When extending jqadm attribute template It duplicate the page rendered

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When extending jqadm attribute template It duplicate the page rendered

Post by ahmed31916 » 06 Sep 2022, 11:52


When extending jqadm attribute template src (vendor\aimeos\ai-admin-jqadm\src\Admin\JQAdm\Attribute\Standard.php), It duplicate the page rendered as shown in the attached image.

This is the code:

Code: Select all

namespace Aimeos\Admin\JQAdm\Common\Decorator;

class AttributeStandard  
	extends \Aimeos\Admin\JQAdm\Common\Decorator\Base
	implements \Aimeos\Admin\JQAdm\Common\Decorator\Iface


Maybe it is rendered twice (one from the extending class, and other from the vendor class).
Screenshot 2022-09-06 145124.png
Screenshot 2022-09-06 145124.png (109.83 KiB) Viewed 1254 times

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Re: When extending jqadm attribute template It duplicate the page rendered

Post by aimeos » 07 Sep 2022, 16:12

What's the implementation of the decorator class (what you've replaced by "...")?
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Re: When extending jqadm attribute template It duplicate the page rendered

Post by ahmed31916 » 08 Sep 2022, 07:56

aimeos wrote: 07 Sep 2022, 16:12 What's the implementation of the decorator class (what you've replaced by "...")?
this code:

Code: Select all

	public function data( \Aimeos\Base\View\Iface $view ) : \Aimeos\Base\View\Iface
		$all_makes = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create( $this->context(), 'attribute' )
		->compare( '==', 'attribute.type', 'Make' )
		->sort( 'position' )->slice( 0, 10000 )->search();

		$view->all_makes = $all_makes;
		$view->itemSubparts = $this->getSubClientNames();
		$view->itemTypes = $this->getTypeItems();

		return $view;
		public function batch() : ?string
		return $this->batchBase( 'attribute' );
	public function get() : ?string
		$view = $this->object()->data( $this->view() );

			if( ( $id = $view->param( 'id' ) ) === null )
				$msg = $this->context()->translate( 'admin', 'Required parameter "%1$s" is missing' );
				throw new \Aimeos\Admin\JQAdm\Exception( sprintf( $msg, 'id' ) );

			$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $this->context(), 'attribute' );

			$view->item = $manager->get( $id, $this->getDomains() );
			$view->itemData = $this->toArray( $view->item );
			$view->itemBody = parent::get();
		catch( \Exception $e )
			$this->report( $e, 'get' );

		return $this->render( $view );
	public function save() : ?string
		$view = $this->view();

		$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $this->context(), 'attribute' );
			$item = $this->fromArray( $view->param( 'item', [] ) );
			$view->item = $item->getId() ? $item : $manager->save( $item );
			$view->itemBody = parent::save();

			$manager->save( clone $view->item );
			if(request()->make !== null){
				$attr_model_id = request()->item['attribute.id'] ?? $view->item->getId();
				$attr_model_id_check = AttributeList::where('parentid', $attr_model_id)->first();
			return $this->redirect( 'attribute', $view->param( 'next' ), $view->item->getId(), 'save' );
		catch( \Exception $e )
			$this->report( $e, 'save' );

		return $this->create();
	public function getSubClient( string $type, string $name = null ) : \Aimeos\Admin\JQAdm\Iface
		return $this->createSubClient( 'attribute/' . $type, $name );
		protected function getDomains() : array
		return $this->context()->config()->get( 'admin/jqadm/attribute/domains', [] );
		protected function getSubClientNames() : array
		return $this->context()->config()->get( 'admin/jqadm/attribute/subparts', [] );
	protected function getTypeItems() : \Aimeos\Map
		$typeManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $this->context(), 'attribute/type' );

		$search = $typeManager->filter( true )->slice( 0, 10000 );
		$search->setSortations( [$search->sort( '+', 'attribute.type.label' )] );

		return $typeManager->search( $search );
	}	protected function fromArray( array $data ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Attribute\Item\Iface
		$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $this->context(), 'attribute' );

		if( isset( $data['attribute.id'] ) && $data['attribute.id'] != '' ) {
			$item = $manager->get( $data['attribute.id'], $this->getDomains() );
		} else {
			$item = $manager->create();

		$item->fromArray( $data, true );

		return $item;

	protected function toArray( \Aimeos\MShop\Attribute\Item\Iface $item, bool $copy = false ) : array
		$data = $item->toArray( true );

		if( $copy === true )
			$data['attribute.siteid'] = $this->context()->locale()->getSiteId();
			$data['attribute.code'] = $data['attribute.code'] . '_' . substr( md5( microtime( true ) ), -5 );
			$data['attribute.id'] = '';

		return $data;

	protected function render( \Aimeos\Base\View\Iface $view ) : string
		$tplconf = 'admin/jqadm/attribute/template-item';
		$default = 'attribute/item';

		return $view->render( $view->config( $tplconf, $default ) );
Actually, I don't need all of this code. Just I need to overwrite on the save() method.

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Re: When extending jqadm attribute template It duplicate the page rendered

Post by aimeos » 09 Sep 2022, 06:59

You've copied the code from the attribute JQAdm class more or less into your new decorator and this is wrong. A decorator should only add additional or modify existing data and must only contain code for that.
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