Cron Jobs on all-inkl

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Cron Jobs on all-inkl

Post by rowild » 05 Jan 2021, 13:18


I have a question concerning cronjobs, with which I do not have much experience.

On the hoster all-inkl TYPO3 cronjobs cannot be addressed directly, but instead a php script has to be created with this content:
exec("php72 /www/htdocs/LOGIN/PFAD/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 scheduler:run 2>&1", $out, $result);
echo "Returncode: " .$result ."<br>";
echo "Ausgabe des Scripts: " ."<br>";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($out);
In the allinkl backend there is an option to link to this script, then it works as a cronjob (if my terminology is not totally wrong now...). That backend also has all kinds of configuration options that cronjobs need, like how often it is called.

What is unclear to me:

Aimeos has lots of different cronjobs, some to be called each minute, others once a month etc. Do I now have to create such a php file for each an every aimeos scheduler task separately (and change the ID in the script's line, e.g. "...scheduler:run 15>&1")? That would mean "double the trouble"...

Or is it fine to create just one such script? If so, does this one have to be called as often as that aimeos scheduler that has to be called most often (I think that would be the voucher creator scheduler)?

Thank you!

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Re: Cron Jobs on all-inkl

Post by aimeos » 06 Jan 2021, 08:21

rowild wrote: 05 Jan 2021, 13:18 Aimeos has lots of different cronjobs, some to be called each minute, others once a month etc. Do I now have to create such a php file for each an every aimeos scheduler task separately (and change the ID in the script's line, e.g. "...scheduler:run 15>&1")? That would mean "double the trouble"...

Or is it fine to create just one such script? If so, does this one have to be called as often as that aimeos scheduler that has to be called most often (I think that would be the voucher creator scheduler)?
It's enough to call the TYPO3 scheduler once per minute and the scheduler cares about executing the tasks that should run. There's no need to create one script per task.
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Re: Cron Jobs on all-inkl

Post by rowild » 06 Jan 2021, 09:49

Thank you very much!

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