Language switching in product detail issue

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Language switching in product detail issue

Post by Kaizer » 10 Mar 2020, 15:24


I'm having an issue when switching language in a product detail page.

When selecting a product from the catalog list, I land on a working product detail page with this url :

But when switching to english (my default locale is french), the url is and i get this error message :
Item with ID "en" in "" not found

Also, after having added text descriptions and name to the product, the url then changes to
leading to a 404

Am I doing something wrong here ? Thanks in advance !

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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by aimeos » 10 Mar 2020, 17:56

Which Aimeos version are you using? Can you post the output of

Code: Select all

composer show
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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by Kaizer » 11 Mar 2020, 13:38

Here you go:

Code: Select all

aimeos/ai-admin-jqadm                 2019.10.11 Aimeos ai-admin-jqadm extension
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erusev/parsedown                      1.7.4      Parser for Markdown.
fideloper/proxy                       4.3.0      Set trusted proxies for Laravel
filp/whoops                           2.7.1      php error handling for cool kids
fzaninotto/faker                      v1.9.1     Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
hamcrest/hamcrest-php                 v2.0.0     This is the PHP port of Hamcrest Matchers
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laravel/framework                     v5.8.37    The Laravel Framework.
laravel/tinker                        v1.0.10    Powerful REPL for the Laravel framework.
league/flysystem                      1.0.64     Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API.
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myclabs/deep-copy                     1.9.5      Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
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opis/closure                          3.5.1      A library that can be used to serialize closures (anon...
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phar-io/manifest                      1.0.3      Component for reading manifest information fro...
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phpunit/phpunit                       7.5.20     The PHP Unit Testing framework.
psr/container                         1.0.0      Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
psr/http-message                      1.0.1      Common interface for HTTP messages
psr/log                               1.1.2      Common interface for logging libraries
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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by aimeos » 11 Mar 2020, 13:52

Laravel 5.x has a bug that assigns parameters to empty route placeholders regardless of their name. That's fixed in Laravel 6+
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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by Kaizer » 11 Mar 2020, 14:40

I updated to Laravel 6 and it works indeed, thanks a lot !

I see 2 other issues:
- The stock status is not translated in the product details
- When I continue browsing, the language switches back to default

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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by aimeos » 11 Mar 2020, 15:01

Kaizer wrote: 11 Mar 2020, 14:40 - The stock status is not translated in the product details
That depends if there's a translation available for your language. If not, please add translations here for the "client" translation domain:

Until your translations get integrated into the next release, you can also add them locally:
Kaizer wrote: 11 Mar 2020, 14:40 - When I continue browsing, the language switches back to default
Adapt your route configuration so it contains the {locale} placeholder (and {currency} if needed)
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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by Kaizer » 11 Mar 2020, 15:26

- The translation already exists:
when displaying the page in english (2nd language on this site), the stock status is still displayed in french (default language)

- {locale} and {currency} are already defined in config/shop.php

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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by aimeos » 12 Mar 2020, 18:02

Kaizer wrote: 11 Mar 2020, 14:40 - The stock status is not translated in the product details
Guess, the locale parameter is missing here: ... e.php#L130
Can you test if you add
... "s_prodcode" => $list->toArray(), 'locale' => $view->param( 'locale' ) ) ...
Kaizer wrote: 11 Mar 2020, 14:40 - When I continue browsing, the language switches back to default
Probably the same there. Where exactly does that happen?
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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by Kaizer » 14 Mar 2020, 14:00

( I'm on Aimeos 2019.10 )

There is no " "s_prodcode" => $list->toArray()" in my file, only :

" array("s_prodcode" => $list ) " on this line

Nevertheless I added ", 'locale' => $view->param( 'locale' )" but the effects remain the same.

Language switching back to default happens for instance when using the "next" (or "previous") navigation link in the product detail page

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Re: Language switching in product detail issue

Post by aimeos » 16 Mar 2020, 14:05

We've tried now several times to reproduce your behavior with several versions but are unable to get your result. If we add the locale selector like this:

Code: Select all

	'routes' => [
		'account' => ['prefix' => '{locale}/myaccount', 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']],
		'default' => ['prefix' => '{locale}/shop', 'middleware' => ['web']],

	'page' => [
		'account-index' => ['locale/select', 'account/profile', 'account/subscription', 'account/history', 'account/favorite', 'account/watch', 'basket/mini', 'catalog/session' ],
		'basket-index' => ['locale/select', 'basket/standard','basket/related' ],
		'catalog-count' => [ 'catalog/count' ],
		'catalog-detail' => ['locale/select', 'basket/mini','catalog/stage','catalog/detail','catalog/session' ],
		'catalog-list' => ['locale/select', 'basket/mini','catalog/filter','catalog/lists' ],
		'catalog-stock' => [ 'catalog/stock' ],
		'catalog-suggest' => [ 'catalog/suggest' ],
		'catalog-tree' => ['locale/select', 'basket/mini','catalog/filter','catalog/stage','catalog/lists' ],
		'checkout-confirm' => [ 'checkout/confirm' ],
		'checkout-index' => [ 'checkout/standard' ],
		'checkout-update' => [ 'checkout/update' ],
And e.g. in the catalog/list view:

Code: Select all


    <?= $aiheader['basket/mini'] ?>
    <?= $aiheader['catalog/filter'] ?>
    <?= $aiheader['catalog/lists'] ?>
    <?= $aiheader['locale/select'] ?>

    <?= $aibody['locale/select'] ?>
    <?= $aibody['basket/mini'] ?>

    <?= $aibody['catalog/filter'] ?>

     <?= $aibody['catalog/lists'] ?>
Then, the selected locale (language) is always used in the URLs (it don't gets lost) and the translation of the stock text is also in the correct language.
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