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categories's images at 'catalog/filter'

Posted: 29 Dec 2017, 19:49
by Travin
I want to use categories's images at 'catalog/filter'. I see the code at client\html\templates\catalog\filter\tree-default.php:

Code: Select all

<div class="media-list"><!--
						<?php foreach( $item->getListItems( 'media', 'icon' ) as $listItem ) : ?>
							<?php if( ( $mediaItem = $listItem->getRefItem() ) !== null ) : ?>
								<?= '-->' . $this->partial(
									$this->config( 'client/html/common/partials/media', 'common/partials/media-default.php' ),
									array( 'item' => $mediaItem, 'boxAttributes' => array( 'class' => 'media-item' ) )
								) . '<!--'; ?>
							<?php endif; ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>

I think it should render me some images but it does not. There are no one $listItem at "foreach" block.
I think it depends on some aimeos settings but i did not find anything at the documentation. :)

Re: categories's images at 'catalog/filter'

Posted: 30 Dec 2017, 14:27
by aimeos
Maybe it's only the list type that's not 'icon'. In 2017.10, you can't change the list type in the JQAdm interface. That will be possible in 2018.01 and is possible in your version in the expert mode interface.