Rent system

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Rent system

Post by tiko0911 » 22 Mar 2022, 13:16

Aimeos version - 2021.10
Hello support, We are using Your Laravel package and we want to have rent system via Your product. So can You please suggest how we can do it? So we need to have one product which can be ordered by multiple users for different date ranges. Thanks.

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Re: Rent system

Post by aimeos » 24 Mar 2022, 09:18

There are two ways how to implement that:
1.) Create a selection product with a lot of variants for the different time slots
2.) Use the configurable attributes where customers can set custom values like date and time

For the first option, you need to generate the variants automatically because it's not feasable to do that manually. The advantage of this approach is that it works perfectly for fixed time slots and handles reserved time slots automatically.

The second option is more flexible, requires no variants in the backend but you need to care about checking for already reserved time slots yourself. Nevertheless, we would suggest this option.
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