How i can export the products to excel or csv?

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How i can export the products to excel or csv?

Post by malik_kat » 23 May 2024, 10:17

I need to export products to Excel or CSV.
Because when importing products file CSV in the backend,
I overwrite on product_code and generate a unique code.
When the suppliers want a change in prices, texts, or media but don't know what the new product code.
For this reason, I want to export all products to Excel or CSV.

Please kindly help me and Thank you in advance.

PHP Version 8.2.12
Laravel version: 10
Aimeos version: 2023.10
Environment: windows (XAMPP cross-platform web server).

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Re: How i can export the products to excel or csv?

Post by aimeos » 25 May 2024, 09:05

There's no product export to CSV because CSV is a pretty unsuitable format to store complex data and there's no column layout that would fit for all cases. You can implement such an export yourself with the same column layout as configured for your import.
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