PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

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PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by trimble » 06 Mar 2016, 16:27


I'm using TYPO3 v7.6.4 and aimeos v16.1.2. With PHP 5.6 everything is fine. With PHP 7.0 the overlay window for the basket is opened but remains empty. Do I miss something?


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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by aimeos » 06 Mar 2016, 16:43

At, it runs quite nicely with PHP 7:

Can you have a look into the Apache error.log file and open the web console in your browser if there are any errors displayed?
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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by trimble » 07 Mar 2016, 10:57

Good morning,

I tried to check the situation with firebug and got the following error messages (error_messages1).
There is only one situation, when the windows opens correctly: The stock is empty.

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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by aimeos » 07 Mar 2016, 12:53

Could you please have a look into the response of the "count" and "stock" requests? Seems like HTML is returned which may be caused by an exception caught by TYPO3.
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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by trimble » 07 Mar 2016, 14:41

Here is the response of the count request. I deleted the empty lines

Code: Select all

<div id="c14" class="frame default">
            <h1 class="">

    // <!--
var categoryCounts = {"1":"6","2":"3","3":"5","4":"2","5":"2","8":"1"};

$( ".catalog-filter-count" ).each( function( index, item ) {	
	var itemId = $(item).data( "id" );

	$(">", item).append( function() {
		if( categoryCounts[itemId] ) {
			return ' <span class="cat-count">' + categoryCounts[itemId] + '</span>';

		$(item).addClass( 'disabled' );

// -->// <!--
var attributeCounts = {};

$( ".catalog-filter-attribute .attribute-lists li.attr-item" ).each( function( index, item ) {	
	$(item).append( function() {
		var itemId = $(this).data( "id" );
		if( attributeCounts[itemId] ) {
			var node = document.createElement( 'span' );
			node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( attributeCounts[itemId] ) );
			$(node).addClass( 'attr-count' );
			return node;
		$(this).addClass( 'disabled' );

// -->


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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by aimeos » 07 Mar 2016, 15:45

You've added a header and a frame in the plugin settings. Thus, TYPO3 renders the div and h1 tag and that causes a JS error.
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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by trimble » 07 Mar 2016, 18:51

I didn't add anything. I'm testing the new bootstrap_package v7, I guess that's where it comes from (

With ph 5.6 and bootstrap_package v7 I have the same error messages but that's no problem for the rendering of the overlay window.


15 min later:
I just ckecked it again with a reinstalled bootstrap_package 6.1.2. There aren't any errors :)

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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by aimeos » 07 Mar 2016, 22:19

You should open a bug report for the bootstrap package :-)
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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by trimble » 08 Mar 2016, 12:36

bootstrap_package v7 released today. I'm curious abourt your experiences with it.

Just one more information:
with the extension sourceopt I could clean the FE code. As result I get same errors but another output 'return window.wrappedJSObject || window;'

and I get the error message:

<b>Fatal error</b>: Declaration of Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Decorator\Base::__construct(Aimeos
\MShop\Service\Provider\Iface $provider, Aimeos\MShop\Context\Item\Iface $context, Aimeos\MShop\Service
\Item\Iface $serviceItem) must be compatible with Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Factory\Iface::__construct
(Aimeos\MShop\Context\Item\Iface $context, Aimeos\MShop\Service\Item\Iface $serviceItem) in <b>/html
/Decorator/Base.php</b> on line <b>247</b><br />

With php 5.6.3 the last error message about the fatal error is missing.

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Re: PHP7 and overlay window for the basket

Post by aimeos » 08 Mar 2016, 12:45

trimble wrote: with the extension sourceopt I could clean the FE code. As result I get same errors but another output 'return window.wrappedJSObject || window;'
It's better to fix the underlying problem than to try to work around it.
trimble wrote: <b>Fatal error</b>: Declaration of Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Decorator\Base::__construct) must be compatible with Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Factory\Iface::__construct()
You need at least PHP 7.0.3 that fixes the problem:
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