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Properties of selections

Posted: 26 Jan 2017, 12:03
by gilbertsoft

I tried to adapt the behaviour of the displayed properties for selections. The idea is to show only the properties of the selected variant as the attributes are done.

Here is the code snipplet of Standard.php of the catalog detail:

Code: Select all


			$context = $this->getContext();
			$prodid = $view->param( 'd_prodid' );

			$domains = array( 'media', 'price', 'text', 'attribute', 'product' );
			$controller = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Factory::createController( $context, 'catalog' );

			$productItem = $this->getProductItem( $prodid, $domains );
			$this->addMetaItems( $productItem, $this->expire, $this->tags );

			$productManager = $controller->createManager( 'product' );
			$productIds = array_keys( $productItem->getRefItems( 'product' ) );
			$products = $this->getDomainItems( $productManager, '', $productIds, $domains );

			$attrIds = array_keys( $productItem->getRefItems( 'attribute' ) );
			$mediaIds = array_keys( $productItem->getRefItems( 'media' ) );
			$propIds = array_keys( $productItem->getRefItems( 'product/property' ) );

			foreach( $products as $product )
				$attrIds = array_merge( $attrIds, array_keys( $product->getRefItems( 'attribute' ) ) );
				$mediaIds = array_merge( $mediaIds, array_keys( $product->getRefItems( 'media' ) ) );
				$propIds = array_merge( $propIds, array_keys( $product->getRefItems( 'product/property' ) ) );

			$attributeManager = $controller->createManager( 'attribute' );
			$attributeItems = $this->getDomainItems( $attributeManager, '', $attrIds, $domains );
			$this->addMetaItems( $attributeItems, $this->expire, $this->tags );

			$mediaManager = $controller->createManager( 'media' );
			$mediaItems = $this->getDomainItems( $mediaManager, '', $mediaIds, $domains );
			$this->addMetaItems( $mediaItems, $this->expire, $this->tags );

			$propertyManager = $controller->createManager( 'product/property' );
			$propertyItems = $this->getDomainItems( $propertyManager, '', $propIds, $domains );
			$this->addMetaItems( $propertyItems, $this->expire, $this->tags );

And the init section of the partial body-default.php:

Code: Select all


$attrMap = $subAttrDeps = array();
$attrItems = $this->get( 'detailAttributeItems', array() );

$propMap = $subPropDeps = array();
$propItems = $this->get( 'detailPropertyItems', array() );

foreach( $this->get( 'detailProductItems', array() ) as $subProdId => $subProduct )
	$subItems = $subProduct->getRefItems( 'attribute', null, 'default' );
	$subItems += $subProduct->getRefItems( 'attribute', null, 'variant' ); // show product variant attributes as well

	foreach( $subItems as $attrId => $attrItem )
		if( isset( $attrItems[ $attrId ] ) )
			$attrMap[ $attrItem->getType() ][ $attrId ] = $attrItems[ $attrId ];
			$subAttrDeps[ $attrId ][] = $subProdId;

	$subItems = $subProduct->getRefItems( 'product/property' );

	foreach( $subItems as $propId => $propItem )
		if( isset( $propItems[ $propId ] ) )
			$propMap[ $propItem->getType() ][ $propId ] = $propItems[ $propId ];
			$subPropDeps[ $propId ][] = $subProdId;

ksort( $attrMap );
ksort( $propMap );

With this code $propMap seems to stay empty. Could the $domains array be the problem, there is not product/property domain listed? I tried it with the additional domain 'product/property' with no success. Any suggestions?


Re: Properties of selections

Posted: 26 Jan 2017, 15:02
by aimeos
You can only retrieve items referenced via the list table using getRefItems(). Therefore, you need the domains.

The product properties are not associated via the list table but directly reference the product in a parent/item relationship. You have to use the product property manager to search for all property items whose parentid is one of the product variants.

Re: Properties of selections

Posted: 26 Jan 2017, 18:17
by gilbertsoft
Thx, got it and pushed to the repo