[Solved] Display nested categories

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Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 18 Aug 2020, 21:51

aimeos 20.7, TYPO3 9.5.20, macOS 10.13.6

Sorry for bringing this up again! I try to add "supplier" to the list of products that are shown on the catalog page, but run into these problems:

First of all, I do get an error, when I use the TypoScript with domains like this (is it still valid in v20.7? Didn't find anything like a deprection notice in the docu...):

Code: Select all

plugin.tx_aimeos.settings {
	client.html {
		catalog.lists {
			domains = {
				0 = attribute
                		1 = media
                		2 = price
                		3 = product
                		4 = text
                		// 5 = supplier
Error message: "A non-recoverable error occured"

And second: How do I actually include the supplier text (mis-used as text for course teachers)? Adding a snippet like the following to "template/catalog/lists/items-body-list won't work (copy of the "text/short" snippet):

Code: Select all

<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'supplier', none, 'default' ) as $item ) : ?>
	<div class="supplier-item" itemprop="description">
		<?= $enc->html( $item->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?><br/>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Also, the partial "products-standard.php" does not emit any "supplier" values either, when I use a dump on $productItem:

Code: Select all

I'd be grateful for any hints! Thank you!

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Re: Display nested categories

Post by aimeos » 19 Aug 2020, 07:41

The "domains" configuration is correct but the suppliers aren't referenced via the list table.
Instead, they are available if you call:

Code: Select all

The supplier texts are included because "text" is in the list of domains you want to retrieve.
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Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 19 Aug 2020, 10:11

Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately my lights won't turn on and I kindly ask you for more advise:

First, if I define this TypoScript, I still get an error (which disappears, when I remove it; then everything works fine; however, I would like to understand where my mistake / misunderstanding is):

Code: Select all

plugin.tx_aimeos {
    settings {
        controller {
            frontend {
                catalog {
                    // levels-always = 1
        client.html {
            basket {
                cache {
                    // Disable cache during development
                    enable = 0
            catalog {
                // attribute.type.sticker = input
                lists {
                    basket-add = 1
                    metatags = 0
                    // Having "domains" activated, causes the error "A non-recoverable error occured"
                    // in or before the call of the common partial "products-standard.php"
                    domains = {
                        0 = attribute
                        1 = media
                        2 = price
                        3 = product
                        4 = text
                        // 5 = supplier
                detail {
                    // This domain config does not cause any problems 
                    // (but I am not using a detail view so far):
                    domains = {
                        0 = attribute
                        1 = media
                        2 = price
                        3 = product
                        4 = text
                        // 5 = supplier

I do not understand, why this error occurs. The documentation did not change, so I assume the update to 20.7 does not require an changes in this setup either? (The changelog to have one entry with "domains" from 2020-02-09 and lead to this change:
https://github.com/aimeos/aimeos-core/c ... f513dbed86

And the second thing is: The texts from the suppliers are still not displayed. In "common/partials/products-standard.php" calls to "productItem->getRefItem" work fine, even on aditional text types I created:

Code: Select all

<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'short', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
	<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
		<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>


	<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'course-date', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="date">
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>


	<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'course-time', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="date">
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>
But using what you suggested (and I am pretty sure I use it wrongly) does simply nothing:

Code: Select all


<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
	<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
		<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
(An example screenshot of a supplier text is included.)

Is it, by any chance, necessary to import the "suppliers" first somehow? And then access the text attributes?

Sorry for still being so confused...

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Re: Display nested categories

Post by aimeos » 19 Aug 2020, 20:47

rowild wrote: 19 Aug 2020, 10:11

Code: Select all


<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
	<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
		<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
That doesn't work, you need:

Code: Select all


<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems() as $supplierItem ) : ?>
	<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
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Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 20 Aug 2020, 07:16

I am sorry, but this does not work. And i have no idea, where the problem could be.


Code: Select all

<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems() as $supplierItem ) : ?>

does not return any data.
But I do have data (see screenshots).

(I put a

Code: Select all

	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';
right in front of that `foreach`, which's output can be seen in the "display_fe" screenshot. Probably not much help...)

Also, I still don't know, why defining `domains` in TS causes an error, as mentioned before – would you mind to share your thoughts on that?

Thank you for your efforts!


Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 20 Aug 2020, 07:17

Here is the code of my common/partials/products-standard.php:

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3, http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0
 * @copyright Aimeos (aimeos.org), 2016-2020

/* Expected data:
 * - productItems : List of product variants incl. referenced items
 * - basket-add : True to display "add to basket" button, false if not (optional)
 * - require-stock : True if the stock level should be displayed (optional)
 * - itemprop : Schema.org property for the product items (optional)
 * - position : Position is product list to start from (optional)

$enc = $this->encoder();
$position = $this->get( 'position' );

/** client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
 * Destination of the URL where the controller specified in the URL is known
 * The destination can be a page ID like in a content management system or the
 * module of a software development framework. This "target" must contain or know
 * the controller that should be called by the generated URL.
 * @param string Destination of the URL
 * @since 2014.03
 * @category Developer
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter
$detailTarget = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/target' );

/** client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
 * Name of the controller whose action should be called
 * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, the controller contains the methods
 * that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page. Controller
 * names are usually alpha-numeric.
 * @param string Name of the controller
 * @since 2014.03
 * @category Developer
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter
$detailController = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller', 'catalog' );

/** client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
 * Name of the action that should create the output
 * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, actions are the methods of a
 * controller that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page.
 * Action names are usually alpha-numeric.
 * @param string Name of the action
 * @since 2014.03
 * @category Developer
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter
$detailAction = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/action', 'detail' );

/** client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
 * Associative list of configuration options used for generating the URL
 * You can specify additional options as key/value pairs used when generating
 * the URLs, like
 *  client/html/<clientname>/url/config = array( 'absoluteUri' => true )
 * The available key/value pairs depend on the application that embeds the e-commerce
 * framework. This is because the infrastructure of the application is used for
 * generating the URLs. The full list of available config options is referenced
 * in the "see also" section of this page.
 * @param string Associative list of configuration options
 * @since 2014.03
 * @category Developer
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter
 * @see client/html/url/config
$detailConfig = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', [] );

/** client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter
 * Removes parameters for the detail page before generating the URL
 * For SEO, it's nice to have product URLs which contains the product names only.
 * Usually, product names are unique so exactly one product is found when resolving
 * the product by its name. If two or more products share the same name, it's not
 * possible to refer to the correct product and in this case, the product ID is
 * required as unique identifier.
 * This setting removes the listed parameters from the URLs of the detail pages.
 * @param array List of parameter names to remove
 * @since 2019.04
 * @category User
 * @category Developer
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
 * @see client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
$detailFilter = array_flip( $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter', ['d_prodid'] ) );

<div class="[ common__partials__products-standard ] list-items w-100">

	<?php foreach( $this->get( 'products', [] ) as $id => $productItem ) : ?>

		<?php $params = array_diff_key( ['d_name' => $productItem->getName( 'url' ), 'd_prodid' => $productItem->getId(), 'd_pos' => $position !== null ? $position++ : ''], $detailFilter ); ?>

		<div class="product bg-border-colors rounded p-3 mb-4 <?= $enc->attr( $productItem->getConfigValue( 'css-class' ) ); ?>"
			data-reqstock="<?= (int) $this->get( 'require-stock', true ); ?>"
			itemprop="<?= $this->get( 'itemprop' ); ?>"

			<a href="<?= $enc->attr( $this->url( ( $productItem->getTarget() ?: $detailTarget ), $detailController, $detailAction, $params, [], $detailConfig ) ); ?>">
				<!-- Images -->
				<?php if( ( $mediaItem = $productItem->getRefItems( 'media', 'default', 'default' )->first() ) !== null ) : ?>
					<div class="media-list">
							<div class="media-item" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">
								<img src="<?= $enc->attr( $this->content( $mediaItem->getPreview() ) ); ?>" alt="<?= $enc->attr( $mediaItem->getName() ); ?>" />
								<meta itemprop="contentUrl" content="<?= $enc->attr( $this->content( $mediaItem->getPreview() ) ); ?>" />
						<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'media', 'default', 'default' ) as $mediaItem ) : ?>
							<div class="media-item">
								<img class="lazy-image"
									data-src="<?= $enc->attr( $this->content( $mediaItem->getPreview() ) ); ?>"
									data-srcset="<?= $enc->attr( $this->imageset( $mediaItem->getPreviews() ) ) ?>"
									alt="<?= $enc->attr( $mediaItem->getName() ); ?>"
						<?php endforeach; ?>
				<?php endif; ?>

			<div class="text-list">
				<p class="lead uppercase leading-snug" itemprop="name"><?= $enc->html( $productItem->getName(), $enc::TRUST ); ?></p>

				<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'short', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
					<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
						<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
				<?php endforeach; ?>


				<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'course-date', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
					<div class="text-item" itemprop="date">
						<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
				<?php endforeach; ?>


				<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'course-time', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
					<div class="text-item" itemprop="date">
						<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
				<?php endforeach; ?>


				<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'notes', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
					<div class="text-item" itemprop="date">
						<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
				<?php endforeach; ?>


						echo '<pre>';
						echo '</pre>';

				<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems() as $supplierItem ) : ?>

					<h3>NAME: <?= $enc->html( $supplierItem->getName() ); ?></h3>

					<?php if( ( $mediaItem = $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'media', 'default', 'default' )->first() ) !== null ) : ?>
						<div class="media-item">
							<img class="lazy-image"
								data-src="<?= $enc->attr( $this->content( $mediaItem->getPreview() ) ); ?>"
								data-srcset="<?= $enc->attr( $this->imageset( $mediaItem->getPreviews() ) ) ?>"
								alt="<?= $enc->attr( $mediaItem->getName() ); ?>"
					<?php endif; ?>

					<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
						<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
							<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
					<?php endforeach; ?>

				<?php endforeach; ?>


			<div class="offer" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">

				<div class="stock-list">
					<div class="articleitem stock-actual"
						data-prodid="<?= $enc->attr( $productItem->getId() ); ?>"
						data-prodcode="<?= $enc->attr( $productItem->getCode() ); ?>">

					<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'product', null, 'default' ) as $articleId => $articleItem ) : ?>

						<div class="articleitem"
							data-prodid="<?= $enc->attr( $articleId ); ?>"
							data-prodcode="<?= $enc->attr( $articleItem->getCode() ); ?>">

					<?php endforeach; ?>


				<div class="price-list">
					<div class="articleitem price price-actual"
						data-prodid="<?= $enc->attr( $productItem->getId() ); ?>"
						data-prodcode="<?= $enc->attr( $productItem->getCode() ); ?>">

						<?= $this->partial(
							/** client/html/common/partials/price
							 * Relative path to the price partial template file
							 * Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate
							 * reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The price
							 * partial creates an HTML block for a list of price items.
							 * The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/partials/ folder
							 * of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must
							 * be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "partials/price-standard.php".
							 * @param string Relative path to the template file
							 * @since 2015.04
							 * @category Developer
							$this->config( 'client/html/common/partials/price', 'common/partials/price-standard' ),
							array( 'prices' => $productItem->getRefItems( 'price', null, 'default' )->first() ?: map() )
						); ?>


					<?php if( $productItem->getType() === 'select' ) : ?>
						<?php foreach( $productItem->getRefItems( 'product', 'default', 'default' ) as $prodid => $product ) : ?>
							<?php if( !( $prices = $product->getRefItems( 'price', null, 'default' ) )->isEmpty() ) : ?>

								<div class="articleitem price"
									data-prodid="<?= $enc->attr( $prodid ); ?>"
									data-prodcode="<?= $enc->attr( $product->getCode() ); ?>">
									<?= $this->partial(
										$this->config( 'client/html/common/partials/price', 'common/partials/price-standard' ),
										array( 'prices' => $prices )
									); ?>

							<?php endif; ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>


			<?php if( $this->get( 'basket-add', false ) ) : ?>
					$basketTarget = $this->config( 'client/html/basket/standard/url/target' );
					$basketController = $this->config( 'client/html/basket/standard/url/controller', 'basket' );
					$basketAction = $this->config( 'client/html/basket/standard/url/action', 'index' );
					$basketConfig = $this->config( 'client/html/basket/standard/url/config', [] );

				<form method="POST" action="<?= $enc->attr( $this->url( $basketTarget, $basketController, $basketAction, [], [], $basketConfig ) ); ?>">
					<!-- catalog.lists.items.csrf -->
					<?= $this->csrf()->formfield(); ?>
					<!-- catalog.lists.items.csrf -->

					<?php if( $basketSite = $this->config( 'client/html/basket/standard/url/site' ) ) : ?>
						<input type="hidden" name="<?= $this->formparam( 'site' ) ?>" value="<?= $enc->attr( $basketSite ) ?>" />
					<?php endif ?>

					<?php if( $productItem->getType() === 'select' ) : ?>

						<div class="items-selection">
							<?= $this->partial(
								$this->config( 'client/html/common/partials/selection', 'common/partials/selection-standard' ),
								['productItems' => $productItem->getRefItems( 'product', 'default', 'default' )]
							); ?>

					<?php endif; ?>

					<div class="items-attribute">

						<?= $this->partial(
							$this->config( 'client/html/common/partials/attribute', 'common/partials/attribute-standard' ),
							['productItem' => $productItem]
						); ?>


					<div class="addbasket">
						<div class="input-group">
							<input type="hidden" value="add"
								name="<?= $enc->attr( $this->formparam( 'b_action' ) ); ?>"
							<input type="hidden" value="<?= $id; ?>"
								name="<?= $enc->attr( $this->formparam( array( 'b_prod', 0, 'prodid' ) ) ); ?>"
							<input type="number" class="form-control" value="1"
								 min="1" max="2147483647" maxlength="10" step="1" required="required" <?= !$productItem->isAvailable() ? 'disabled' : '' ?>
								name="<?= $enc->attr( $this->formparam( array( 'b_prod', 0, 'quantity' ) ) ); ?>"
							--><button class="btn btn-topic" type="submit" value="" <?= !$productItem->isAvailable() ? 'disabled' : '' ?> >
								<?= $enc->html( $this->translate( 'client', 'Add to basket' ), $enc::TRUST ); ?>


			<?php endif; ?>


	<?php endforeach; ?>



Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 20 Aug 2020, 12:18

I could find one o my mistakes: I used a equal sign after "domains", which is wrong. So this is the correct way:

Code: Select all

plugin.tx_aimeos {
    settings {
        client.html {
            catalog {
                lists {
                    // Wrong: No "=" after "domains" !!!
                    // domains = {
                    // Correct:
                    domains {
                        0 = attribute
                        1 = media
                        2 = price
                        3 = product
                        4 = text
                        5 = supplier
And after clearing the cache, the supplier texts show.

Thank you very much, aimeos team! I am very grateful for your support!


Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 25 Aug 2020, 15:59

And I need your help again on this topic:

When getting the supplierItems, "getName" works....

Code: Select all

<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems() as $supplierItem ) : ?>
<h3 class="px-0 mx-0"><?= $enc->html( $supplierItem->getName() ); ?></h3>

...but this does not:

Code: Select all

	<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

The same is true for the domain "catalog".

Is it wrong to use "getRefItems" on supplier and catalog?

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Re: Display nested categories

Post by aimeos » 26 Aug 2020, 07:27

It's totally OK to use $product->getSupplierItems() (or getCatalogItems()) and $supplierItem->getRefItems() afterwards. The texts are included in the supplier item if the domains passed to the product manager contains "text".
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Re: Display nested categories

Post by rowild » 26 Aug 2020, 07:32

Sorry, I do not understand your answer.
This is the snippet I use in "commons/partials/product-standard.php":

Code: Select all

<?php foreach( $productItem->getSupplierItems() as $supplierItem ) : ?>

	// This works
	<h3 class="px-0 mx-0">Teacher: <?= $enc->html( $supplierItem->getName() ); ?></h3>

	// This and the next loops do not produce any results:
	<?php if( ( $mediaItem = $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'media', 'default', 'default' )->first() ) !== null ) : ?>
		<div class="media-item">
			<img class="lazy-image"
				data-src="<?= $enc->attr( $this->content( $mediaItem->getPreview() ) ); ?>"
				data-srcset="<?= $enc->attr( $this->imageset( $mediaItem->getPreviews() ) ) ?>"
				alt="<?= $enc->attr( $mediaItem->getName() ); ?>"
	<?php endif; ?>

	<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'short', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">Short description:
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

	<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'portraittext', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">Portrait text:
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

	<?php foreach( $supplierItem->getRefItems( 'text', 'long', 'default' ) as $textItem ) : ?>
		<div class="text-item" itemprop="description">Long description:
			<?= $enc->html( $textItem->getContent(), $enc::TRUST ); ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php endforeach; ?>
As mentioned in the comment of the snippet, the 2 getRefItems loops to not generate any content. I do not see my error...

I also don't know, what a sentence like this is really meaning:
"The texts are included in the supplier item if the domains passed to the product manager contains "text"."

I read the documentation several times and tried/try to understand it as good as I can. But a sentence like yours is not there. Do you talk about the TypoScript configuation object? If so, does that mean that I do NOT have to specify a "supplier" and/or a "catalog" domain? Or what do you mean exactly by that? (Because in other answers and on Slack I read that I do have to add those domains...)

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