Define a new method for product item class

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Define a new method for product item class

Post by niloofar » 15 Aug 2021, 21:21


What is the best solution to show only active properties on the product's detail page? (The properties must be shown regardless of status in admin panel - no changes there)
Here's something I came up with, that does work but doesn't seem right:

In `my_ext/controller/frontend/src/Controller/Frontend/Product/Decorator/ActiveProperties.php` a new method is added to product item class

Code: Select all

namespace Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Product\Decorator;

class ActiveProperties extends Base
	public function __construct(\Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Iface $controller, \Aimeos\MShop\Context\Item\Iface $context)
		parent::__construct($controller, $context);
		\Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item\Standard::method('getEnabledPropertyItems', function ($type = null) use ($context) {
			$list = [];
			$types = [];

			foreach ($this->propItems as $prop) {
				$types[] = $prop->getType();

			$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'product/property/type');
			$filter = $manager->filter(true)->add('', '==', $types);
			$enabledTypes = $manager->search($filter)->walk(fn (&$type) => $type = $type->getCode());

			foreach ($this->propItems as $propId => $propItem) {
				if (($type === null || in_array($propItem->getType(), (array) $type))
					&& ($propItem->isAvailable()
						&& $enabledTypes->in($propItem->getType()))
				) {
					$list[$propId] = $propItem;

			return map($list);

Then in `my_ext/client/html/src/Client/Html/Catalog/Detail/RtlDetail.php` I get active properties:

Code: Select all

$propItems = $productItem->getEnabledPropertyItems();
Is there a way to add decorators to product item?
Aimeos version: ~2021.07
Laravel version: ^8.40
PHP: 7.4.9

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Re: Define a new method for product item class

Post by aimeos » 16 Aug 2021, 05:29

You can't create a decorator for an item but you can create a decorator for the product or product/property manager which intercepts the get()/find()/search() methods and removes the properties you don't want. The "Depth" decorator could be a good start: ... /Depth.php
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