Help with Custom Basket Plugin and Order Price Calculation

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Help with Custom Basket Plugin and Order Price Calculation

Post by PaoloLegaspi » 25 Feb 2025, 00:09

Hi Aimeos Team,

I’ve created a custom basket plugin to check if an ordered product has a specific attribute configuration (type: add-on) and apply a custom discounted price + the add-on configuration price. The plugin successfully updates the ordered product price, but the order.price attribute still reflects the standard price + the add-on price instead of the discounted price.

We’re using the JSON API in our project. Any idea how I can fix this so the order.price reflects the correct discounted total?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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namespace Aimeos\Mshop\Plugin\Provider\Order;

class TireAddon
    extends \Aimeos\MShop\Plugin\Provider\Factory\Base
    implements \Aimeos\MShop\Plugin\Provider\Iface, \Aimeos\MShop\Plugin\Provider\Factory\Iface
    private array $beConfig = [
        'attribute.type' => array(
            'code' => 'attribute.type',
            'internalcode' => 'attribute.type',
            'label' => 'Attribute type code for the tire addon',
            'default' => 'add-on',
            'required' => true,

     * Checks the backend configuration attributes for validity.
     * @param array $attributes Attributes added by the shop owner in the administraton interface
     * @return array An array with the attribute keys as key and an error message as values for all attributes that are
     * 	known by the provider but aren't valid
    public function checkConfigBE(array $attributes): array
        $errors = parent::checkConfigBE($attributes);

        return array_merge($errors, $this->checkConfig($this->beConfig, $attributes));

     * Returns the configuration attribute definitions of the provider to generate a list of available fields and
     * rules for the value of each field in the administration interface.
     * @return array List of attribute definitions implementing \Aimeos\Base\Critera\Attribute\Iface
    public function getConfigBE(): array
        return $this->getConfigItems($this->beConfig);

     * Subscribes itself to a publisher
     * @param \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $p Object implementing publisher interface
     * @return \Aimeos\MShop\Plugin\Provider\Iface Plugin object for method chaining
    public function register(\Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $p): \Aimeos\MShop\Plugin\Provider\Iface
        $plugin = $this->object();

        $p->attach($plugin, 'addProduct.after');
        $p->attach($plugin, 'setProducts.after');

        return $this;

     * Updates the order product item
     * @param \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order Order object
     * @param string $action Action name
     * @param mixed $value New value
     * @return mixed New value
    public function update(\Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order, string $action, $value = null)
        map( [$value] )->implements( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Product\Iface::class, true );

        $attributeType = $this->getConfigValue('attribute.type');
        $attributes = $value->getAttributeItem($attributeType, 'config');
        $priceSpecial = $value->get('price_special3') ?? 0.00;
        $addonPrice = $attributes ? $attributes->getPrice() : 0.00;

        if (empty($attributes) || $priceSpecial <= 0.00) {
            return $value;

        $totalPrice = $priceSpecial + $addonPrice;


        return $value;
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Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 7.59.45 AM.png (66.1 KiB) Viewed 183 times
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Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 8.02.26 AM.png (59.57 KiB) Viewed 183 times

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Aimeos version: Aimeos Headless 2024.10.*
Environment: Mac

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Re: Help with Custom Basket Plugin and Order Price Calculation

Post by aimeos » 26 Feb 2025, 08:30

Only calling setPrice() on a product item doesn't cause a recalculation of the order price because the Aimeos code doesn't know that you did that. To signal that something has changed, you need to call addProduct() for the changed order product item with the same position. Also, use a static variable to avoid an infinite loop.
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