Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by Tomas » 11 Mar 2015, 18:11

Thanks for your further advice.
Meanwhile I also tried a lot of things to get in running and I think, that I´ve got the mistake on my side:
I uninstalled both, shop and dist. Then I set up the backup of my database which I stored before trying anything with the shopware. Then I run the update of static_info_tables again. After that I installed the preconf dist again.
Now I describe my mistake: I work with a managed server of 1&1 without access to the server configuration. To make work any php-scripts in new directories, I have to implement a php.ini with some code. So I did now before continuing in the backend. After getting back to the backend I made an update of the pagetree and "Your shop" appeared. But it appeared not within my root, so I moved it into the root.
Now, I can access all pages, but unfortunatelly only by id, not by real url.
It´s the same with my before installed pages: They all can not be accessed by realurl, allthough it was just installed before I began with the shop.
I always get this message:

Page Not Found

Reason: Segment "[name_of_page]" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=0.

Do you have an idea, where I can correct this little mistake? Until now I´ve only worked with the automatic configuration of realurl. It worked well, also the htaccess did. Do you know at which snippet Aimeos-dist has an influance on the configuration of realurl?
In my current localconfig realurl is configurated by this line:
'realurl' => 'a:5:{s:10:"configFile";s:26:"typo3conf/realurl_conf.php";s:14:"enableAutoConf";s:1:"1";s:14:"autoConfFormat";s:1:"0";s:12:"enableDevLog";s:1:"0";s:19:"enableChashUrlDebug";s:1:"0";}',

Do you see a final solution this way or shall I try your advice first?

Last but not least I would like to thank you very much for your kind help.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by Tomas » 11 Mar 2015, 18:16

By the way, when I tried to empty the database I´ve got a message which might be of interest for some debug matters:
#1217 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

I made this screenshot:
aimeos-db.jpg (79.86 KiB) Viewed 7686 times

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by aimeos » 11 Mar 2015, 20:08

Tomas wrote: Now, I can access all pages, but unfortunatelly only by id, not by real url.
It´s the same with my before installed pages: They all can not be accessed by realurl, allthough it was just installed before I began with the shop. I always get this message:

Page Not Found
Reason: Segment "[name_of_page]" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=0.

Do you have an idea, where I can correct this little mistake? Until now I´ve only worked with the automatic configuration of realurl. It worked well, also the htaccess did. Do you know at which snippet Aimeos-dist has an influance on the configuration of realurl?
Which version of Realurl do you use? You need at least 1.12.8 because version before have a bug that produces exactly this error message. Depending on your version of the bootstrap_package, you also need to deaktivate the Realurl bootstrap setting in the extension manager that overwrites the complete Realurl configuration. Also remove the typo3conf/realurl_autoconf.php each time you've made a change. This can get you to knock your head against the wall because nothing changes despite of what you do!
Tomas wrote: Last but not least I would like to thank you very much for your kind help.
Thanks, I'm glad if you can get it working on your system :-)

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by aimeos » 11 Mar 2015, 20:11

Tomas wrote: #1217 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
That's normal. The tables contain constraints to each other so they must be dropped in a specific order - or you drop all and redo this until all tables are deleted.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by Tomas » 11 Mar 2015, 22:01

Aimeo wrote:
Which version of Realurl do you use? You need at least 1.12.8 because version before have a bug that produces exactly this error message. Depending on your version of the bootstrap_package, you also need to deaktivate the Realurl bootstrap setting in the extension manager that overwrites the complete Realurl configuration. Also remove the typo3conf/realurl_autoconf.php each time you've made a change.
I use Realurl 1.12.8 and bootstrap 6.2.8. Now I´ve deactivated the bootstrag setting of Realurl, deleted all caches and restarted Typo3. That brought some success: My one pages are now working with realurl, but just the pages of aimeo don´t. Instead of asking for page id=0 it now askes for id=1 !

"Page Not Found
Reason: Segment "terms" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=1"

By the way: Until now I´ve never found a realurl_autoconf.php in typo3conf. That might be caused by configuration of bootstrag in the file LocalConfiguration, what might from Realurl be voted as being a "manual" configuration. So I commented out the configuration of Realurl in the localconf and -lo and behold- the autoconfigfile of Realurl itself appeared in the directory typo3conf for the first time.
The effect wasn´t satisfying at all, but soul-destroying:
Suddenly one of my own subtrees came with

"Page Not Found
Reason: Segment "terms" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=0"

while the subtree of Aimeos now worked, but anyhow, only with "terms" and "My account". When clicking the shopping cart by link in "My account" , I saw the well known message again:
"Segment "basket" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=0."

Before, by hover the shopping cart, I saw this line in the footer of my browser:
realurl.jpg (8.5 KiB) Viewed 7685 times
Now I deleted the realurl autoconfig, but that didn´t change anything.

It´s really a pity.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by aimeos » 12 Mar 2015, 09:33

Tomas wrote: I use Realurl 1.12.8 and bootstrap 6.2.8. Now I´ve deactivated the bootstrag setting of Realurl, deleted all caches and restarted Typo3. That brought some success: My one pages are now working with realurl, but just the pages of aimeo don´t. Instead of asking for page id=0 it now askes for id=1 !
while the subtree of Aimeos now worked, but anyhow, only with "terms" and "My account". When clicking the shopping cart by link in "My account" , I saw the well known message again:
"Segment "basket" was not a keyword for a postVarSet as expected on page with id=0."
Realurl is really picky and I had hours of "fun" with it too! Could you please update the bootrap_package to 6.2.9 first because it also uses the Realurl autoconfig feature now and doesn't overwrite the whole configuration anymore.

The following steps helped me most of the time:
1.) Disable the Aimeos/Bootstrap/Realurl extensions
2.) Install the Realurl extension first (autoconfig feature must be enabled)
3.) Install the Bootstrap extension
4.) Install the Aimeos extension at last
5.) Make sure the Aimeos and Bootstrap TypoScript is included in the Web -> Template -> Info/Modify -> Edit whole template record -> Includes selection field of your top level page (usually id=1)
6.) Clear all TYPO3 caches (general and frontend)
7.) Delete the typo3conf/realurl_autoconfig.php file
8.) Clear the tx_realurl_* tables, especially the encode/decode tables
9.) Do NOT call any frontend url during the previous steps to check if anything is working!
10.) Cross fingers and pray. If that doesn't work the first time, try again and check carefully any settings until it works ;-)
Tomas wrote: Before, by hover the shopping cart, I saw this line in the footer of my browser:
This looks like the bootstrap package is still overwriting the Realurl configuration.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by Tomas » 12 Mar 2015, 18:56

Thanks for your further advice. I tried it with partly success, but I must say that, meanwhile, I´m short before resignation with installing the shop.
After doing all the steps of your proposal, everything worked properly, except the subtree of the shop.
This is, what I found out:
Clicking on "Your Shop", " Terms" or "my-account", which are the only visible in the navigation at the FE, the well known error message appeared again.

I looked at the browsers url and found something like this:
"". Then I had the idea to complete the url manualy this way: ""
That worked properly!
The other subtrees of my site are all showing the full url just from the beginning, without manipulating them, e.g. something like: ""
Additionally I had a look at the table tx_realurl_pathcache. I found "terms" and "my-account" in the table, nothing else. These pages have been registered without the full path, which should include "your-shop"
So I had the idea to complet the table with some of the subpages of the shop manually, like e.g. "list", "detail". First I did it without the full tree, too. That worked.
After that I entered for the first time, after the new installation according to your proposal, only one of my other pages of my site and had a view at the db-table again. There I saw, that ALL pages had been listed automatically with there full pagepath, e.g. "esge/willkommen" in the table-field "pagepath", but except all pages of the shops subtree! None of them had been put into the table automatically.
Furthermore: Although on the FE the url only worked by putting in the full path manualy, like "Your-shop/list" it was the contrary with registering in the table: There only "list" worked, but not "your-shop/list".

However, I continued registering all the pages of the shop in the db-table manually in the "wrong" way, that means: without the full path. I think, that´s only a workaround, not a real solution.

But however, I, ultimately, wanted to have a first view at the shop. I put something in the shopping cart and "bought" it. That worked fine.

But searching an article didn´t work at all. At least 3 characters are asked for. So I took 4 from some names of the demo-articles, mostly beginning with "demo". So I took "demo" for the search, but didn´t get any results. Same with any other substrings of the articles name, like e.g. "Artikel" or "Auswahl". Only an empty search brought some success. Is that normal in the demo-version?

Additonally, sorting by name didn´t work, too. Sorting by Preis brought a wrong result: 150 / 100 / 250 or, sorting the other way round: 100 / 250 / 150. That´s a bit curious.

In the detail-view there are 4 pictures at the left border. The second and the third cannot be clicked right in the centre of the picture, but only at the left side.
Clicking on "In den Warenkorb" doesn´t work properly. At least in "Demoartikel mit Auswahl" it had no effect.
The field "Option" is too short: The text in it covers the pull-down-button. The button can still be clicked but thats not nice.
By the way, before wasting time with searching in the config-options: Is there an easy way to combine 3 options, in my case length, width and depth of an article, in a way that a multiplication is made like L x W x D x [unit, like kg] = [dynamic price]? This kind of flexibility would be a great advantage.
That would be very fine for my purposes.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by aimeos » 12 Mar 2015, 19:42

Tomas wrote: I looked at the browsers url and found something like this:
"". Then I had the idea to complete the url manualy this way: ""
That worked properly!
The other subtrees of my site are all showing the full url just from the beginning, without manipulating them, e.g. something like: ""
I think now I know what's the problem: The page tree you've imported creates a new root page and this leads to the effects you are describing. You can do the following: Move the subpages of "Your Shop" into your existing subtree and copy the TypoScript constants/setup/includes into the new root page of the shop subpages. Alternatively, use the .t3d files for Aimeos Version 2.0 which should also create a non-root page (but maybe you need to reassign a different backend template). Afterwards you should redo the steps to get Realurl working.

The minor problems regarding suggestions and search results can be fixed relatively easy if the main problems are solved.

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by Tomas » 12 Mar 2015, 20:10

Success! I´m so happy! :D
Sorry, it seemed to be a typical fault of a newbee not to realize the sense of the root. :oops:
I configured the new root page of the subtree as a link to the first subpage "List", but cannot get there because only "My account" and "Tems" are listed currently. Shall I simply deselect "Hide" in Access of page "List"?
Might you please give me some advice now to the other questions and problems? Don´t hesitate to send me through the existing Tutorials first, if I can find the answers right there. ;)

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Re: Installation: missing table and double branch-tree

Post by aimeos » 13 Mar 2015, 09:24

Tomas wrote:Success! I´m so happy! :D
Sorry, it seemed to be a typical fault of a newbee not to realize the sense of the root. :oops:
Great! We have to exchange the page tree for manual imports so it doesn't create a new root page to avoid this pitfall.
Tomas wrote:I configured the new root page of the subtree as a link to the first subpage "List", but cannot get there because only "My account" and "Tems" are listed currently. Shall I simply deselect "Hide" in Access of page "List"?
Yes, either this way or you use the "list" page as your parent page for all the othere shop related pages.
Tomas wrote:Might you please give me some advice now to the other questions and problems? Don´t hesitate to send me through the existing Tutorials first, if I can find the answers right there. ;)
For the suggestions, please have a look at the "Search" page if the catalog suggest plugin is placed there and it doesn't display something like "Invalid value". Then check the catalog filter plugin on your "List" page. Edit the plugin and check if it correctly links to the "Search" page.

Is there anything else not working?

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