overriding Client\Html\Checkout\Standard\Standard.php

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Re: overriding Client\Html\Checkout\Standard\Standard.php

Post by aimeos » 19 Dec 2019, 07:22

You haven't posted your source code
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Re: overriding Client\Html\Checkout\Standard\Standard.php

Post by aloniwe » 19 Dec 2019, 10:12

As i told, i put the same code from ai-client-html:

Code: Select all

 * @license LGPLv3, http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0
 * @copyright Metaways Infosystems GmbH, 2012
 * @copyright Aimeos (aimeos.org), 2015-2018
 * @package Client
 * @subpackage Html
namespace Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Lists;
 * Default implementation of catalog list section HTML clients.
 * @package Client
 * @subpackage Html
class Standard
    extends \Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Base
    implements \Aimeos\Client\Html\Common\Client\Factory\Iface
    /** client/html/catalog/lists/standard/subparts
     * List of HTML sub-clients rendered within the catalog list section
     * The output of the frontend is composed of the code generated by the HTML
     * clients. Each HTML client can consist of serveral (or none) sub-clients
     * that are responsible for rendering certain sub-parts of the output. The
     * sub-clients can contain HTML clients themselves and therefore a
     * hierarchical tree of HTML clients is composed. Each HTML client creates
     * the output that is placed inside the container of its parent.
     * At first, always the HTML code generated by the parent is printed, then
     * the HTML code of its sub-clients. The order of the HTML sub-clients
     * determines the order of the output of these sub-clients inside the parent
     * container. If the configured list of clients is
     *  array( "subclient1", "subclient2" )
     * you can easily change the order of the output by reordering the subparts:
     *  client/html/<clients>/subparts = array( "subclient1", "subclient2" )
     * You can also remove one or more parts if they shouldn't be rendered:
     *  client/html/<clients>/subparts = array( "subclient1" )
     * As the clients only generates structural HTML, the layout defined via CSS
     * should support adding, removing or reordering content by a fluid like
     * design.
     * @param array List of sub-client names
     * @since 2014.03
     * @category Developer
    private $subPartPath = 'client/html/catalog/lists/standard/subparts';
    /** client/html/catalog/lists/promo/name
     * Name of the promotion part used by the catalog list client implementation
     * Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Lists\Promo\Myname".
     * The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".
     * @param string Last part of the client class name
     * @since 2014.03
     * @category Developer
    /** client/html/catalog/lists/items/name
     * Name of the items part used by the catalog list client implementation
     * Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Lists\Items\Myname".
     * The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".
     * @param string Last part of the client class name
     * @since 2014.03
     * @category Developer
    private $subPartNames = array( 'promo', 'items' );
    private $tags = [];
    private $expire;
    private $view;
     * Returns the HTML code for insertion into the body.
     * @param string $uid Unique identifier for the output if the content is placed more than once on the same page
     * @return string HTML code
    public function getBody( $uid = '' )
        $prefixes = array( 'f', 'l' );
        $context = $this->getContext();
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/cache
         * Enables or disables caching only for the catalog lists component
         * Disable caching for components can be useful if you would have too much
         * entries to cache or if the component contains non-cacheable parts that
         * can't be replaced using the modifyBody() and modifyHeader() methods.
         * @param boolean True to enable caching, false to disable
         * @category Developer
         * @category User
         * @see client/html/catalog/detail/cache
         * @see client/html/catalog/filter/cache
         * @see client/html/catalog/stage/cache
        /** client/html/catalog/lists
         * All parameters defined for the catalog list component and its subparts
         * This returns all settings related to the filter component.
         * Please refer to the single settings for details.
         * @param array Associative list of name/value settings
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog#list
        $confkey = 'client/html/catalog/lists';
        if( ( $html = $this->getCached( 'body', $uid, $prefixes, $confkey ) ) === null )
            $view = $this->getView();
            /** client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-body
             * Relative path to the HTML body template of the catalog list client.
             * The template file contains the HTML code and processing instructions
             * to generate the result shown in the body of the frontend. The
             * configuration string is the path to the template file relative
             * to the templates directory (usually in client/html/templates).
             * You can overwrite the template file configuration in extensions and
             * provide alternative templates. These alternative templates should be
             * named like the default one but with the string "standard" replaced by
             * an unique name. You may use the name of your project for this. If
             * you've implemented an alternative client class as well, "standard"
             * should be replaced by the name of the new class.
             * It's also possible to create a specific template for each type, e.g.
             * for the grid, list or whatever view you want to offer your users. In
             * that case, you can configure the template by adding "-<type>" to the
             * configuration key. To configure an alternative list view template for
             * example, use the key
             * client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-body-list = catalog/lists/body-list.php
             * The argument is the relative path to the new template file. The type of
             * the view is determined by the "l_type" parameter (allowed characters for
             * the types are a-z and 0-9), which is also stored in the session so users
             * will keep the view during their visit. The catalog list type subpart
             * contains the template for switching between list types.
             * @param string Relative path to the template creating code for the HTML page body
             * @since 2014.03
             * @category Developer
             * @see client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-header
             * @see client/html/catalog/lists/type/standard/template-body
            $tplconf = 'client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-body';
            $default = 'catalog/lists/body-standard';
                if( !isset( $this->view ) ) {
                    $view = $this->view = $this->getObject()->addData( $view, $this->tags, $this->expire );
                $html = '';
                foreach( $this->getSubClients() as $subclient ) {
                    $html .= $subclient->setView( $view )->getBody( $uid );
                $view->listBody = $html;
                $html = $view->render( $this->getTemplatePath( $tplconf, $default ) );
                $this->setCached( 'body', $uid, $prefixes, $confkey, $html, $this->tags, $this->expire );
                return $html;
            catch( \Aimeos\Client\Html\Exception $e )
                $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'client', $e->getMessage() ) );
                $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
            catch( \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Exception $e )
                $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'controller/frontend', $e->getMessage() ) );
                $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
            catch( \Aimeos\MShop\Exception $e )
                $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'mshop', $e->getMessage() ) );
                $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
            catch( \Exception $e )
                $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'client', 'A non-recoverable error occured' ) );
                $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
                $this->logException( $e );
            $html = $view->render( $this->getTemplatePath( $tplconf, $default ) );
            $html = $this->modifyBody( $html, $uid );
        return $html;
     * Returns the HTML string for insertion into the header.
     * @param string $uid Unique identifier for the output if the content is placed more than once on the same page
     * @return string|null String including HTML tags for the header on error
    public function getHeader( $uid = '' )
        $prefixes = array( 'f', 'l' );
        $confkey = 'client/html/catalog/lists';
        if( ( $html = $this->getCached( 'header', $uid, $prefixes, $confkey ) ) === null )
            $view = $this->getView();
            /** client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-header
             * Relative path to the HTML header template of the catalog list client.
             * The template file contains the HTML code and processing instructions
             * to generate the HTML code that is inserted into the HTML page header
             * of the rendered page in the frontend. The configuration string is the
             * path to the template file relative to the templates directory (usually
             * in client/html/templates).
             * You can overwrite the template file configuration in extensions and
             * provide alternative templates. These alternative templates should be
             * named like the default one but with the string "standard" replaced by
             * an unique name. You may use the name of your project for this. If
             * you've implemented an alternative client class as well, "standard"
             * should be replaced by the name of the new class.
             * It's also possible to create a specific template for each type, e.g.
             * for the grid, list or whatever view you want to offer your users. In
             * that case, you can configure the template by adding "-<type>" to the
             * configuration key. To configure an alternative list view template for
             * example, use the key
             * client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-header-list = catalog/lists/header-list.php
             * The argument is the relative path to the new template file. The type of
             * the view is determined by the "l_type" parameter (allowed characters for
             * the types are a-z and 0-9), which is also stored in the session so users
             * will keep the view during their visit. The catalog list type subpart
             * contains the template for switching between list types.
             * @param string Relative path to the template creating code for the HTML page head
             * @since 2014.03
             * @category Developer
             * @see client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-body
             * @see client/html/catalog/lists/type/standard/template-body
            $tplconf = 'client/html/catalog/lists/standard/template-header';
            $default = 'catalog/lists/header-standard';
                if( !isset( $this->view ) ) {
                    $view = $this->view = $this->getObject()->addData( $view, $this->tags, $this->expire );
                $html = '';
                foreach( $this->getSubClients() as $subclient ) {
                    $html .= $subclient->setView( $view )->getHeader( $uid );
                $view->listHeader = $html;
                $html = $view->render( $this->getTemplatePath( $tplconf, $default ) );
                $this->setCached( 'header', $uid, $prefixes, $confkey, $html, $this->tags, $this->expire );
                return $html;
            catch( \Exception $e )
                $this->logException( $e );
            $html = $this->modifyHeader( $html, $uid );
        return $html;
     * Returns the sub-client given by its name.
     * @param string $type Name of the client type
     * @param string|null $name Name of the sub-client (Default if null)
     * @return \Aimeos\Client\Html\Iface Sub-client object
    public function getSubClient( $type, $name = null )
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/excludes
         * Excludes decorators added by the "common" option from the catalog list html client
         * Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects
         * (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying
         * class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or
         * modify what is returned to the caller.
         * This option allows you to remove a decorator added via
         * "client/html/common/decorators/default" before they are wrapped
         * around the html client.
         *  client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/excludes = array( 'decorator1' )
         * This would remove the decorator named "decorator1" from the list of
         * common decorators ("\Aimeos\Client\Html\Common\Decorator\*") added via
         * "client/html/common/decorators/default" to the html client.
         * @param array List of decorator names
         * @since 2014.05
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/common/decorators/default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/global
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/local
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/global
         * Adds a list of globally available decorators only to the catalog list html client
         * Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects
         * (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying
         * class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or
         * modify what is returned to the caller.
         * This option allows you to wrap global decorators
         * ("\Aimeos\Client\Html\Common\Decorator\*") around the html client.
         *  client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/global = array( 'decorator1' )
         * This would add the decorator named "decorator1" defined by
         * "\Aimeos\Client\Html\Common\Decorator\Decorator1" only to the html client.
         * @param array List of decorator names
         * @since 2014.05
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/common/decorators/default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/excludes
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/local
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/local
         * Adds a list of local decorators only to the catalog list html client
         * Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects
         * (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying
         * class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or
         * modify what is returned to the caller.
         * This option allows you to wrap local decorators
         * ("\Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Decorator\*") around the html client.
         *  client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/local = array( 'decorator2' )
         * This would add the decorator named "decorator2" defined by
         * "\Aimeos\Client\Html\Catalog\Decorator\Decorator2" only to the html client.
         * @param array List of decorator names
         * @since 2014.05
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/common/decorators/default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/excludes
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/decorators/global
        return $this->createSubClient( 'catalog/lists/' . $type, $name );
     * Processes the input, e.g. store given values.
     * A view must be available and this method doesn't generate any output
     * besides setting view variables.
    public function process()
        $context = $this->getContext();
        $view = $this->getView();
            $site = $context->getLocale()->getSite()->getCode();
            $params = $this->getClientParams( $view->param() );
            $catId = $context->getConfig()->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default' );
            if( ( $catId = $view->param( 'f_catid', $catId ) ) )
                $params['f_name'] = $view->param( 'f_name' );
                $params['f_catid'] = $catId;
            $context->getSession()->set( 'aimeos/catalog/lists/params/last/' . $site, $params );
        catch( \Aimeos\Client\Html\Exception $e )
            $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'client', $e->getMessage() ) );
            $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
        catch( \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Exception $e )
            $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'controller/frontend', $e->getMessage() ) );
            $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
        catch( \Aimeos\MShop\Exception $e )
            $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'mshop', $e->getMessage() ) );
            $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
        catch( \Exception $e )
            $error = array( $context->getI18n()->dt( 'client', 'A non-recoverable error occured' ) );
            $view->listErrorList = array_merge( $view->get( 'listErrorList', [] ), $error );
            $this->logException( $e );
     * Returns the list of sub-client names configured for the client.
     * @return array List of HTML client names
    protected function getSubClientNames()
        return $this->getContext()->getConfig()->get( $this->subPartPath, $this->subPartNames );
     * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
     * @param \Aimeos\MW\View\Iface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
     * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
     * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
     * @return \Aimeos\MW\View\Iface Modified view object
    public function addData( \Aimeos\MW\View\Iface $view, array &$tags = [], &$expire = null )
        $total = 0;
        $context = $this->getContext();
        $config = $context->getConfig();
        /** client/html/catalog/domains
         * A list of domain names whose items should be available in the catalog view templates
         * The templates rendering catalog related data usually add the images and
         * texts associated to each item. If you want to display additional
         * content like the attributes, you can configure your own list of
         * domains (attribute, media, price, product, text, etc. are domains)
         * whose items are fetched from the storage. Please keep in mind that
         * the more domains you add to the configuration, the more time is required
         * for fetching the content!
         * This configuration option can be overwritten by the "client/html/catalog/lists/domains"
         * configuration option that allows to configure the domain names of the
         * items fetched specifically for all types of product listings.
         * @param array List of domain names
         * @since 2014.03
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/pages
        $domains = $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/domains', ['media', 'price', 'text'] );
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * A list of domain names whose items should be available in the product list view template
         * The templates rendering product lists usually add the images, prices
         * and texts associated to each product item. If you want to display additional
         * content like the product attributes, you can configure your own list of
         * domains (attribute, media, price, product, text, etc. are domains)
         * whose items are fetched from the storage. Please keep in mind that
         * the more domains you add to the configuration, the more time is required
         * for fetching the content!
         * This configuration option overwrites the "client/html/catalog/domains"
         * option that allows to configure the domain names of the items fetched
         * for all catalog related data.
         * @param array List of domain names
         * @since 2014.03
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/detail/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/stage/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/pages
        $domains = $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/domains', $domains );
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/pages
         * Maximum number of product pages shown in pagination
         * Limits the number of product pages that are shown in the navigation.
         * The user is able to move to the next page (or previous one if it's not
         * the first) to display the next (or previous) products.
         * The value must be a positive integer number. Negative values are not
         * allowed. The value can't be overwritten per request.
         * @param integer Number of pages
         * @since 2019.04
         * @category User
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
        $pages = $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/pages', 100 );
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/size
         * The number of products shown in a list page
         * Limits the number of products that are shown in the list pages to the
         * given value. If more products are available, the products are split
         * into bunches which will be shown on their own list page. The user is
         * able to move to the next page (or previous one if it's not the first)
         * to display the next (or previous) products.
         * The value must be an integer number from 1 to 100. Negative values as
         * well as values above 100 are not allowed. The value can be overwritten
         * per request if the "l_size" parameter is part of the URL.
         * @param integer Number of products
         * @since 2014.03
         * @category User
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/pages
        $size = $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/size', 48 );
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * Include products of sub-categories in the product list of the current category
         * Sometimes it may be useful to show products of sub-categories in the
         * current category product list, e.g. if the current category contains
         * no products at all or if there are only a few products in all categories.
         * Possible constant values for this setting are:
         * * 1 : Only products from the current category
         * * 2 : Products from the current category and the direct child categories
         * * 3 : Products from the current category and the whole category sub-tree
         * Caution: Please keep in mind that displaying products of sub-categories
         * can slow down your shop, especially if it contains more than a few
         * products! You have no real control over the positions of the products
         * in the result list too because all products from different categories
         * with the same position value are placed randomly.
         * Usually, a better way is to associate products to all categories they
         * should be listed in. This can be done manually if there are only a few
         * ones or during the product import automatically.
         * @param integer Tree level constant
         * @since 2015.11
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/pages
        $level = $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/levels', \Aimeos\MW\Tree\Manager\Base::LEVEL_ONE );
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * The default category ID used if none is given as parameter
         * If users view a product list page without a category ID in the
         * parameter list, the first found products are displayed with a
         * random order. You can circumvent this by configuring a default
         * category ID that should be used in this case (the ID of the root
         * category is best for this). In most cases you can set this value
         * via the administration interface of the shop application.
         * @param string Category ID
         * @since 2014.03
         * @category User
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/detail/prodid-default
        $catids = $view->param( 'f_catid', $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default' ) );
        $catids = $catids != null && is_scalar( $catids ) ? explode( ',', $catids ) : $catids; // workaround for TYPO3
        /** client/html/catalog/lists/sort
         * Default sorting of product list if no other sorting is given by parameter
         * Configures the standard sorting of products in list views. This sorting is used
         * as long as it's not overwritten by an URL parameter. Except "relevance", all
         * other sort codes can be prefixed by a "-" (minus) sign to sort the products in
         * a descending order. By default, the sorting is ascending.
         * @param string Sort code "relevance", "name", "-name", "price", "-price", "ctime" or "-ctime"
         * @since 2018.07
         * @category User
         * @category Developer
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/catid-default
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/domains
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/levels
         * @see client/html/catalog/lists/size
        $sort = $view->param( 'f_sort', $config->get( 'client/html/catalog/lists/sort', 'relevance' ) );
        $size = min( max( $view->param( 'l_size', $size ), 1 ), 100 );
        $page = min( max( $view->param( 'l_page', 1 ), 1 ), $pages );
        $products = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create( $context, 'product' )
            ->sort( $sort ) // prioritize user sorting over the sorting through category
            ->category( $catids, 'default', $level )
            ->supplier( $view->param( 'f_supid', [] ) )
            ->allOf( $view->param( 'f_attrid', [] ) )
            ->oneOf( $view->param( 'f_optid', [] ) )
            ->oneOf( $view->param( 'f_oneid', [] ) )
            ->text( $view->param( 'f_search' ) )
            ->slice( ( $page - 1 ) * $size, $size )
            ->uses( $domains )
            ->search( $total );
        if( $catids != null )
            $controller = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create( $context, 'catalog' )->uses( $domains );
            $listCatPath = $controller->getPath( is_array( $catids ) ? reset( $catids ) : $catids );
            if( ( $categoryItem = end( $listCatPath ) ) !== false ) {
                $view->listCurrentCatItem = $categoryItem;
            $view->listCatPath = $listCatPath;
            $this->addMetaItems( $listCatPath, $expire, $tags );
        // Delete cache when products are added or deleted even when in "tag-all" mode
        $this->addMetaItems( $products, $expire, $tags, ['product'] );
        $view->listParams = $this->getClientParams( $view->param() );
        $view->listProductItems = $products;
        $view->listProductSort = $sort;
        $view->listProductTotal = $total;
        $view->listPageSize = $size;
        $view->listPageCurr = $page;
        $view->listPagePrev = ( $page > 1 ? $page - 1 : 1 );
        $view->listPageLast = ( $total != 0 ? ceil( $total / $size ) : 1 );
        $view->listPageNext = ( $page < $view->listPageLast ? $page + 1 : $view->listPageLast );
        return parent::addData( $view, $tags, $expire );

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Re: overriding Client\Html\Checkout\Standard\Standard.php

Post by aimeos » 20 Dec 2019, 14:31

Your class is still named "Standard":

Code: Select all

class Standard
instead of

Code: Select all

class Mystandard
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Re: overriding Client\Html\Checkout\Standard\Standard.php

Post by aloniwe » 23 Dec 2019, 15:50

How could i miss that..
sorry and and thank you.

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