How to redirect editors after login to product list
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How to redirect editors after login to product list
How can only editors be redirected to the product list after logging into the backend? Admins and superadmins should continue to be redirected to the dashboard.
Thank your for your help.
aimeos: 2019.10.4
symfony: 4.3
php: 7.2
ubuntu: 18
How can only editors be redirected to the product list after logging into the backend? Admins and superadmins should continue to be redirected to the dashboard.
Thank your for your help.
aimeos: 2019.10.4
symfony: 4.3
php: 7.2
ubuntu: 18
Re: How to redirect editors after login to product list
Redirecting admin and editors is done here in the source code: ... hp#L33-L47
You can overwrite the controller and the route to make that configurable.
Alternatively, we would also accept a PR that make it configurable based on configuration ... hp#L33-L47
You can overwrite the controller and the route to make that configurable.
Alternatively, we would also accept a PR that make it configurable based on configuration

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Re: How to redirect editors after login to product list
I can do that as soon as I understand Aimeos correctly.
How can I access groups of the user? In the user object I have access to the role as an array (ROLE_ADMIN), but the groups are empty.

How can I access groups of the user? In the user object I have access to the role as an array (ROLE_ADMIN), but the groups are empty.
- Attachments
- empty groups.JPG (16.73 KiB) Viewed 236161 times
Re: How to redirect editors after login to product list
You can get the Aimeos groups and use a configuration for the default panel with:
Code: Select all
$config = $context->getConfig();
$custManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $context, 'customer' );
foreach( $custManager->getItem( $user->getId(), ['customer/group'] )->getRefItems( 'customer/group' ) as $groupItem )
if( ( $panel = $config->get( 'admin/jqadm/panel/' . $groupItem->getCode() ) !== null ) {
$resource = $panel;
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Re: How to redirect editors after login to product list
Many thanks for the help. It works for me.
First I extended the AdminController, get the local object and insert your code in file /src/Controller/MyShopAdminController.php
then I added the new configuration option panel in the file config/packages/aimeos_shop.yaml
and last changed the route in the file config/routes.yaml
First I extended the AdminController, get the local object and insert your code in file /src/Controller/MyShopAdminController.php
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namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Aimeos\ShopBundle\Controller\AdminController;
class MyShopAdminController extends AdminController
public function indexAction(Request $request)
if ($this->hasRole(['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN'])) {
$context = $this->get( 'aimeos.context' )->get(true);
$config = $context->getConfig();
$siteManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $context, 'locale/site' );
$user = $this->get( 'security.token_storage' )->getToken()->getUser();
$siteCode = ( $user->getSiteId() ? $siteManager->getItem( $user->getSiteId() )->getCode() : 'default' );
$locale = $user->getLanguageId() ?: ( $this->container->hasParameter( 'locale' ) ? $this->container->getParameter( 'locale' ) : 'en' );
$customerManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'customer');
foreach ($customerManager->getItem($user->getId(), ['customer/group'])->getRefItems('customer/group') as $groupItem) {
$resource = $config->get('admin/jqadm/panel/' . $groupItem->getCode()) ?: 'dashboard';
$params = array(
'resource' => $resource,
'site' => $request->attributes->get('site', $request->query->get('site', $siteCode)),
'lang' => $request->attributes->get('lang', $request->query->get('lang', $locale)),
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('aimeos_shop_jqadm_search', $params));
Code: Select all
editor: product
Code: Select all
path: /admin
controller: App\Controller\MyShopAdminController::indexAction