Solr Plugin

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Solr Plugin

Post by loeffe1 » 20 Mar 2023, 08:10

Does the Ultra fast search with Solr plugin allow searching across the entire site and the aimeos catalog and products or is additional configuration required? If additional configuration is required, is it possible to use the Apache Solr for TYPO3 extension on top of your plugin to configure Solr and indexing of other non-aimeos tables or is it not possible to use both at the same time?

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Re: Solr Plugin

Post by aimeos » 29 Mar 2023, 09:19

Do you mean the ai-solr extension from the Aimeos company?

The TYPO3 Solr extension and the Aimeos ai-solr extension use totally different schemas which have nothing in common. It might be possible in Solr to query multiple indexes at once and return one result set but we don't have any experience with that approach.
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