Disappearing Category?

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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by superscotty19 » 02 Jul 2019, 04:33

1.) Right off the bat, my screenshot didn't show the vertical line beside "Catalogue" - with that, there are 2 categories "selected": "Catalogues" and "Other" ... though I didn't select anything - I just clicked the "Categories" menu.

2.) I noticed an existing issue: when I was taking the screenshot, my mouse slipped and dragged a category to a new location ... but it didn't save. That is, I would drag and drop and the category would visibly move, but when I click to a different area (say, "Products"), then click back on the Categories menu ... the old menu was there.

3.) Now for the meat of the matter: the crazy create/delete thing.
a.) Ignoring (1), I clicked on a random category - Car Racks.
b.) At that moment, Car Racks had a "|" beside it .... but so did "Other"(?).
c.) So I clicked "Car Racks" again. Same result.
d.) So I clicked a different category: Tires/Tubes. Same result.
e.) At this point, I'm worried. However, I see that in the top it reads "Catalog: 75 - Tires/Tubes", so I press on. I click "+" to create a new category. The top just says "Catalog: New" so I have no idea what category I'm in. Crossing fingers it's still Tires, I give the new category a code ("test1") and a label ("test1"). I click Save. There is now an arrow next to Tires and when expanded, I see the category is saved inside "tires/tubes"!
f.) I click "tires/tubes" again and again I click "+". I call this new category test2 and click "Save & New". Test2 is inside Tires! For the new one, you guessed it ... test3. I click "Save & Close". Test3 is NOT inside Tires. Rather, it is under "Catalogue".
g.) Note: at this point, "Other" still has a "|" beside it. I click "Test3" and click "-".. I get the vague "Delete Items" modal (SERIOUSLY, just add the variable name of the category being deleted to the end of the modal!!!). I click "Delete" and Test3 is gone. *phew*. I click on test1 -> "-" -> Delete and test2 -> "-" -> Delete and they successfully delete.

At this point, I have to pause. I'm working with live data and with 3 bugs found already, I'm worried for my data. I hope I was able to offer insight,

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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by aimeos » 02 Jul 2019, 09:54

According to your post it still doesn't work as expected :-(

We are using a 3rd party library for the tree (JQTree), which stores the state in the Local Storage of your browser. You can see this if you open the web console in Chrome -> Application tab -> Locale Storage -> select the storage for your domain. Important thing is that the "selected_node" entry must only contain one ID.

Can you please make sure, the ./typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai-admin-jqadm/admin/jqadm/themes/catalog.js looks like this at line 65: https://github.com/aimeos/ai-admin-jqad ... log.js#L65

We can't reproduce the issue in our data set. Can you create a SQL dump of your mshop_catalog table and post it so we can use it as reference for testing?
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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by superscotty19 » 04 Jul 2019, 08:54


Line 65 is exactly the same.

shop_catalog.sql attached.

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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by aimeos » 05 Jul 2019, 12:19

This pre-release additionally fixes the lost parent category after clicking on "Save&New":
https://aimeos.org/fileadmin/download/a ... 0-pre4.zip

It also contains the previous fix that the root category was selected too. We couldn't reproduce that more than one category was marked as selected with your category tree. Maybe there's still something in the local storage of your browser.

Which items are going to be deleted will be added in version 2019.10.
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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by superscotty19 » 17 Jul 2019, 22:42


(Sorry for the delay - I was out of town on work)

Thank you for the pre-release! I have uploaded/installed and here's my findings:

1.) When I click on the "Categories" menu, I only see 1 vertical bar, beside "Catalogue" ... as I should! Plus, when I click on another category it works as it should! Bravo!

2.) I created a new category - test - and put it under Catalogue. Success. I dragged test from the bottom to the middle of the tree. Success. I clicked away to another menu (Orders), then returned to Categories and ... test remained in the correct position! Eureka!

a.) I clicked on test and then "+". Created subtest1, Save & Close, and it saved inside test. Clicked "+" again (because test was still selected with a vertical bar beside it), created subtest2, save & close, and subtest2 also appears under test! Yes!
b.) I click on test and then "-". I get the vague pop-up. PLEASE SPECIFY THE CATEGORY IN THE POP-UP TO CONFIRM WHAT IS BEING DELETED!!! For example, you have:
"You are going to delete one or more items. Would you like to proceed?"
How about...
"You are going to delete the category 'test' and any categories inside it. Would you like to proceed?"
Anyway, I click through and test is gone. Yippee!

So, aside from the vague pop-up, I think the case of the disappearing categories is now SOLVED! Thank you!

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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by aimeos » 18 Jul 2019, 17:12

Which category is going to be deleted will be added in the next version.
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Re: Disappearing Category?

Post by superscotty19 » 18 Jul 2019, 21:14

Whoops, sorry for misreading. Thank you for the confirmation!

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