How i can add text item to product

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How i can add text item to product

Post by malik_kat » 01 May 2024, 11:36

I am working to build cron job to add text item type meta-description to each product do not have meta-description.
firstly i tried to add text item like this:

Code: Select all

	$context = app('aimeos.context')->get();
        $managerText = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $context, 'text' );
        $textData  =  [  
            "text.languageid" => null,
            "text.type"          => "meta-description",
            "text.label"         => "text-item-meta",
            "text.domain"    => "product",
            "text.content"    => "add new text item job meta-description",
            "text.status"       => 1,
        $item = $managerText->create($textData); 
        $item = $managerText->save( $item);
When i print $item variable the is null like this.

Code: Select all

Aimeos\MShop\Text\Item\Standard^ {#845
  #available: true
  #modified: false
  #bprefix: "text."
  #type: null
  #bdata: array:9 [
    "" => null
    "text.languageid" => null
    "text.type" => "meta-description"
    "text.label" => "text-item-meta"
    "text.domain" => "product"
    "text.content" => "add new text item job meta-description"
    "text.status" => 1
    "text.siteid" => "1."
    ".languageid" => "ar"
  -langid: "ar"
  -listPrepared: true
  -listItems: []
  -listRefItems: []
  -listRmItems: []
  -listRmMap: []
  -listMap: []
  -listMax: 0
} // app\Console\Commands\AddMetaDataProducts.php:43
For this reason i can not refer text item to product.
But if the text item exist in table 'mshop_text' no problem to refer it to product by ''.

PHP Version 8.2.12
Laravel version: 10
Aimeos version: 2023.10
Environment: windows (XAMPP cross-platform web server).

Posts: 13
Joined: 09 Jan 2024, 09:20

Re: How i can add text item to product

Post by malik_kat » 02 May 2024, 11:49

My problem is solved
I found my error.
When i used this code, inserted the text item data is stored correctly.

Code: Select all

$managerText = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $context, 'text' );
$textItem = $managerText->create();
$textItem->setContent('add new text item job meta-description');
$textItem = $managerText->save($textItem, true);	

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Re: How i can add text item to product

Post by aimeos » 02 May 2024, 19:00

You can also use fromArray() as a one liner. When passing data to create(), the modified flag won't be set and items not saved by save()
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