problem with second price of the products

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Re: problem with second price of the products

Post by aimeos » 17 Feb 2022, 08:56

We've found out that passing the currency works correctly if you add "?C=EUR" to the URL. The problem is the locale selector, which can only add parameters with "ai" prefix. We are now trying to see if we can get it to work with "ai[currency]=EUR".

Alternatively, you can build your own currency selector using TypoScript and add "C=XXX" to the current URL. Then, the "C" parameter is passed around correctly.
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Re: problem with second price of the products

Post by crazyforester » 18 Feb 2022, 12:02

thank you for your reply
yes, solution with own currency selector works
If someone is interested , below I have copied a simple solution with simple link
lib.curlink = TEXT
lib.curlink.value = in EUR = page:uid
lib.curlink.typolink.additionalParams = &C=EUR
lib.curlink.typolink.addQueryString = 1
lib.curlink.typolink.useCacheHash = 1

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