Cache Cleanup for a specific page

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Cache Cleanup for a specific page

Post by velo » 13 Jul 2016, 08:27


this question is little bit related to my question for a teaser plugin.
We need to cleanup the cache e.g. every hour, for a single page, in our case the Startpage. We need this cache cleanup to provide randomly choosen products every hour. Is there any possibility to achive this goal?
I've seen one can choose the page but there is just the default age in the list.

Thank you very much again :)

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Re: Cache Cleanup for a specific page

Post by aimeos » 13 Jul 2016, 20:34

Aimeos cache entries are not bound to TYPO3 pages and you can only clear the cache completely or for specific products if you know their ID. The other option is the TTL you've seen for the cache entries.
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