Override SQL Querys for ai-laravel does not work

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Override SQL Querys for ai-laravel does not work

Post by kn0x1c » 29 Apr 2020, 11:58

Hello there,

I'm really new to aimeos but I think it's a pretty nice shop system. Currently I'm facing a problem, where I want to override the SQL Querys for the customers, but it is still using the new from ai-laravel.

I already tried the suggestions from: laravel-package-f18/override-ext-ai-laravel-t1135.html
and also: help-f15/how-to-add-additional-fields-t ... -t599.html

What I've done:
Created a new folder in /ext with my custom name.

I tried adding the file mshop.php in the <<module_path>>/config folder, with the following content:

Code: Select all


return array(
	'manager' => array(
		'address' => array(
			'laravel' => array(
				'delete' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
				'insert' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "ASDFBREAK_address" ( :names
							"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES ( :values
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
				'update' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "ASDFBREAK_address"
						SET :names
							"parentid" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?, "salutation" = ?,
							"title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?, "address1" = ?,
							"address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?, "city" = ?,
							"state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?, "telephone" = ?,
							"email" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?, "longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?,
							"pos" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "siteid" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
				'search' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT DISTINCT :columns
							lvuad."id" AS "customer.address.id", lvuad."parentid" AS "customer.address.parentid",
							lvuad."company" AS "customer.address.company", lvuad."vatid" AS "customer.address.vatid",
							lvuad."salutation" AS "customer.address.salutation", lvuad."title" AS "customer.address.title",
							lvuad."firstname" AS "customer.address.firstname", lvuad."lastname" AS "customer.address.lastname",
							lvuad."address1" AS "customer.address.address1", lvuad."address2" AS "customer.address.address2",
							lvuad."address3" AS "customer.address.address3", lvuad."postal" AS "customer.address.postal",
							lvuad."city" AS "customer.address.city", lvuad."state" AS "customer.address.state",
							lvuad."countryid" AS "customer.address.countryid", lvuad."langid" AS "customer.address.languageid",
							lvuad."telephone" AS "customer.address.telephone", lvuad."email" AS "customer.address.email",
							lvuad."telefax" AS "customer.address.telefax", lvuad."website" AS "customer.address.website",
							lvuad."longitude" AS "customer.address.longitude", lvuad."latitude" AS "customer.address.latitude",
							lvuad."pos" AS "customer.address.position", lvuad."mtime" AS "customer.address.mtime",
							lvuad."editor" AS "customer.address.editor", lvuad."ctime" AS "customer.address.ctime",
							lvuad."siteid" AS "customer.address.siteid"
						FROM "ASDFBREAK_address" AS lvuad
						WHERE :cond
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
				'count' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuad."id"
							FROM "ASDFBREAK_address" AS lvuad
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
				'newid' => array(
					'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
					'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
					'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDFBREAK_address.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
					'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
					'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
					'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
					'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
		'lists' => array(
			'type' => array(
				'laravel' => array(
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDFBREAK_list_type" ( :names
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDFBREAK_list_type"
							SET :names
								"code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDFBREAK_list_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT DISTINCT :columns
								lvulity."id" AS "customer.lists.type.id", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
								lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
								lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
								lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
								lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
							FROM "ASDFBREAK_list_type" AS lvulity
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
								FROM "ASDFBREAK_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS LIST
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDFBREAK_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'laravel' => array(
				'aggregate' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
							FROM "ASDFBREAK_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						) AS list
						GROUP BY "key"
				'delete' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
				'insert' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "ASDFBREAK_list" ( :names
							"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
						"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES ( :values
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
				'update' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SET :names
							"parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?,
							"end" = ?, "config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
				'search' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT :columns
							lvuli."id" AS "customer.lists.id", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
							lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
							lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
							lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
							lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
							lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
							lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
						FROM "ASDFBREAK_list" AS lvuli
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY :columns
							lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
							lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
							lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
							lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime"
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
				'count' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
							FROM "ASDFBREAK_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
				'newid' => array(
					'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
					'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
					'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
					'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
					'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
					'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
		'property' => array(
			'type' => array(
				'laravel' => array(
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDFBREAK_property_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDFBREAK_property_type" ( :names
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDFBREAK_property_type"
							SET :names
								"code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT DISTINCT :columns
								lvuprty."id" AS "customer.property.type.id", lvuprty."siteid" AS "customer.property.type.siteid",
								lvuprty."code" AS "customer.property.type.code", lvuprty."domain" AS "customer.property.type.domain",
								lvuprty."label" AS "customer.property.type.label", lvuprty."status" AS "customer.property.type.status",
								lvuprty."mtime" AS "customer.property.type.mtime", lvuprty."editor" AS "customer.property.type.editor",
								lvuprty."ctime" AS "customer.property.type.ctime", lvuprty."pos" AS "customer.property.type.position"
							FROM "ASDFBREAK_property_type" lvuprty
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
								FROM "ASDFBREAK_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDFBREAK_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'laravel' => array(
				'delete' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "ASDFBREAK_property"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
		'laravel' => array(
			'delete' => array(
				'ansi' => '
					WHERE :cond
			'insert' => array(
				'ansi' => '
						"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
						"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
						"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
						"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
						"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
						"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
					) VALUES ( :values
			'update' => array(
				'ansi' => '
					SET :names
						"siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
						"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
						"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
						"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
						"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
						"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
						"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
					WHERE "id" = ?
			'search' => array(
				'ansi' => '
					SELECT DISTINCT :columns
						lvu."id" AS "customer.id", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
						lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
						lvu."company" AS "customer.company", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
						lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
						lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
						lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
						lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
						lvu."city" AS "customer.city", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
						lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
						lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
						lvu."email" AS "customer.email", lvu."website" AS "customer.website",
						lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
						lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
						lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
						lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
						lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
					WHERE :cond
					/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
					LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
			'count' => array(
				'ansi' => '
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
					FROM (
						SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
						WHERE :cond
						LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
					) AS list
			'newid' => array(
				'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
				'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
				'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
				'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
				'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
I tried adding a file in <<module path>>/lib/custom/config/mshop/customer.php with the following content:

Code: Select all


return array(
		'manager' => array(
			'address' => array(
				'laravel' => array(
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_address"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_address" ( :names
								"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
								"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
								"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
								"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
								"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
						'search' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT DISTINCT :columns
									lvulity."id" AS "customer.lists.type.id", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
									lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
									lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
									lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
									lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
								FROM "ASDF_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						'count' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
								FROM (
									SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
									FROM "ASDF_list_type" AS lvulity
									WHERE :cond
									LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
								) AS LIST
						'newid' => array(
							'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
							'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
							'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
							'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
							'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
							'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
							'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
				'laravel' => array(
					'aggregate' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
								FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
							) AS list
							GROUP BY "key"
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_list"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_list" ( :names
								"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
							"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDF_list"
							SET :names
								"parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?,
								"end" = ?, "config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT :columns
								lvuli."id" AS "customer.lists.id", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
								lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
								lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
								lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
								lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
								lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
								lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
							FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY :columns
								lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
								lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
								lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
								lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime"
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
								FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_list.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'property' => array(
				'type' => array(
					'laravel' => array(
						'delete' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								DELETE FROM "ASDF_property_type"
								WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
						'insert' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								INSERT INTO "ASDF_property_type" ( :names
									"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
									"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
								) VALUES ( :values
									?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
						'update' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								UPDATE "ASDF_property_type"
								SET :names
									"code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
									"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
								WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
						'search' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT DISTINCT :columns
									lvuprty."id" AS "customer.property.type.id", lvuprty."siteid" AS "customer.property.type.siteid",
									lvuprty."code" AS "customer.property.type.code", lvuprty."domain" AS "customer.property.type.domain",
									lvuprty."label" AS "customer.property.type.label", lvuprty."status" AS "customer.property.type.status",
									lvuprty."mtime" AS "customer.property.type.mtime", lvuprty."editor" AS "customer.property.type.editor",
									lvuprty."ctime" AS "customer.property.type.ctime", lvuprty."pos" AS "customer.property.type.position"
								FROM "ASDF_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						'count' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
								FROM (
									SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
									FROM "ASDF_property_type" lvuprty
									WHERE :cond
									LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
								) AS list
						'newid' => array(
							'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
							'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
							'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
							'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
							'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
							'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
							'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
				'laravel' => array(
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_property"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_property" ( :names
								"parentid", "key", "type", "langid", "value",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDF_property"
							SET :names
								"parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "langid" = ?,
								"value" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT DISTINCT :columns
								lvupr."id" AS "customer.property.id", lvupr."parentid" AS "customer.property.parentid",
								lvupr."siteid" AS "customer.property.siteid", lvupr."type" AS "customer.property.type",
								lvupr."langid" AS "customer.property.languageid", lvupr."value" AS "customer.property.value",
								lvupr."mtime" AS "customer.property.mtime", lvupr."editor" AS "customer.property.editor",
								lvupr."ctime" AS "customer.property.ctime"
							FROM "ASDF_property" AS lvupr
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvupr."id"
								FROM "ASDF_property" AS lvupr
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_property_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'laravel' => array(
				'delete' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						WHERE :cond
				'insert' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "ASDF" ( :names
							"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
							"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
						) VALUES ( :values
				'update' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SET :names
							"siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
							"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
							"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
							"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
							"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
							"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
							"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
				'search' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT DISTINCT :columns
							lvu."id" AS "customer.id", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
							lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
							lvu."company" AS "customer.company", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
							lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
							lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
							lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
							lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
							lvu."city" AS "customer.city", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
							lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
							lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
							lvu."email" AS "customer.email", lvu."website" AS "customer.website",
							lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
							lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
							lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
							lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
							lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
						WHERE :cond
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
				'count' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
							FROM "ASDF" AS lvu
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
				'newid' => array(
					'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
					'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
					'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
					'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
					'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
					'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
I tried adding a file in the <<module path>>/lib/custom/config/mshop.php with the following content:

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3, http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0
 * @copyright Aimeos (aimeos.org), 2015-2018

return array(
		'manager' => array(
			'address' => array(
				'laravel' => array(
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_address"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_address" ( :names
								"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
								"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
								"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
								"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
								"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDF_address"
							SET :names
								"parentid" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?, "salutation" = ?,
								"title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?, "address1" = ?,
								"address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?, "city" = ?,
								"state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?, "telephone" = ?,
								"email" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?, "longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?,
								"pos" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "siteid" = ?
							WHERE "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT DISTINCT :columns
								lvuad."id" AS "customer.address.id", lvuad."parentid" AS "customer.address.parentid",
								lvuad."company" AS "customer.address.company", lvuad."vatid" AS "customer.address.vatid",
								lvuad."salutation" AS "customer.address.salutation", lvuad."title" AS "customer.address.title",
								lvuad."firstname" AS "customer.address.firstname", lvuad."lastname" AS "customer.address.lastname",
								lvuad."address1" AS "customer.address.address1", lvuad."address2" AS "customer.address.address2",
								lvuad."address3" AS "customer.address.address3", lvuad."postal" AS "customer.address.postal",
								lvuad."city" AS "customer.address.city", lvuad."state" AS "customer.address.state",
								lvuad."countryid" AS "customer.address.countryid", lvuad."langid" AS "customer.address.languageid",
								lvuad."telephone" AS "customer.address.telephone", lvuad."email" AS "customer.address.email",
								lvuad."telefax" AS "customer.address.telefax", lvuad."website" AS "customer.address.website",
								lvuad."longitude" AS "customer.address.longitude", lvuad."latitude" AS "customer.address.latitude",
								lvuad."pos" AS "customer.address.position", lvuad."mtime" AS "customer.address.mtime",
								lvuad."editor" AS "customer.address.editor", lvuad."ctime" AS "customer.address.ctime",
								lvuad."siteid" AS "customer.address.siteid"
							FROM "ASDF_address" AS lvuad
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuad."id"
								FROM "ASDF_address" AS lvuad
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_address.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'lists' => array(
				'type' => array(
					'laravel' => array(
						'insert' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								INSERT INTO "ASDF_list_type" ( :names
									"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
									"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
								) VALUES ( :values
									?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
						'update' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								UPDATE "ASDF_list_type"
								SET :names
									"code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
									"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
								WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
						'delete' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								DELETE FROM "ASDF_list_type"
								WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
						'search' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT DISTINCT :columns
									lvulity."id" AS "customer.lists.type.id", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
									lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
									lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
									lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
									lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
								FROM "ASDF_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						'count' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
								FROM (
									SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
									FROM "ASDF_list_type" AS lvulity
									WHERE :cond
									LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
								) AS LIST
						'newid' => array(
							'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
							'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
							'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
							'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
							'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
							'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
							'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
				'laravel' => array(
					'aggregate' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
								FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
							) AS list
							GROUP BY "key"
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_list"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_list" ( :names
								"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
							"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDF_list"
							SET :names
								"parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?,
								"end" = ?, "config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT :columns
								lvuli."id" AS "customer.lists.id", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
								lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
								lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
								lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
								lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
								lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
								lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
							FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY :columns
								lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
								lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
								lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
								lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime"
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
								FROM "ASDF_list" AS lvuli
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_list.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'property' => array(
				'type' => array(
					'laravel' => array(
						'delete' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								DELETE FROM "ASDF_property_type"
								WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
						'insert' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								INSERT INTO "ASDF_property_type" ( :names
									"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
									"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
								) VALUES ( :values
									?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
						'update' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								UPDATE "ASDF_property_type"
								SET :names
									"code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
									"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
								WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
						'search' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT DISTINCT :columns
									lvuprty."id" AS "customer.property.type.id", lvuprty."siteid" AS "customer.property.type.siteid",
									lvuprty."code" AS "customer.property.type.code", lvuprty."domain" AS "customer.property.type.domain",
									lvuprty."label" AS "customer.property.type.label", lvuprty."status" AS "customer.property.type.status",
									lvuprty."mtime" AS "customer.property.type.mtime", lvuprty."editor" AS "customer.property.type.editor",
									lvuprty."ctime" AS "customer.property.type.ctime", lvuprty."pos" AS "customer.property.type.position"
								FROM "ASDF_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
								LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						'count' => array(
							'ansi' => '
								SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
								FROM (
									SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
									FROM "ASDF_property_type" lvuprty
									WHERE :cond
									LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
								) AS list
						'newid' => array(
							'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
							'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
							'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
							'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
							'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
							'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
							'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
				'laravel' => array(
					'delete' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "ASDF_property"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
					'insert' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "ASDF_property" ( :names
								"parentid", "key", "type", "langid", "value",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES ( :values
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
					'update' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "ASDF_property"
							SET :names
								"parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "langid" = ?,
								"value" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
					'search' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT DISTINCT :columns
								lvupr."id" AS "customer.property.id", lvupr."parentid" AS "customer.property.parentid",
								lvupr."siteid" AS "customer.property.siteid", lvupr."type" AS "customer.property.type",
								lvupr."langid" AS "customer.property.languageid", lvupr."value" AS "customer.property.value",
								lvupr."mtime" AS "customer.property.mtime", lvupr."editor" AS "customer.property.editor",
								lvupr."ctime" AS "customer.property.ctime"
							FROM "ASDF_property" AS lvupr
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
					'count' => array(
						'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvupr."id"
								FROM "ASDF_property" AS lvupr
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
					'newid' => array(
						'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
						'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
						'oracle' => 'SELECT ASDF_property_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
						'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
						'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
						'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
						'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
			'laravel' => array(
				'delete' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						WHERE :cond
				'insert' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "ASDF" ( :names
							"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
							"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
						) VALUES ( :values
				'update' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SET :names
							"siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
							"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
							"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
							"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
							"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
							"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
							"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
				'search' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT DISTINCT :columns
							lvu."id" AS "customer.id", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
							lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
							lvu."company" AS "customer.company", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
							lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
							lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
							lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
							lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
							lvu."city" AS "customer.city", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
							lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
							lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
							lvu."email" AS "customer.email", lvu."website" AS "customer.website",
							lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
							lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
							lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
							lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
							lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
						WHERE :cond
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
				'count' => array(
					'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
							FROM "ASDF" AS lvu
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
				'newid' => array(
					'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
					'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
					'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
					'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
					'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
					'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
I already created the composer.json

Code: Select all

	"name": "custom",
	"description": "Customization for database",
	"keywords": ["custom", "adapter", "laravel", "shop", "e-commerce"],
	"type": "aimeos-extension",
	"license": "None",
	"minimum-stability": "dev",
	"prefer-stable": true,
	"require": {
		"php": ">=5.5.0",
		"composer/installers": "^1.0",
		"laravel/framework": "~5.0||~6.0||~7.0",
		"zendframework/zend-diactoros": "~1.0",
		"aimeos/aimeos-core": "2019.10.*"
	"autoload": {
		"classmap": [
            "ext/<<module path>>/lib/custom/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/controller/common/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/controller/frontend/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/controller/jobs/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/client/html/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/client/jsonapi/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/admin/html/src",
            "ext/<<module path>>/admin/jsonadm/src"
and manifest.php:

Code: Select all


return array(
	'name' => 'ifta-custom',
	'depends' => array(
Sadly it does not work at all. When I run the composer, it didn't even mention my new module (should it?):

Code: Select all


return array(
	'name' => 'ifta-custom',
	'depends' => array(
I'm using laravel 7, aimeos 2019.10, and PHP7 and working on MacOS Catalina


Re: Override SQL Querys for ai-laravel does not work

Post by kn0x1c » 30 Apr 2020, 07:37

Hello again,

I'm currently trying to implement this shop for a customer of me, so I would really appreciate some help, since every post in this forum was already solved/answered except mine :(

Thanks in advance!

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Posts: 7918
Joined: 01 Jan 1970, 00:00

Re: Override SQL Querys for ai-laravel does not work

Post by aimeos » 01 May 2020, 07:21

If you need a solution within a short period of time, pay the Aimeos company for help:

In the forum, we all help others in our spare time.

Placing the file in ./lib/custom/config/ won't work as long as that directory isn't listed in the "config" section of the manifest.php and in your ./config/mshop.php file you've missed the "customer" key:

Code: Select all

return [
	'customer' => [
		'manager' => [
			// ...
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Re: Override SQL Querys for ai-laravel does not work

Post by kn0x1c » 02 May 2020, 10:18

Hey there,

thank you very much, I tried it today and it worked like a charm. Sorry for my inappropriate word in the last post, I didn't know you are doing this in your spare time and I was really frustated on this days.

I looked up the subscription and told my customer about this, but he refused to buy this, so I won't be able to buy a premium subscription here, but I will appreciate you work here much more in the future, since I know you are doing this in your spare time.

Is there anything left todo, like close this thread or something like that? My problem is solved perfectly!

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