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Index Rebuild Problem

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 07:56
by velo
Hey there,

we have the following Problem. When we rebuidl the index through the scheduler task I get a bunch of this errors:

Code: Select all

Executing statement "
			INSERT INTO "mshop_index_text" (
				"prodid", "siteid", "textid", "langid", "listtype", "type",
				"domain", "value", "mtime", "editor", "ctime"
			) VALUES (
				11, 1, '117', 'de', 'default', 'faqAnswer', 'attribute', 'Das ist die Antwort zur Frage', '2016-07-22 09:48:25', 'scheduler', '2016-07-22 09:48:25'
		" failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '11-1-117-default' for key 'unq_msindte_p_s_tid_lt'
Even if I truncate the whole mshop_index_text table. I can't figure out whats the problem. The text element appears just one time in the mshop_text table

Thanks in advance

Re: Index Rebuild Problem

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 20:55
by aimeos
Check what's referenced in the mshop_product_list table of your product with ID 11. It's an attribute causing the error.