Get category of bought products (default and select)
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Get category of bought products (default and select)
I'm trying to create a 'my bought products' page where all products ever bought by a customer are grouped by 1st level category names. The selection of the default-articles works fine so far.
But I'm having problems with selection-articles:
Selection-products are bought as "default-product", but there is no category assignment.
The category is assgined on select-product level.
I have already made several attempts (see A and B below) but eihter category name is missing or the default-product of the selection-product.
How can I query the products (default and selection) with category, price and media?
Thank you!
I'm trying to create a 'my bought products' page where all products ever bought by a customer are grouped by 1st level category names. The selection of the default-articles works fine so far.
But I'm having problems with selection-articles:
Selection-products are bought as "default-product", but there is no category assignment.
The category is assgined on select-product level.
I have already made several attempts (see A and B below) but eihter category name is missing or the default-product of the selection-product.
How can I query the products (default and selection) with category, price and media?
Code: Select all
//get customer id
$custid = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create($context, 'customer')->get();
//query orders from current customer
$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'order' , 'Standard');
$filter = $manager->filter()->add('order.customerid', '==', $custid);
$resultOrders = $manager->search($filter)->getId();
//query products from oders
$managerOrderProducts = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'order/product', 'Standard' );
$filterOrderProducts = $managerOrderProducts->filter()->add('order.product.parentid', '==', $resultOrders);
$resultOrderProducts = $managerOrderProducts->search($filterOrderProducts); //
//get catalog, price and media domains
$managerProducts = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'product' );
$filterProducts = $managerProducts->filter();
//attempt A
$filterProducts->add('', '==', $resultOrderProducts->getProductId());
//attempt B:
$filterProducts->add( $filter->or( [
$filter->and( [
$filter->is( '', '==', $resultOrderProducts->getProductId() ),
$filter->is( 'product.type', '==', 'default' ),
] ),
$filter->and( [
$filter->is( '', '==', $resultOrderProducts->getParentProductId() ),
$filter->is( 'product.type', '==', 'select' ),
] ),
] ) );
$resultProducts = $managerProducts->search($filterProducts, ['catalog', 'price', 'media']);
// group favorite items by 1st level category
$listItems = $resultProducts->groupBy( function( $item, $key ) {
$name ='';
if (($productItem = $item->getRefItems('catalog')) !== null) {
$name = $item->getRefItems( 'catalog')->where( 'level', '==', '1' )->getName()->first();
return $name;
Re: Get category of bought products (default and select)
Use variant B and add 'product' to the list of items that should be fetched so you get all variant articles for the selection products too. The more efficient way would be variant A and fetch the corresponding selection products in a second query.
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Re: Get category of bought products (default and select)
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately it doesn't work yet.
added 'product' to the selected domains:
Selection item (product.type: select):
code: 1000
with 2 variants (product.type: default):
code: 1000-1 and
code: 1000-2
item with code 1000-1 is the one that was purchased and should be listed
For product code 1000-1 media and price data are present, but catalog data are still missing.
What is missing or what am I doing wrong?
added 'product' to the selected domains:
Code: Select all
$filterProducts->add( $filter->or( [
$filter->and( [
$filter->is( '', '==', $resultOrderProducts->getProductId() ),
$filter->is( 'product.type', '==', 'default' ),
] ),
$filter->and( [
$filter->is( '', '==', $resultOrderProducts->getParentProductId() ),
$filter->is( 'product.type', '==', 'select' ),
] ),
] ) );
$resultProducts = $managerProducts->search($filterProducts, ['product','catalog', 'price', 'media']);
code: 1000
with 2 variants (product.type: default):
code: 1000-1 and
code: 1000-2
item with code 1000-1 is the one that was purchased and should be listed
For product code 1000-1 media and price data are present, but catalog data are still missing.
What is missing or what am I doing wrong?
Re: Get category of bought products (default and select)
The categories are only in the selection product with code "1000"
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