Custom order in product manager

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Custom order in product manager

Post by loeffe1 » 16 Jan 2024, 14:16

I am fetching products by a comma separated list of product codes. When passing this list to the product manager, the order is lost and instead the products are ordered by product id. How can I ensure the order of my list is respected?

This is the relevant code in my Decorator:

Code: Select all

$codesArray = explode(',', $codes);
        $manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'product');
        $search = $manager->filter()->add( ['product.code' => $codesArray] )->slice( 0, count( $codesArray ) );
        $result = $manager->search( $search );

        $cntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create($context, 'product');
        return $cntl

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Re: Custom order in product manager

Post by aimeos » 18 Jan 2024, 15:13

You have to sort the result set using the PHP Map "uasort()" method before returning the result:
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