CSV import of variant attributes

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CSV import of variant attributes

Post by gilbertsoft » 22 Nov 2016, 12:44


Aimeos 16.10.1 / Typo3 7.6.12

I'm trying to import products with variant attributes, but the assignment is always "default" instead of "variant". In case of a new attribute, the domain of the attribute is not set (instead of product). I had to update it manually to see the new attributes in the backend. The rest works fine. Here is the config and a CSV line:

controller.jobs.product.import.csv {
location = ../../../web/fileadmin/import
container.type = Directory
container.content = CSV
skip-lines = 0
mapping {
item {
0 = product.code
1 = product.type
2 = product.label
3 = product.status
text {
4 = text.languageid
5 = text.type
6 = text.label
7 = text.content
8 = text.status
price {
9 = price.type
10 = price.label
11 = price.currencyid
12 = price.quantity
13 = price.value
14 = price.taxrate
attribute {
15 = attribute.type
16 = attribute.code
17 = attribute.label
18 = attribute.position
19 = attribute.status
20 = product.list.type
21 = product.list.position
22 = attribute.type
23 = attribute.code
24 = attribute.label
25 = attribute.position
26 = attribute.status
27 = product.list.type
28 = product.list.position
property {
29 = product.property.type
30 = product.property.value
stock {
31 = product.stock.stocklevel
32 = product.stock.warehouse

"2020101000011","default","Beisskette Silikon Affe blau farbe 1","1","de","name","Beisskette Silikon Affe blau farbe 1","Beisskette Silikon Affe blau farbe 1","1","default","Preis ab 1 Stk","CHF","1","28","0","tag-color","t-c-blau","blau","0","1","variant","1","chain-color","c-c-farbe-1","farbe 1","0","1","variant","2","product-weight","30",","default"


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Re: CSV import of variant attributes

Post by aimeos » 22 Nov 2016, 14:56

You are right, the attribute domain wasn't set by default but it should be because it's always "product" in this case. It's fixed and will be part of the next minor release: https://github.com/aimeos/ai-controller ... 5fbf4a5d6c

Regarding the list type, the documentation was wrong. It mappings must be "...lists..." instead of "...list...". We've already updated the docs in the Wiki.
Thanks for reporting the bugs!
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Re: CSV import of variant attributes

Post by gilbertsoft » 22 Nov 2016, 17:28

Thank you for the fast support!

Everything looks great now, I also tested your commit!

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