Selection Products broken plus different things

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Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by Shopmister » 12 Jul 2021, 05:54

Hey (current aimeos version) and typo3 10.4.17:

I created a view selectionproducts like this video here:

But it dont works:
- No stock level is shown in frontend
- no changing of price and picture if i choose one of the selections in frontend
- no possibillity to click the button for adding to cart. no hand is shown. only if i dont choosed a selection
- and if thats not right so: i see in characteristics all characteristics. from all selections at same time (same in bundle products)

It seems that it dont set the stock-actual, because i dont find it in the browser.

this too files Error: request failed with status 404 atm from compressedfolder:
in this are aimeos classes in:

ps. it seems so that it was same at version .3 of aimeos at least. But the selection problem only without pic is changing, but price and selection but only if i use the colors, and not own attribbutes. And add to cart button arent clickable too. cartproblems like cant delete items from right cart or that i have to reload to see the number in the small cart icon.

ps2. the last seen productpictures sometimes not in frontend viewable. no idea why oonly sometimes, and sometimes only two of four for example. And by suggested products. atm only at the crome.
And if i think this errormessages:
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://domainname/typo3temp/assets/com ... HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
produktname:1 GET https://domainname/uploads/tx_aimeos/pr ... 549815.png 404
produktname:1 GET https://domainname/uploads/tx_aimeos/pr ... 683429.png 404
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://domainname/typo3temp/assets/com ... HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

And i saw that:
The cart not update without reload, same with delete from cart at right site the cart. (in your laravel demoshop both works)

Last edited by Shopmister on 18 Jul 2021, 08:10, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by aimeos » 14 Jul 2021, 05:43

Shopmister wrote: 12 Jul 2021, 05:54 But it dont works:
- No stock level is shown in frontend
- no changing of price and picture if i choose one of the selections in frontend
- no possibillity to click the button for adding to cart. no hand is shown. only if i dont choosed a selection
- and if thats not right so: i see in characteristics all characteristics. from all selections at same time (same in bundle products)
Seems like either jQuery is missing or TYPO3 combining the JS files makes problems. The failed sourcemap files aren't that critical but your should have a look into the browser console to see if there are any JS errors logged.
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Re: Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by Shopmister » 14 Jul 2021, 16:30

Seems like either jQuery is missing or TYPO3 combining the JS files makes problems. The failed sourcemap files aren't that critical but your should have a look into the browser console to see if there are any JS errors logged.
Seems like either jQuery is missing or TYPO3 combining the JS files makes problems. The failed sourcemap files aren't that critical but your should have a look into the browser console to see if there are any JS errors logged.
okay the errors arent a problem, i understand.

no other errors in console. if you mean in consolepart
FOr this problem of these manys:
With bootstrap package 1/3 selection works. i have a changing price if i change color (only if color, not for my own attributes). no description change and no picture change like it should. And cart isnt clickable. And no stocklevel. the interesting is that in your youtubevideo the selection works full too, but your laravaeldemosite dont change pictures with changing selection .

And for the other things:
can you tell me wich jquery/js/css files i need for this cartlivechange and that i can delete in the cart at right site? because its not possible for me to find in these many files where if i search something like: addClass the searchsystem for content of files i use, shows me always 100 files and more...i integrated already these:

50 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.swipe.js
60 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.stickyheader.js
70 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.smoothscroll.js

80 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.popover.js

90 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.navbar.js

100 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.form.js
110 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.cookieconsent.js
120 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.accordion.js
130 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Src/bootstrap.lightbox.js
140 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.swipe.min.js
150 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.stickyheader.min.js
160 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.smoothscroll.min.js
170 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.popover.min.js
180 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.lightbox.min.js
190 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.form.min.js
200 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.cookieconsent.min.js
210 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/Dist/bootstrap.accordion.min.js
250 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/popper/popper.min.js
260 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScript/bootstrap_package/jquery/jquery.min.js
270 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/JavaScriptmanuellfrompackage/bootstrap.min.js


180 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap4-theme.min.css
190 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap4-theme.css
200 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap4-rte.min.css
210 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap4-rte.css
220 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap3-theme.css
230 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap3-rte.min.css
240 = EXT:ground/Resources/Public/Css/bootstrap_package/bootstrap3-rte.css

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Re: Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by aimeos » 15 Jul 2021, 09:35

Shopmister wrote: 14 Jul 2021, 16:30 With bootstrap package 1/3 selection works. i have a changing price if i change color (only if color, not for my own attributes). no description change and no picture change like it should. And cart isnt clickable. And no stocklevel. the interesting is that in your youtubevideo the selection works full too, but your laravaeldemosite dont change pictures with changing selection .
Changing images based on selected variant attribute has been broken in 2021.04 version and will be fixed in the upcoming 2021.07 release.

Maybe an element with a margin overlaps the basket so it's not possible to click on it.

If no stock level is shown, check if the page with the catalog/stock component is correctly linked and if there's no HTML in the response from that site inserted by TYPO3.
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Re: Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by Shopmister » 15 Jul 2021, 10:26

Changing images based on selected variant attribute has been broken in 2021.04 version and will be fixed in the upcoming 2021.07 release.
mhh, thats bad. i thought about to pay somebody he can fix me selectionproducts.
But maybe more of these is broken now too.

But selecitons didnt work in earlier versions by me too i think. But its tricky. And everywhere its different.

My installations, then different between colors with bootstrap package and with normal attributes and dist and without dist, your video, your different demo sites, typo3 and laravel the selection works everwhere different. And for sure the demoproduct attributes like demo:black and blue arent filled the "type" ...its not easy to see then how it works. And the other attributtes selectionproduct like length and with dont change description picture and price too, thats maybe wanted but i have no idea why it dont.
ANd i saw that in your laravel demoshop the description dont change too if a selection is choosed. I thought for few days it did workd, or im confused because these much different things everwhere :)
Maybe an element with a margin overlaps the basket so it's not possible to click on it.
Found solution for the basket and reviewtheme:
Okay, i found the solution for the basket, and reviewthings.
The solution for the basket and reviewthings, is to create in template modul a template for stock site. But include the things like aimeos configuration, my tempalteextension and the fluids.
But in my distribution it wasent included, the includes in template module...

I need maybe typoscript things i have to add if attributes for selection products work?
If no stock level is shown, check if the page with the catalog/stock component is correctly linked and if there's no HTML in the response from that site inserted by TYPO3.
the stocklevel is shown by all products. only not the selectionproducts.

Ps. ATM arent shown the stars at deatailpage and reviewpart only. at listpage it works. It instead of stars, the exactly number of "?"

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Re: Selection Products broken plus different things

Post by aimeos » 19 Jul 2021, 12:41

The problem with the reviews in the detail page has been fixed and the upcoming 21.7 version will work as expected.
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