Quantity for bundle products

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Quantity for bundle products

Post by Kaloa » 14 Feb 2017, 23:08


In our current shop, when a customer orders a product on our site, our old system sends to our ERP, managing the stocks of all the products, a set of information on the complementary products of the order (in a transparent way for the " Internet user):

The product ordered
+ Packaging
+ Packing Bag x 2
+ Advertising Flyer

This allows us to have a precise management of the different stocks of product and not only of the product ordered by the customer. And most importantly, this allows the ERP to inform the preparers of the order, the precise content of what they must prepare.

Aimeos offers the bundle product systems that exactly match our needs. The customer does not see the complementary products in his basket or on his order form but this is well added and can be sent to our ERP in the background.

But .... we can not (or have not found how) add 2 times the same product in a bundle.
Is there a trick to set the quantity of one product in a bundle?

Typo3 7.6.15
Aimeos 17.2

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Re: Quantity for bundle products

Post by aimeos » 15 Feb 2017, 08:56

Adding the same product twice in the same bundle is not allowed. It would be possible to extend the system and add a pre-configured quantity to the bundled products, e.g. article 1x, packaging bag 2x. The product reference have a "config" field where such information can be stored.

This could be also used for custom products to specify min/max values for products.
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