Upgrade Explosion

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Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 31 Jul 2019, 18:10


I got an email that there's a new version of Aimeos (yay!), so I went to upgrade. That is, I:

1. deactivate aimeos_dist then aimeos
2. upload/install new version of aimeos (ex. aimeos 19.7) and re-activate aimeos
3. Run the index rebuild script (aka the recycle icon)
4. re-activate aimeos_dist

... but what I didn't know was that 19.7 doesn't jive with aimeos_dist on T3 8.7. The result is that when you try to upgrade aimeos_dist you get an incompatibility error (aimeos_dist 19 won't run on t3 8.7, while aimeos_dist 18 is looking for aimeos 18), followed by some SQL conflicts and long story short I now have a corrupted installation.

I tried to back everything up to 18, but that failed. So I tried to forge on in the hopes that my piles of data hasn't been destroyed: I removed aimeos_dist and upgraded aimeos to 19.7. That worked! But now I'm stuck because I can't do anything with aimeos_dist and I need it in order to actually *show* the web site (i.e. it contains the necessary T3 templates/includes to display the shop). Without aimeos_dist, my site shows:

Code: Select all

#1294587217: The page is not configured! [type=0][]. This means that there is no TypoScript object of type PAGE with typeNum=0 configured. (More information)
Please help!!!

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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 31 Jul 2019, 18:46


Don't tell the TYPO3 purists, but I went ahead and forcefully upgrade aimeos_dist to 19.4. Specifically:

1.) Upgrade aimeos to 19.7
2.) Install bootstrap_package 10
3.) Install aimeos_dist 19.4

... and the site is back up now BUT my images aren't displaying. Now, I had modified aimeos/Resources/Private/Config/resource.php to a new location and I see that the new version of resource.php has a new variable, "baseurl', but even after changing it my product images aren't showing - code as follows:

Code: Select all

        'fs' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Standard',
                'baseurl' => 'fileadmin/user/storage/products',
                'basedir' => PATH_site . 'fileadmin/user/storage/products',
                'tempdir' => PATH_site . 'typo3temp',
        'fs-admin' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Standard',
                'basedir' => PATH_site . 'typo3temp',
                'tempdir' => PATH_site . 'typo3temp',
        'fs-import' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Standard',
                'basedir' => PATH_site . 'fileadmin/user/storage/products/.secure/import',
                'tempdir' => PATH_site . 'typo3temp',
        'fs-secure' => array(
                'adapter' => 'Standard',
                'basedir' => PATH_site . 'fileadmin/user/storage/products/.secure',
                'tempdir' => PATH_site . 'typo3temp',
I also have the following constants in the T3 template:

Code: Select all

plugin.tx_aimeos.common.content.baseurl = https://www.domain.ca/fileadmin/user/storage/products
module.tx_aimeos.common.content.baseurl = https://www.domain.ca/fileadmin/user/storage/products
This was all I needed to change for 18.x. Is there another setting I need to change for 19?


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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 31 Jul 2019, 18:59


While the FE catalogue lists all products, there are not thumbs. Also, when I click on a product I get "Unable to find product"

When I go to the BE shop, I can see the product in the Aimeos > Products, but when I click on the product, there's a bunch of missing info (ex categories are blank, characteristics>properties are there but the name is missing so I need to select it from the dropdown.

I think at this point I have to revert back to 18.x ... but it looks like the DB has been changed by 19. What can I do? Any help is invaluable.


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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by aimeos » 31 Jul 2019, 19:16

Upgrading between major versions (18.x -> 19.x) doesn't work flawlessly as you've seen.

You need to do at least two more things in the scheduler:
- Run the index rebuild job
- Run the media scale job
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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 31 Jul 2019, 19:33


I rolled back aimeos_dist and aimeos to 18.x and now the FE is littered with:

Code: Select all

A non-recoverable error occured
Meanwhile, in the BE > Aimeos I get:

Code: Select all

Error SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'mordba.status' in 'field list', /home/dutchcycle/public_html/typo/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/DB/Statement/DBAL/Simple.php:91
and BE > Aimeos > Products is now empty. That is, all my products are gone.

I think I have to restore from backup ....

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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 31 Jul 2019, 23:42

Thanks for the fast reply! Good thing too because the live web site has now been totally down all day. Latest update I have is that I went into phpmyadmin and it looks like the data is still in tact, but I can't get the connection to be made.

Trying to follow your points, I re-upgraded aimeos and aimeos_dist to 19.x. I then clicked the "run update script" button and everything is OK. Also, when I go to BE > Aimeos > Products, I can once again see all the products, so clearly the DB has been converted to v19 format.

... but I'm a little shaky on what/where the index rebuild job OR media scale job is. I tried googling so as not to bother you and I found a link to a page that discusses per-product rebuilds, and then another with the scheduler. Now, my scheduler has never worked ever (since T3 3.8, no matter what we do it just won't run) but I did have an entry for index rebuild. I manually ran it. Then I created a single-use job of type "rescale product images" (I assume that's what you meant?). Both ran successfully AFAIK.

I went to the FE web site and the template appears. As well the ,"non-recoverable error" is gone and BE > Aimeos does work. However, the site contents are empty. That is, I can click on the catalogue but there's no aimeos content - just an empty template. Also, when I view a product via BE > Aimeos > Product > I see the product but many fields are blank (ex custom attributes, long description).

At this point, I just need the catalogue back. Then we can figure out why some fields are missing.

Thanks again so much!!!

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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by aimeos » 01 Aug 2019, 09:11

The index rebuild is necessary to find the product according to their names while the media rescale job creates the new responsive images needed.

If you have a "non-recoverable error", please have a look into the Log panel of the admin interface to see the problem and the stack trace.
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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 01 Aug 2019, 16:22

I went to the FE web site and the template appears. As well the ,"non-recoverable error" is gone and BE > Aimeos does work. However, the site contents are empty. That is, I can click on the catalogue but there's no aimeos content - just an empty template. Also, when I view a product via BE > Aimeos > Product > I see the product but many fields are blank (ex custom attributes, long description).

At this point, I just need the catalogue back. Then we can figure out why some fields are missing.
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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by superscotty19 » 01 Aug 2019, 18:16

The system was so broken and the urgency growing by the hour that I had to restore from backup. However, I would love to have steps/process for doing an upgrade to 19.x in 8.7 (if that's even possible)


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Re: Upgrade Explosion

Post by aimeos » 02 Aug 2019, 07:54

Upgrade is possible and the Aimeos dist package should be compatible with TYPO3 8.7 even if stated 9.5 only.

You should try again in a staging environment:
- Update aimeos_dist with aimeos and bootstrap_package
- Run update script (check if it succeeds or if there's an error)
- Run index rebuild and media rescale job
- Clear caches

If something is still broken then, we can investigate.
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