Extern Userdatabase
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Always add your TYPO3, Aimeos and PHP version as well as your environment (Linux/Mac/Win)
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- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Extern Userdatabase
TYPO3 Version 10.4.13
Webserver Apache
PHP Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
Database (Default) MySQL 5.5.5-10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
Application Context Production
Operating System Linux 4.19.0-9-amd64
Last Scheduler run 24-05-21 at 15:36, Duration 0 min, (started automatically)
aimeos 21.4.2
I want to use the databasetables for fe_users and groups from extern. The Problems now:
- How its possible to configure the userfolder then? I have to configure the folder where the registerred Users where stored normally.
- And do you have an idea how to replace the Register during checkout with something like an link to the logininstallationpage. Okay, a link i would be can do for my self, i think. But exist a better idea for use the extern installation for login and register too?
Ps. Are something more complications on my way?
Thank you
TYPO3 Version 10.4.13
Webserver Apache
PHP Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
Database (Default) MySQL 5.5.5-10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
Application Context Production
Operating System Linux 4.19.0-9-amd64
Last Scheduler run 24-05-21 at 15:36, Duration 0 min, (started automatically)
aimeos 21.4.2
I want to use the databasetables for fe_users and groups from extern. The Problems now:
- How its possible to configure the userfolder then? I have to configure the folder where the registerred Users where stored normally.
- And do you have an idea how to replace the Register during checkout with something like an link to the logininstallationpage. Okay, a link i would be can do for my self, i think. But exist a better idea for use the extern installation for login and register too?
Ps. Are something more complications on my way?
Thank you

Re: Extern Userdatabase
Do you want to move the fe_users table into a separate database or use an external authentication mechanism?
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- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Re: Extern Userdatabase
The second i tryed, but i think im not good anough and will use , first only fe_users and fe_groups in external database. In an own typo3installation with fe_managerextension to register, edit, and login usersDo you want to move the fe_users table into a separate database or use an external authentication mechanism?

I need to use later things from aimeos like: if user buyed product xy, he become group xy for frontendaccess for another site

Re: Extern Userdatabase
From the Aimeos point of view it's described here:Shopmister wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021, 12:36 The second i tryed, but i think im not good anough and will use , first only fe_users and fe_groups in external database. In an own typo3installation with fe_managerextension to register, edit, and login users.
https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/infrastr ... -databases
For TYPO3 you have to adapt the TableMapping in LocalConfiguration.php:
https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/typo3/op ... #databases
The Email subscription processor is able to do that if you create a product with a (long) subscription period:Shopmister wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021, 12:36 I need to use later things from aimeos like: if user buyed product xy, he become group xy for frontendaccess for another site![]()
https://aimeos.org/docs/latest/cronjobs ... rocessors/
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- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Re: Extern Userdatabase
I think i did it like you said for some days. But now it have this error if the file only exist the resource.php file in config folder:
Return value of Aimeos\MW\Config\Base::includeFile() must be of the type array, int returned
in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/Base.php line 38
if( !isset( $this->includeCache[$file] ) ) {
$this->includeCache[$file] = include $file;
return $this->includeCache[$file];
at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php')
And if i have this in:
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'database',
'username' => 'database',
'password' => 'pw',
'limit' => 2,
'opt-persistent' => 0
I became tat error:
syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW)
in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php line 3
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'database',
at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php')
Maybe this thing hang together with the other:
no overwrituingextension of the aimeos 2021 oeverwriting from your website overwrite templates anymore. But if i create in configfolder of overwrite the resource.php file:
Return value of Aimeos\MW\Config\Base::includeFile() must be of the type array, int returned in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/Base.php line 38 if( !isset( $this->includeCache[$file] ) ) { $this->includeCache[$file] = include $file; } return $this->includeCache[$file]; }}at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/shopoverwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/shopoverwrite/config/resource.php')in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/PHPArray.php line 150 if( $entry->isDir() ) { $config[$key] = $this->load( $config[$key], $filepath ); } elseif( $entry->isFile() ) { $config[$key] = array_replace_recursive( $config[$key], $this->includeFile( $filepath ) ); } } }
Return value of Aimeos\MW\Config\Base::includeFile() must be of the type array, int returned
in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/Base.php line 38
if( !isset( $this->includeCache[$file] ) ) {
$this->includeCache[$file] = include $file;
return $this->includeCache[$file];
at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php')
And if i have this in:
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'database',
'username' => 'database',
'password' => 'pw',
'limit' => 2,
'opt-persistent' => 0
I became tat error:
syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW)
in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php line 3
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'database',
at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/Firsttest_july/typo3conf/ext/ai_overwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/resource.php')
Maybe this thing hang together with the other:
no overwrituingextension of the aimeos 2021 oeverwriting from your website overwrite templates anymore. But if i create in configfolder of overwrite the resource.php file:
Return value of Aimeos\MW\Config\Base::includeFile() must be of the type array, int returned in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/Base.php line 38 if( !isset( $this->includeCache[$file] ) ) { $this->includeCache[$file] = include $file; } return $this->includeCache[$file]; }}at Aimeos\MW\Config\Base->includeFile('/home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/shopoverwrite/Resources/Private/Extensions/shopoverwrite/config/resource.php')in /home/users/username/www/Typo3_10/firsttestjuly2/typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Libraries/aimeos/aimeos-core/lib/mwlib/src/MW/Config/PHPArray.php line 150 if( $entry->isDir() ) { $config[$key] = $this->load( $config[$key], $filepath ); } elseif( $entry->isFile() ) { $config[$key] = array_replace_recursive( $config[$key], $this->includeFile( $filepath ) ); } } }
- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Re: Extern Userdatabase
Whatts false on my code guys? From 15th July?
Whatts false on my code guys? From 15th July?
Re: Extern Userdatabase
You've added invalid PHP syntax, it must be:
Most likely, you can't overwrite the resource definition in:
Add it instead to:
The configuration in Resources/Private/Config/ has precedence over Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/ and the resources are originally defined in typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Private/Config/
Code: Select all
return [
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'database',
Add it instead to:
The configuration in Resources/Private/Config/ has precedence over Resources/Private/Extensions/ai_overwrite/config/ and the resources are originally defined in typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Private/Config/
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- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Re: Extern Userdatabase
atm its "Error retrieving data" in aimeos customer modul. WHatts are the requrements for using extern frontend Users with typo3 and aimeos? I have now created an user in an folder on the other installation. An folder with an ID that exist too in the shopinstallation. And same with te usergroup named "customer".
I used that code:
return [
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => 'port ...',
'database' => 'database ...',
'username' => 'username ...',
'password' => 'Finkadink_.33',
'limit' => 2,
'opt-persistent' => 0
Ps. I added btw an "[" to close the "return" because its needed if i wanted to have no error in frontend. Maybe you forgot in your codesnippet
atm its "Error retrieving data" in aimeos customer modul. WHatts are the requrements for using extern frontend Users with typo3 and aimeos? I have now created an user in an folder on the other installation. An folder with an ID that exist too in the shopinstallation. And same with te usergroup named "customer".
I used that code:
return [
'db-customer' => [
'adapter' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'port' => 'port ...',
'database' => 'database ...',
'username' => 'username ...',
'password' => 'Finkadink_.33',
'limit' => 2,
'opt-persistent' => 0
Ps. I added btw an "[" to close the "return" because its needed if i wanted to have no error in frontend. Maybe you forgot in your codesnippet

Re: Extern Userdatabase
Thanks, the missing bracket is fixed now in the orignal post.
Besides the "db-customer" configuration in the resource.php, you only need to set up the PID that should be used:
https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/config/m ... id-default
Besides the "db-customer" configuration in the resource.php, you only need to set up the PID that should be used:
https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/config/m ... id-default
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- Posts: 92
- Joined: 15 Jan 2021, 11:02
Re: Extern Userdatabase
Thats in the logBesides the "db-customer" configuration in the resource.php, you only need to set up the PID that should be used:
https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/config/m ... id-default
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'mcus.siteid' in 'where clause':
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
I think its not anough to write in the resource.php. It seems something different.
Its not needed a siteid that the aimeos extension with checkout etc. works.
But it seems to need the databasefield from extern. Okay that i can try to add. But i hope its not the siteid whattsa missing for system. Than for sure its not possible to add without Registers are about the aimeos checkout at extern database...
Id didf made that i have exactly same databasetbale fe_users in the extern database from typo3. But a different error in log now and same in customer module:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'databasename_db87.fe_users_address' doesn't exist:
But its existing. I checked that. ANd i import the fe_users table from my aimeos installation. Its same now.