Share basket to other via whatsapp

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Share basket to other via whatsapp

Post by tekgroup » 16 Feb 2024, 08:19

How can I add feature to my basket to "Share It with friends"
that action generate URL for this basket, that can user share with anyone via whatsapp or mail

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Re: Share basket to other via whatsapp

Post by aimeos » 16 Feb 2024, 17:52

The baskets are stored in the mshop_order_basket table with an unique ID. You may use that information to implement a controller action that retrieves the basket by its key using the order basket manager and push that information into the session basket of the user that clicked on the shared link.
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Re: Share basket to other via whatsapp

Post by malik_kat » 01 Mar 2024, 13:00

How to get the order basket id for current basket to unregistered user ?
We get the order basket id for register user using the customerid but unregister user the customerid is null

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