Plugin limitations - Duplicate entry

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Plugin limitations - Duplicate entry

Post by createanet » 03 Dec 2021, 10:21


I notice when trying to create more than once instance of a plugin provider in the admin that it is failing. I thought perhaps this was with my custom plugin provider, but I have tested and confirmed the same with the stock plugins.

Code: Select all

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1.-order-BasketLimits' for key 'unq_msplu_sid_ty_prov':
INSERT INTO "mshop_plugin" (
"type", "label", "provider", "config", "pos",
"status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
I have double checked and run the index/rebuild job in case something was going a miss there, but this unfortunately made no difference.

I am currently working with 2020.10.* release.

The error is coming from MySQL as when I attempt to duplicate the row in the database I receive a similar error.

Code: Select all

Duplicate entry '1.-order-BasketLimits' for key 'unq_msplu_sid_ty_prov'
When I look into the structure I can see there is now a compound index on provider, type & siteid.

Is there a suggestion on how we can reuse a plugin with a different configuration? I dont think decorator fits the use case here.


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Re: Plugin limitations - Duplicate entry

Post by aimeos » 05 Dec 2021, 09:30

You can't add the same plugin again. Adapt the existing entry with the BasketLimits plugin instead.
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