(['shop.resource.db.database' => $databaseName]);
$sites = Site::select('code')->get();
if (!empty($sites)) {
$siteCodes = '';
foreach ($sites as $index => $site) {
$siteCodes .= $site->code;
if ($index < count($sites) - 1) {
$siteCodes .= ' ';
Artisan::call('aimeos:customjobs', [
'database' => $databaseName,
'jobs' => 'order/export/csv order/email/delivery order/email/payment order/email/voucher order/service/delivery subscription/export/csv customer/email/account',
'site' => $siteCodes,
Code: Select all
protected $signature = 'aimeos:customjobs
{database : Tenant database name}
{jobs : One or more job controller names like "admin/job customer/email/watch"}
{site? : Site codes to execute the jobs for like "default unittest" (none for all)}
public function handle()
$jobs = $this->argument('jobs');
$jobs = !is_array($jobs) ? explode(' ', (string) $jobs) : $jobs;
$fcn = function (\Aimeos\MShop\ContextIface $lcontext, \Aimeos\Bootstrap $aimeos) use ($jobs) {
$jobfcn = function ($context, $aimeos, $jobname) {
\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs::create($context, $aimeos, $jobname)->run();
$process = $lcontext->process();
$site = $lcontext->locale()->getSiteItem()->getCode();
foreach ($jobs as $jobname) {
$this->info(sprintf('Executing Aimeos jobs "%s" for "%s"', $jobname, $site), 'v');
$process->start($jobfcn, [$lcontext, $aimeos, $jobname], false);
$tenantDb = $this->argument('database');
config(['database.connections.mysql.database' => $tenantDb]);
config(['shop.resource.db.database' => $tenantDb]);
$this->exec($this->context(), $fcn, $this->argument('site'));
Re: Multi tenancy email cronjob
Guess, the artisan command is executed in a separate process and your changed in-memory config isn't used then.
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