Error while catalog import using CSV

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Error while catalog import using CSV

Post by lockhart97 » 17 Aug 2023, 00:30

Laravel framework version: 10.18.0
Aimeos Laravel version: 2023.07
PHP Version: 8.2.8
Environment: Linux


I am using CSV file for importing categories. I am using default mapping which is,

Code: Select all

    'item' => [
        0 => 'catalog.code',
        1 => 'catalog.parent',
        2 => 'catalog.label',
        3 => 'catalog.status',
For 'catalog.parent' I am using 'home'. Home is category already added in Aimeos with code as 'home'. My CSV file looks like,

Code: Select all

This CSV is not working and when I check logs I see following error, 'Unable to import catalog with code "snacks": Parent node for code "home" not found' for every line of CSV. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.