Look for proper way to add additional field in checkout/address page

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Look for proper way to add additional field in checkout/address page

Post by switch-cheehau » 23 Jun 2021, 03:00

Hi Aimeos,

Hope you can guide me on this:

I'm trying to add new field passport no. in the checkout process.
So in order to make the checkout process seamlessly:

Extend the table users and mshop_order_base_address with new column passport
adding in users table is to set a default passport number.
adapting client/html/templates/checkout/standard/address-partial-standard.php to add the new field
but i do not know how to pass in the value from customer.password into attr( $this->value( 'address', 'order.base.address.passport' ) ) ?>
adapting client/html/templates/common/summary/address-standard.php to display the new field in summary tab
Save the new field into order.base.address.passport
I'm refering to this doc:
https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/infrastr ... properties
But i'm having hard time to relate to my problem.

Can you shed some light over here?

I would be happy to help on documented the solution.

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Re: Look for proper way to add additional field in checkout/address page

Post by aimeos » 24 Jun 2021, 07:29

switch-cheehau wrote: 23 Jun 2021, 03:00 adapting client/html/templates/checkout/standard/address-partial-standard.php to add the new field
but i do not know how to pass in the value from customer.password into attr( $this->value( 'address', 'order.base.address.passport' ) ) ?>
You have added a new field in the address partial like for the email address?
https://github.com/aimeos/ai-client-htm ... #L286-L301

The values are automatcally passed to the template:
https://github.com/aimeos/ai-client-htm ... d.php#L255

But this doesn't exist as your field is named "passport" not "order.base.address.passport":

Code: Select all

$this->value( 'address', 'order.base.address.passport' )
Use this instead:

Code: Select all

$this->value( 'address', 'passport' )
In https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/infrastr ... properties the examples are alsways "mycolumn", not "customer.mycolumn" or "order.base.address.mycolumn". Your property is exactly named like the column name.
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Re: Look for proper way to add additional field in checkout/address page

Post by switch-cheehau » 29 Jun 2021, 08:29

Hi Aimeos,
Thanks for the help. able to make it works.
Here's the things i've done.

added new column in users table:

Code: Select all

$table->addColumn( 'passport', 'string', array( 'length' => 32, 'default' => '' ) );
added new field:

Code: Select all

<div class="row form-item form-group passport <?= $enc->attr( ( $this->value( 'error', 'passport' ) ? 'error ' : '' ) . join( ' ', $this->value( 'css', 'passport', [] ) ) ) ?>"
    data-regex="<?= $enc->attr( $this->config( 'client/html/checkout/standard/address/validate/passport' ) ) ?>">

    <label class="col-md-5" for="address-<?= $this->get( 'type', 'billing' ) ?>-passport-<?= $this->get( 'id' ) ?>">
        <?= $enc->html( $this->translate( 'client', 'Passport' ), $enc::TRUST ) ?>
    <div class="col-md-7">
        <input class="form-control" type="tel"
            id="address-<?= $this->get( 'type', 'billing' ) ?>-passport-<?= $this->get( 'id' ) ?>"
            name="<?= $enc->attr( $this->formparam( array( $fname, 'passport' ) ) ) ?>"
            value="<?= $enc->attr( $this->value( 'address', 'passport' ) ) ?>"
            <?= $this->value( 'css', 'passport' ) ? '' : 'disabled' ?>
Followed the instruction - easy-way
https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/infrastr ... /#easy-way

one last thing is config/shop.php, without this, it won't preserved in summary page.

Code: Select all

'client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory' => [

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