Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

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Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

Post by kdim95 » 23 Mar 2023, 09:23

Laravel framework version: 9.52.4
Aimeos Laravel version: ~2022.10
PHP Version: 8.2.4
Environment: Linux


I am working with Omipay to implement a new payment method.

When the payment is complete the payment processor redirects back to the Aimeos website with a POST request, which contains Form Data with the related information about the payment.

The problem is that the redirection itself clears my session, I get logged out and get greeted by a "419 PAGE EXPIRED" error and I can't continue.

What is the proper way to handle this issue and implement a secure solution so the session isn't lost?

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Re: Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

Post by aimeos » 27 Mar 2023, 16:56

Most likely, the browser doesn't send the session cookie to your site after redirecting from the payment gateway.
Try to set the Same-Site Cookie policy to "none" in config/session.php:

Code: Select all

'same_site' => "none",
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Re: Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

Post by kdim95 » 28 Mar 2023, 09:08

Is it secure to make this change in Aimeos?

I tried changing it to "none" and logging in does not work now.

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Re: Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

Post by aimeos » 28 Mar 2023, 12:03

Then, it most be something else. Neverthless, you should check if the Laravel session cookie is sent to your server after the redirect from the payment provider.
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Re: Omnipay - Session is cleared on order payment confirmation

Post by kdim95 » 29 Mar 2023, 14:04

The cookie is not being sent.

I have created a callback route where I have turned off CSRF verification, where I will verify the data manually via the payment processor's Omnipay gateway's, it includes verification of certificate and signing with that certificate coming from the payment processor.

After verifying the signature, order ID and status, it will change the order status, log the user back in and redirect to the completed order page.

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