JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

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Paul L.
Posts: 6
Joined: 13 May 2015, 06:39

JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

Post by Paul L. » 18 May 2015, 08:58


as my title already mentioned, I'm getting this weird error on the detail page in the Typo3 extension:
console.png (22 KiB) Viewed 4214 times
The response I'm getting from that file is:

Code: Select all

<section class="aimeos locale-select">
<div class="locale-select-language">
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<section class="aimeos basket-mini">
	<a href="your-shop/shop/detail/">
<div class="basket-mini-main">
	<span class="quantity">0 Artikel</span>
	<span class="value">0.00 €</span>

</section><section class="aimeos catalog-session">
<section class="catalog-session-pinned">
	<h2 class="header">
Merkliste		<span class="count">0</span>
	<ul class="pinned-items"> 
<section class="catalog-session-seen">
	<h2 class="header">
Zuletzt angesehen		<span class="count">3</span>
	<ul class="seen-items"> 
		<li class="seen-item">
<a href="your-shop/shop/detail/d/44/Modell_Eurocopter/">
	<div class="media-item" style="background-image: url('uploads/tx_aimeos//preview/product/d/1/d113c229ca86bc04c5d4358a4aa6afc2.jpg')"></div>
	<h3 class="name">Modell Eurocopter​</h3>
	<div class="price-list">

			<div class="price-item">
				<span class="quantity">ab 1</span>
				<span class="value">12.00 €</span><span class="taxrate">Inkl. 20.00% MwSt.</span>
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<a href="your-shop/shop/detail/?ai%5Bd_name%5D=T-Shirt_%2522Ecureuil%2522&ai%5Bd_prodid%5D=43&ai%5Baction%5D=detail&ai%5Bcontroller%5D=Catalog">
	<div class="media-item" style="background-image: url('uploads/tx_aimeos//preview/product/e/4/e416bebfbf2d3da330fc6a6ccdc2115a.jpg')"></div>
	<h3 class="name"><span style="color: rgb(47, 47, 47); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">T-Shirt "Ecureuil"</span></h3>
	<div class="price-list">

			<div class="price-item">
				<span class="quantity">ab 1</span>
				<span class="value">12.00 €</span><span class="taxrate">Inkl. 20.00% MwSt.</span>
			</div>	</div>
		<li class="seen-item">
<a href="your-shop/shop/detail/?ai%5Bd_name%5D=Zell_am_See-Flugplatz%252C_40_Minuten&ai%5Bd_prodid%5D=50&ai%5Baction%5D=detail&ai%5Bcontroller%5D=Catalog">
	<div class="media-item" style="background-image: url('uploads/tx_aimeos//preview/product/6/5/65607ca0646ccdfb650bbd30d988d458.jpg')"></div>
	<h3 class="name"><span style="color: rgb(47, 47, 47); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">Zell am See-Flugplatz, 40 Minuten</span>​</h3>
	<div class="price-list">

			<div class="price-item">
				<span class="quantity">ab 1</span>
				<span class="value">255.00 €</span><span class="taxrate">Inkl. 0.00% MwSt.</span>
			</div>	</div>
<section class="aimeos catalog-stage">
<div class="catalog-stage-image">
</div><div class="catalog-stage-breadcrumb">
	<nav class="breadcrumb">
		<span class="title">Sie befinden sich hier:</span>
			<li><a href="your-shop/shop/detail/">Ihr Suchergebnis</a></li>

<!-- catalog.stage.navigator -->
<!-- catalog.stage.navigator -->
<section class="aimeos catalog-detail">
	<ul class="error-list">
		<li class="error-item">Item with ID "" in "product.id" not found</li>
	<article class="product" data-id="">
The error basically appeared over night, and I don't have a single clue on how to fix it, and I wanted to ask where I could fix this?
Grepping for s_prodid didn't return any relevant results (or at least I think so).

I'm sorry if this isn't the correct forum to post this issue to :S


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Re: JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

Post by aimeos » 18 May 2015, 09:23

Hi Paul
Paul L. wrote: Grepping for s_prodid didn't return any relevant results (or at least I think so).
Most likely, your page reference to the catalog stock page isn't set in your catalog detail plugin because your stock URL is "your-shop/shop/detail/...". If you set it accordingly, the error should be gone.

Paul L.
Posts: 6
Joined: 13 May 2015, 06:39

Re: JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

Post by Paul L. » 19 May 2015, 08:53


thanks for the hint!

We noticed that there were no entries at all in the Content Elements, so we tried to import the pagetree again, now we got this error:

Code: Select all

Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1: PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'data' in /var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/typo3conf/ext/flux/Classes/Provider/AbstractProvider.php line 522 (More information)

TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Exception thrown in file
/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/typo3_src-6.2.12/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Error/ErrorHandler.php in line 101.

11 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\ErrorHandler::handleError(2, "Illegal string offset 'data'", "/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/ty…onf/ext/flux/Classes/Provider/AbstractProvider.php", 522, array)

00520:   $fieldName = $this->getFieldName($row);
00521:   $tableName = $this->getTableName($row);
00522:   if (TRUE === is_array($row[$fieldName]['data']) && TRUE === is_array($row[$fieldName]['data']['options']['lDEF'])) {
00523:    foreach ($row[$fieldName]['data']['options']['lDEF'] as $key => $value) {
00524:     if (0 === strpos($key, $tableName)) {

10 FluidTYPO3\Flux\Provider\AbstractProvider::preProcessRecord(array, 818, TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler)
9 call_user_func_array(array, array)

00185:    foreach ($detectedProviders as $provider) {
00186:     if (TRUE === $provider->shouldCall($methodName, $id)) {
00187:      call_user_func_array(array($provider, $methodName), array_values($arguments));
00188:      $provider->trackMethodCall($methodName, $id);
00189:     }

8 FluidTYPO3\Flux\Backend\TceMain::executeConfigurationProviderMethod("preProcessRecord", "tt_content", 818, array, array, TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler)

00128:   $arguments = array('row' => &$incomingFieldArray, 'id' => $id);
00129:   $incomingFieldArray = $this->executeConfigurationProviderMethod(
00130:    'preProcessRecord', $table, $id, $incomingFieldArray, $arguments, $reference);
00131:  }

7 FluidTYPO3\Flux\Backend\TceMain::processDatamap_preProcessFieldArray(array, "tt_content", 818, TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler)

00976:       foreach ($hookObjectsArr as $hookObj) {
00977:        if (method_exists($hookObj, 'processDatamap_preProcessFieldArray')) {
00978:         $hookObj->processDatamap_preProcessFieldArray($incomingFieldArray, $table, $id, $this);
00979:        }
00980:       }

6 TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler::process_datamap()

02396:    ));
02397:    $tce->start($updateData, array());
02398:    $tce->process_datamap();
02399:    $this->callHook('after_setFlexFormRelations', array(
02400:     'tce' => &$tce

5 TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\ImportExport::setFlexFormRelations()

01449:   $this->setRelations();
01450:   // And when all DB relations are in place, we can fix file and DB relations in flexform fields (since data structures often depends on relations to a DS record):
01451:   $this->setFlexFormRelations();
01452:   // Unlink temporary files:
01453:   $this->unlinkTempFiles();

4 TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\ImportExport::importData(1)

01023:      if ($inData['import_file']) {
01024:       if (!count($extKeysToInstall)) {
01025:        $import->importData($this->id);
01026:        BackendUtility::setUpdateSignal('updatePageTree');
01027:       }

3 TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Controller\ImportExportController::importData(array)

00123:     }
00124:     // Call import interface:
00125:     $this->importData($inData);
00126:     break;
00127:   }

2 TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Controller\ImportExportController::main()

00049: $SOBE = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Impexp\\Controller\\ImportExportController');
00050: $SOBE->init();
00051: $SOBE->main();
00052: $SOBE->printContent();

1 require("/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/typo3_src-6.2.12/typo3/sysext/impexp/app/index.php")

00030:  require $temp_path . 'conf.php';
00031:  $BACK_PATH = '';
00032:  require $temp_path . 'index.php';
00033:  $isDispatched = TRUE;
00034: } else {
Could it be that we're missing an extension?


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Re: JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

Post by aimeos » 19 May 2015, 10:03

Paul L. wrote: We noticed that there were no entries at all in the Content Elements, so we tried to import the pagetree again, now we got this error:
Could it be that we're missing an extension?
I don't think it's a missing extension. Instead, I would try to deactivate the Flux extension as it seems to cause the problems.

Paul L.
Posts: 6
Joined: 13 May 2015, 06:39

Re: JS: "Unexpected Token <" while putting Item in Basket

Post by Paul L. » 19 May 2015, 11:56

Hey, thanks again.

We're having the issue that we need Flux, but we're trying to make a workaround.

Thanks for your time :)

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