Extend Product/Text

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Extend Product/Text

Post by heural » 24 Feb 2023, 07:49

Hi Aimeos Team,

I tried to extend Product/Text, as shown in the attachment. Extending the template was´nt the problem but now, I struggled with save and retrieve the data.
I´ve looked into https://aimeos.org/docs/2021.x/models/e ... custom-way but I dont know the "connection" beetween my own Text/Lists/Manager to include the "contentimage" and extend the product.lists-table

With extending config/mshop/product.php, the product-tab shows a SQL-Syntax-Error:

Code: Select all

return array(
    'manager' => array(
        'lists' => array(
        'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
                    INSERT INTO "mshop_product_list" ( :names
                        "parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
                        "config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime", "contentimage"
                    ) VALUES ( :values
                        ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
                        UPDATE "mshop_product_list"
                        SET :names
                            "parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?,
                            "end" = ?, "config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "contentimage" = ?
                        WHERE "siteid" LIKE ? AND "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
                        SELECT :columns
                            mproli."id" AS "product.lists.id", mproli."parentid" AS "product.lists.parentid",
                            mproli."siteid" AS "product.lists.siteid", mproli."type" AS "product.lists.type",
                            mproli."domain" AS "product.lists.domain", mproli."refid" AS "product.lists.refid",
                            mproli."start" AS "product.lists.datestart", mproli."end" AS "product.lists.dateend",
                            mproli."config" AS "product.lists.config", mproli."pos" AS "product.lists.position",
                            mproli."status" AS "product.lists.status", mproli."mtime" AS "product.lists.mtime",
                            mproli."editor" AS "product.lists.editor", mproli."ctime" AS "product.lists.ctime",
                            mproli."contentimage" AS "product.lists.contentimage"
                        FROM "mshop_product_list" mproli
                        WHERE :cond
                        ORDER BY :order
                        OFFSET :start ROWS FETCH NEXT :size ROWS ONLY
                    'mysql' => '
                        SELECT :columns
                            mproli."id" AS "product.lists.id", mproli."parentid" AS "product.lists.parentid",
                            mproli."siteid" AS "product.lists.siteid", mproli."type" AS "product.lists.type",
                            mproli."domain" AS "product.lists.domain", mproli."refid" AS "product.lists.refid",
                            mproli."start" AS "product.lists.datestart", mproli."end" AS "product.lists.dateend",
                            mproli."config" AS "product.lists.config", mproli."pos" AS "product.lists.position",
                            mproli."status" AS "product.lists.status", mproli."mtime" AS "product.lists.mtime",
                            mproli."editor" AS "product.lists.editor", mproli."ctime" AS "product.lists.ctime",
                            mproli."contentimage" AS "product.lists.contentimage"
                        FROM "mshop_product_list" mproli
                        WHERE :cond
                        ORDER BY :order
                        LIMIT :size OFFSET :start

Thank you!
screenshot-aimeos.local-2023.02.23-15_37_59.png (70.37 KiB) Viewed 1468 times

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Re: Extend Product/Text

Post by aimeos » 27 Feb 2023, 09:15

Well, there's none for good reasons! Usually, you want to keep things separate and upload an image with a new type instead in the media panel to be able to enforce the layout in the frontend.

If you really want to directly connect texts and images and let the editor influence the layout (which then may look broken), you can store the uploaded file by the media manager and add an hint to the ID of the media item in the "config" field of the list item. In the frontend, you have to bring that together based on the "config" value.
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