Generate a quote that must first be approved before allowing the user to checkout and pay

How to configure and adapt Aimeos based shops as developer
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Generate a quote that must first be approved before allowing the user to checkout and pay

Post by » 06 Dec 2023, 07:06

I have a client custom cookie business. When shoppers place orders they need to be able to approve the order / give timelines before allowing the shopper to pay.
Basically the shopper needs to add things to a quote that would be confirmed / adjusted by the store. Then the shopper would receive a link to an approved quote page that they could then proceed to a checkout with.

I am new to aimeos. Can someone point me in the right direction. I have tried googling, but I must be using the incorrect terminology as I cannot seem to find anything that describes what I am looking for. I am sure there must be a plugin or a setting that allows shoppers to build quotes rather than going straight to a basket and checkout but I am not finding anything.

Aimeos version: 2023.10
PHP: 8.1.6
development environement: Windows, visual studio code