New added product preview image (in 720) is not shown in product details page.

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Re: New added product preview image (in 720) is not shown in product details page.

Post by Sabir_Ali » 17 May 2024, 09:44

Yes! It works! :D
Actually I must add all elements and into 'controller' array to make the function to see all of them:

Code: Select all

'controller' => [
            'frontend' => [
                'catalog' => [
                    'levels-always' => 3, // number of category levels for mega menu
            'common' => [
                'media' => [
                    'product' => [
                        'previews' => array_merge(config('', []), [
                                'maxwidth' => 240,
                                'maxheight' => 320,
                                'force-size' => 1,
                            ], [
                                'maxwidth' => 480,
                                'maxheight' => 640,
                                'force-size' => 1,
                            ], [
                                'maxwidth' => 720,
                                'maxheight' => 960,
                                'force-size' => 1,
                            ], [
                                'maxwidth' => 960,
                                'maxheight' => 1280,
                                'force-size' => 1,
                            ], [
                                'maxwidth' => 1920,
That was my mistake to forget the 'controller' key :oops:
Thank You very much!

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