Default Aimeos Data

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Default Aimeos Data

Post by jramirezgranada » 23 Aug 2018, 14:47

Hi there;

I want to change some default data, i.e product types, I want to remove yours to create my own product types,
I've created this file /my-ext/lib/custom/setup/default/data/type.php also I created /my-ext/lib/custom/setup/AddTypeData.php with this content.


Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3,
 * @copyright Metaways Infosystems GmbH, 2012
 * @copyright Aimeos (, 2015-2017

return array(

    'product/type' => array(
        array('domain' => 'product', 'code' => 'prod-type-1', 'label' => 'Prod Type 1', 'status' => 1),
        array('domain' => 'product', 'code' => 'prod-type-1', 'label' => 'Prod Type 2', 'status' => 1),
and AddTypeData.php

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3,
 * @copyright Metaways Infosystems GmbH, 2012
 * @copyright Aimeos (, 2015-2017

namespace Aimeos\MW\Setup\Task;

 * Adds default records to tables.
class AddTypeData extends \Aimeos\MW\Setup\Task\Base
    private $editor = '';
    private $domainManagers = [];

     * Returns the list of task names which this task depends on.
     * @return string[] List of task names
    public function getPreDependencies()
        return array('MShopSetLocale');

     * Returns the list of task names which depends on this task.
     * @return array List of task names
    public function getPostDependencies()
        return [];

     * Executes the task for MySQL databases.
    public function migrate()
        // executed by tasks in sub-directories for specific sites

     * Adds locale data.
    protected function process()
        $iface = '\\Aimeos\\MShop\\Context\\Item\\Iface';
        if (!($this->additional instanceof $iface)) {
            throw new \Aimeos\MW\Setup\Exception(sprintf('Additionally provided object is not of type "%1$s"', $iface));

        $sitecode = $this->additional->getLocale()->getSite()->getCode();
        $this->msg(sprintf('Adding MShop type data for site "%1$s"', $sitecode), 0);

        $filename = __DIR__ . $ds . 'default' . $ds . 'data' . $ds . 'type.php';
        if (($testdata = include($filename)) == false) {
            throw new \Aimeos\MShop\Exception(sprintf('No type file found in "%1$s"', $filename));


    protected function processFile(array $testdata)
        $editor = $this->additional->getEditor();

        foreach ($testdata as $domain => $datasets) {
            $this->msg(sprintf('Checking "%1$s" type data', $domain), 1);

            $domainManager = $this->getDomainManager($domain);
            $type = $domainManager->createItem();
            $num = $total = 0;

            foreach ($datasets as $dataset) {


                try {
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                } // if type was already available

            $this->status($num > 0 ? $num . '/' . $total : 'OK');


     * Returns the manager for the given domain and sub-domains.
     * @param string $domain String of domain and sub-domains, e.g. "product" or "order/base/service"
     * @return \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Manager\Iface Domain manager
     * @throws \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Exception If domain string is invalid or no manager can be instantiated
    protected function getDomainManager($domain)
        $domain = strtolower(trim($domain, "/ \n\t\r\0\x0B"));

        if (strlen($domain) === 0) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('An empty domain is invalid');

        if (!isset($this->domainManagers[$domain])) {
            $parts = explode('/', $domain);

            foreach ($parts as $part) {
                if (ctype_alnum($part) === false) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid domain "%1$s"', $domain));

            if (($domainname = array_shift($parts)) === null) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('An empty domain is invalid');

            if (!isset($this->domainManagers[$domainname])) {
                $iface = '\\Aimeos\\MShop\\Common\\Manager\\Iface';
                $factory = '\\Aimeos\\MShop\\' . ucwords($domainname) . '\\Manager\\Factory';
                $manager = call_user_func_array($factory . '::createManager', array($this->additional));

                if (!($manager instanceof $iface)) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No factory "%1$s" found', $factory));

                $this->domainManagers[$domainname] = $manager;

            foreach ($parts as $part) {
                $tmpname = $domainname . '/' . $part;

                if (!isset($this->domainManagers[$tmpname])) {
                    $this->domainManagers[$tmpname] = $this->domainManagers[$domainname]->getSubManager($part);

                $domainname = $tmpname;

        return $this->domainManagers[$domain];

     * Starts a new transaction
    protected function txBegin()
        $dbm = $this->additional->getDatabaseManager();

        $conn = $dbm->acquire();

     * Commits an existing transaction
    protected function txCommit()
        $dbm = $this->additional->getDatabaseManager();

        $conn = $dbm->acquire();
But nothing happen I always see your demo data
Jorge A Ramirez
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Re: Default Aimeos Data

Post by aimeos » 23 Aug 2018, 19:24

The migrate() method is the one you must implement. The example you copied the code from is extended by other tasks that implement migrate() and call the process() method themselves.

One more thing: Why do you want to add more product types?
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Re: Default Aimeos Data

Post by jramirezgranada » 23 Aug 2018, 20:36

Because we have others product types and depending on product type we need to load some product properties and attributes.
Jorge A Ramirez
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Re: Default Aimeos Data

Post by aimeos » 24 Aug 2018, 14:18

All product properties and attributes that belong to a product can be loaded from the database and handed over to the list and detail view if you configure the referenced "domains" setting correctly. That's not a reason for creating new product types.

You only need new product types if your product type needs additional processing to put them into the basket and it's not possible by using articles, selections, bundles or vouchers (and in combination with basket plugins).
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