Multi Vendor Setups Only
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Always add your Laravel, Aimeos and PHP version as well as your environment (Linux/Mac/Win)
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Multi Vendor Setups Only
I read at ... e-new-site that
can be used to create a multi vendor site. If we do not want a general site for the whole site does that mean we should not run
? Or is still needed for general setup?
Two, what kind of site code should be added? And what template site data? Assume it is notor is it?
When I read but not sure what to add for site code. What to add? When I check
I see
but not sure where that view or part `` goes to. And that is for when no site is set so only for core shop or shop without vendors.. But in config/shop.php I do see
Three , if I just want to add database data for a multi vendor user so he can add products and load data using JSOn on our own editor grid, how would I go about that? Can I run a command to just do database data setup and then use some JSON call?
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup <site code> [<template site>]
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup
Two, what kind of site code should be added? And what template site data? Assume it is not
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup my-template
When I read
I think we can useThe value for <site code> can be either a new site code for creating a new site or an existing site code for updating a site. The <template site> code is optional and tells the setup command which site template to use as reference when creating a new site (currently "default", "unittest" and "unitperf" are available as templates). If no value for <template site> is given, "default" is used.
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup <site code> default
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
if( ( $site = $this->argument( 'site' ) ) === null ) {
$site = config( '', 'default' );
Code: Select all
'mshop' => [
'locale' => [
// 'site' => '<custom site code>', // used instead of "default"
Re: Multi Vendor Setups Only
Did a test
Not sure yet where that new vendor site was added or will be loaded from. But command seemed to have done some work. And that on top of `php artisan aimeos:setup` I ran earlier.
How would I load JSON data from that shop into a Vue component or how do I add products from what url to this shop now?
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup default --v=vv
Initializing or updating the Aimeos database tables for site ""
Migrating: vendor/aimeos/aimeos-core/setup/TypesMigrateColumns.php
Migrate type columns
Add new type columns
Checking table "mshop_attribute":
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":
Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":
Checking table "mshop_customer_list":
Checking table "mshop_customer_property":
Checking table "mshop_media":
Checking table "mshop_media_list":
Checking table "mshop_media_property":
Checking table "mshop_plugin":
Checking table "mshop_price":
Checking table "mshop_price_list":
Checking table "mshop_product":
Checking table "mshop_product_list":
Checking table "mshop_product_property":
Checking table "mshop_service":
Checking table "mshop_service_list":
Checking table "mshop_stock":
Checking table "mshop_supplier_list":
Checking table "mshop_tag":
Checking table "mshop_text":
Checking table "mshop_text_list":
Drop old unique indexes
Checking index "unq_msattr_sid_dom_cod_tid":
Checking index "unq_msattli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_msattpr_sid_tid_lid_value":
Checking index "unq_mscatli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_mscusli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_mcuspr_sid_tid_lid_value":
Checking index "unq_msmedli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_msmedpr_sid_tid_lid_value":
Checking index "unq_msplu_sid_tid_prov":
Checking index "unq_msprili_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_msproli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_mspropr_sid_tid_lid_value":
Checking index "unq_msserli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_mssto_sid_pcode_tid":
Checking index "unq_mssupli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Checking index "unq_mstag_sid_dom_tid_lid_lab":
Checking index "unq_mstexli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid":
Migrate typeid to type
Checking table "mshop_attribute":
Checking table "mshop_attribute_list":
Checking table "mshop_attribute_property":
Checking table "mshop_catalog_list":
Checking table "mshop_customer_list":
How would I load JSON data from that shop into a Vue component or how do I add products from what url to this shop now?
Re: Multi Vendor Setups Only
This updates the database structure for all sites:
This creates (or updates) a new site and adds the required default data, e.g. the types:
This creates (or replaces) a site for unit testing:
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup
Code: Select all
php artisan aimeos:setup test unittest
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Re: Multi Vendor Setups Only
I see. Thanks for explaining the commands . Did not know they were for setting up general Aimeos and updating database. And that that is the same for the separate site.