Same Domains at detailsite for many products

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Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by Shopmister » 31 Mar 2022, 12:44

typo3 10.4.17
aimeos 21.7.1

I Have an big SEO problem with aimeos. Many products, around 1/3 of all have false detailpage urls. often the url of one product, like Badekappen-5d015?ai%5Bd_pos%5D=15 .
The first part the name of the product are same at many products. Not all one productname. some have one others have another...
Maybe all products made on one day have the url of one nother of made from this day. Im not sure but today i saw this it was so i think :)
What can happened/are false?

Very thanks for answering, seo is so importand and it looks so terrible the false domains. And confusing for users. :O
I have no idae how long this problem is at least. Maybe it have to do with copieing products. i dont know.

Ps. I have an feature request too:
Every product characteristics cant be change after setting that. If the user want to change for example characteristic: color, blue to color red. He have to delete that color characteristic and set again. And for sure set the possition after saving again.
ANd another idea if that not already exist, that its possible to make some like presets of characteristics. to took at the characteristic tab, for example preset: shoes. And then all characteristic type refilled :)

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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by aimeos » 01 Apr 2022, 12:40

As your products share the same name and the URL segment is automatically generated from the product name, this will lead to linking to the wrong product. Use this setting and remove the "d_prodid" entry there: ... il/#filter

Like this:

Code: Select all

plugin.tx_aimeos.settings.client.html.catalog.detail.url.filter {
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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by Shopmister » 01 Apr 2022, 13:14

As your products share the same name and the URL segment is automatically generated from the product name, this will lead to linking to the wrong product. Use this setting and remove the "d_prodid" entry there: ... il/#filter
No the products have all very different names. I will delete that part because advertisement... but for better understand:
Original name/Label: One Piece Grand Line Booster
generatesd url: ... d_pos%5D=6
Original name/Label: One Piece Aufschneider
generatesd url: ... d_pos%5D=5

Original name/Label: One Piece Himmelsstürmer
generatesd url ... d_pos%5D=4

And many others with not this existenz name, earlier added products. Not all in the shop are so, but many.

Its with your link possible to change url names to non cryptic, only the names without ids? I did in the sitesconfigfile already for nicely urls:
routePath: '/pin/{pin_action}/{pin_id}/{d_name}'
_controller: 'Catalog::detail'
routePath: '/history/{his_action}/{his_id}'
_controller: 'Account::history'
.............and so on.
But so nice arent the urls at least :)

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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by aimeos » 04 Apr 2022, 10:25

The hash part at the end of the product URL segment is generated automatically if you copy products but you can change the URL segment in the product detail panel of the admin backend. If you remove it, it will be automatically recreated based on the product label.
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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by Shopmister » 05 Apr 2022, 09:46

The hash part at the end of the product URL segment is generated automatically if you copy products but you can change the URL segment in the product detail panel of the admin backend. If you remove it, it will be automatically recreated based on the product label.
You mean its normal in aimeos that copied products have the same name, with an different hash at the end? But why aimeos do not generate the names for copied products too as the product name is? i DOnt understand what sence would exist to give products only because thye are copied same names at url?

You mean with change, to create manually slug part at Texts? Or where. Because Removing i cant. I have to

I did try to change the urls at Texts part with "URL Segment". It seems work, but its for sure not a good solution.
I hope that havent any technical effects for love products, buyed, reviewed, or something else. I Would think its only slug then and not any other technical relevance im right?
But if i disabled it agian to test if it automatically recreated based on the product label, like you said, its the same false domain like before and not an right again recreated :O

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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by aimeos » 12 Apr 2022, 10:49

Shopmister wrote: 05 Apr 2022, 09:46 You mean its normal in aimeos that copied products have the same name, with an different hash at the end? But why aimeos do not generate the names for copied products too as the product name is? i DOnt understand what sence would exist to give products only because thye are copied same names at url?
In newer versions, the product URL slug is not copied any more.
Shopmister wrote: 05 Apr 2022, 09:46 You mean with change, to create manually slug part at Texts? Or where. Because Removing i cant. I have to
The product URL slug is available if you click on the three dots (...) in the basic section of the product detail panel.
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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by Shopmister » 17 Apr 2022, 07:08

In newer versions, the product URL slug is not copied any more.
Dont understand. i tested in new aimeos version, and its same, but see bottom:
The product URL slug is available if you click on the three dots (...) in the basic section of the product detail panel.
If i delete there its generating new, in newest version in my older! that works. thanks. Its now ez to understand for me. And not an bug its only logic :)

But i have maybe an idea to have it a bit easier to manage the urls from products:

if create a copy product leave the url segment field empty during create the copy product and fill if first time will saved the product. So always the right url without have to change it. Or maybe better for all sorts of products, after first safe and not during creating. Thats much more simple :). And for sure only if new created, because if user did fill manuall later its dont have to generate every time new. You think its a good feature request then and you do that for the next version? Its having one problem, if the user during creating fill the url field manually. Than its overwriting his. But i think the most normal reality is that users want to have the url like the name. Thats more importand and my solution maybe the better :)

I asked for better looking urls and you answered that:
The hash part at the end of the product URL segment is generated automatically if you copy products but you can change the URL segment in the product detail panel of the admin backend. If you remove it, it will be automatically recreated based on the product label.
But i test and saw the urls are always with hash. not only copied products, like:[d_pos]=66
thats my configuration:
type: Extbase
namespace: ai
defaultController: 'Catalog::list'
routePath: '/pin/{pin_action}/{pin_id}/{d_name}'
_controller: 'Catalog::detail'
routePath: '/history/{his_action}/{his_id}'
_controller: 'Account::history'
routePath: '/watch/{wat_action}'
_controller: 'Account::watch'
routePath: '/watch/{wat_action}/{wat_id}'
_controller: 'Account::watch'
routePath: '/fav/{fav_action}'
_controller: 'Account::favorite'
routePath: '/fav/{fav_action}/{fav_id}'
_controller: 'Account::favorite'
routePath: '/b/{b_action}'
_controller: 'Basket::index'
routePath: '/co/{c_step}'
_controller: 'Checkout::index'
routePath: '/c/{f_name}~{f_catid}'
_controller: 'Catalog::list'
routePath: '/d/{d_name}'
_controller: 'Catalog::detail'
routePath: '/l/{f_sort}'
_controller: 'Catalog::list'
b_action: ''
c_step: ''
f_sort: ''

small questions for understanding:
ps. is the SKU relevant for the system, reviews or something. Can i change without have problems with other things? FOr sure for seo i know its bad bad technical connections in aimeos.

PS2. how aimeos manage the reviews, about name, sku or what? I see its a new field in the product in backend if an review are about the product. i mean exist an setting in backend i can destroy reviews from some products i i change the sku or something else? :)

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Re: Same Domains at detailsite for many products

Post by aimeos » 29 Apr 2022, 06:21

Shopmister wrote: 17 Apr 2022, 07:08
In newer versions, the product URL slug is not copied any more.
Dont understand. i tested in new aimeos version, and its same, but see bottom:
Newer versions means the new 2022.04+ releases.

Shopmister wrote: 17 Apr 2022, 07:08 ps. is the SKU relevant for the system, reviews or something. Can i change without have problems with other things? FOr sure for seo i know its bad bad technical connections in aimeos.
The SKU is most relevant for external systems and Aimeos doesn't depend on it internally any more so changing it is no problem. Only in existing orders, the old SKU is stored as a copy.
Shopmister wrote: 17 Apr 2022, 07:08 PS2. how aimeos manage the reviews, about name, sku or what? I see its a new field in the product in backend if an review are about the product. i mean exist an setting in backend i can destroy reviews from some products i i change the sku or something else? :)
No, reviews are referenced by the product ID and you can't destroy the connection between products and reviews by changing the SKU.
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