Create manual order

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Create manual order

Post by jramirezgranada » 28 Jan 2019, 20:52

Hi there;

Given a product code (SKU) how can I create a manual order with that ?

Jorge A Ramirez
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Re: Create manual order

Post by aimeos » 29 Jan 2019, 06:54

Use something like this:

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$prodcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Product\Factory::createController( $context );
$prodId = $prodcntl->findItem( '<sku>' )->getId();
$basketcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Basket\Factory::createController( $context );
$basketcntl->addProduct( $prodId );
You also have to add a billing address and a delivery and payment option to the basket. Use the "customer" and "service" controller for that. Then, you can use "$basketcntl->store()" to create an order. Using the "order" controller, you can create an order item with a payment status of "authorized" or "received" so your order gets processed normally in the further steps (send e-mails, push to ERP system, etc.)

For more information about the controllers, please have a look at the API docs: ... ntend.html

In 2019.x versions, the interfaces of the controllers changes a bit to simplify things.
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Re: Create manual order

Post by jramirezgranada » 29 Jan 2019, 21:39

findItem doesn't exists, I used the manager instead of factory
$prodcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Product\Factory::createController( $context );
$prodId = $prodcntl->findItem( '<sku>' )->getId();
When I sotre the basket with $basketcntl->store(), it creates a record in order_base, but it doesn't create records in order and order_base_products
$basketcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Basket\Factory::createController( $context );
$basketcntl->addProduct( $prodId );
What is my case:
1. I extended the coupon manager to add an sku,
2. That code will be redeemed.
3. As that code has associated a sku I need to create a complete order, set price in 0, and put it as authorized, and generate the billing.

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Re: Create manual order

Post by aimeos » 31 Jan 2019, 13:06

If you are implementing something in the mshoplib, you must not use the controllers but the managers directly instead.

Then it will be something like this:

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$product = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'product' )->findItem( '<sku>', ['text', 'media', 'price'] );
$orderProduct = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order/base/product' )->createItem()->copyFrom( $product );
$orderProduct->getPrice()->setValue( '0.00' );

$baseManager = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order/base' );
$basket = $baseManager->createItem()->addProduct( $orderProduct );
// add address (if authenticated customer), delivery (e.g. 'Manual') and payment option (e.g. 'Postpay')
$basket = $baseManager->store( $basket );

$orderManager = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order' );
$orderItem = $orderManager->createItem()->setBaseId( $basket->getId() )->setPaymentStatus( 5 )->setType( 'coupon' );
$orderManager->saveItem( $orderItem );
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Re: Create manual order

Post by jramirezgranada » 04 Feb 2019, 19:45

Thanks, I have a good progress with that.

When I wnat to add a product to order/base with $baseManager->createItem()->addProduct( $orderProduct ); the product isn't added to order base neither order base product table, always the product should be a variant of a parent product,

I've tried pass the parent product id and the variant id, also pass the product id, but in those cases i can't get it in the order base information.

Jorge A Ramirez
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Re: Create manual order

Post by aimeos » 06 Feb 2019, 10:41

jramirezgranada wrote: When I wnat to add a product to order/base with $baseManager->createItem()->addProduct( $orderProduct ); the product isn't added to order base neither order base product table, always the product should be a variant of a parent product,
Only after storing the order/base object (basket), the content is persisted in the database:

Code: Select all

$baseManager->store( $basket );
jramirezgranada wrote:I've tried pass the parent product id and the variant id, also pass the product id, but in those cases i can't get it in the order base information.
For selection products, you might find it helpful to investigate how the basket frontend controller handles them: ... Select.php
Most important: The product ID in the order/base/product item is the ID of the selection product but the code is the SKU of the variant article.
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Re: Create manual order

Post by milos_shomsy » 14 Aug 2020, 15:27


One question, please.

How can I add multiple products in single order? At the end, I need sum of price and quantites for an order like:

Code: Select all

$order = [
  0 => [
    "product_id" => "17"
    "quantity" => "3"
  1 =>  [
    "product_id" => "27"
    "quantity" => "4"
And I want to use managers like you described before:

Code: Select all

 $product = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'product' )->findItem( '<sku>', ['text', 'media', 'price'] );
$orderProduct = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order/base/product' )->createItem()->copyFrom( $product );
$orderProduct->getPrice()->setValue( '0.00' );

$baseManager = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order/base' );
$basket = $baseManager->createItem()->addProduct( $orderProduct );
// add address (if authenticated customer), delivery (e.g. 'Manual') and payment option (e.g. 'Postpay')
$basket = $baseManager->store( $basket );

$orderManager = \Aimeos\MShop\Factory::createManager( $context, 'order' );
$orderItem = $orderManager->createItem()->setBaseId( $basket->getId() )->setPaymentStatus( 5 )->setType( 'coupon' );
$orderManager->saveItem( $orderItem );

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Re: Create manual order

Post by aimeos » 17 Aug 2020, 06:43

You can use:

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$prodcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create( $this->getContext(), 'product' );
$basketcntl = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend::create( $this->getContext(), 'basket' );

foreach( ['17' => 3, '27' => 4] as $prodid => $qty )
	$product = $prodcntl->get( $prodid, ['price', 'text', 'media'] );
	$basketcntl->addProduct( $product, $qty );

$price = $basketcntl->get()->getPrice()->getValue();
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Re: Create manual order

Post by milos_shomsy » 17 Aug 2020, 09:37


Thanks for help.

I have one more queston about this.

We want to have simple shop like: products and orders.
So we don't have catalogs, categories, etc.

And now I have bug usning frontend controllers you sent me in code snippet:
Adding product with ID "17" is not allowed
Is there a way to skip those and add multiple products to one order ID?

Thanks in advance,
Milos Stankovic

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Re: Create manual order

Post by milos_shomsy » 19 Aug 2020, 08:51


Just to let you know, I ended up with something like this:

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$context = app()->make('aimeos.context')->get();
$productManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'product');
$orderProduct = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'order/base/product');
$orderedProducts = [];
foreach (['17' => 3, '27' => 4] as $prodid => $qty) {
    $product = $productManager->getItem($prodid, ['text', 'media', 'price']);
    $price = $product->getRefItems('price')->first();
    $orderedProducts[] = $orderProduct
$baseManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'order/base');
$baseItem = $baseManager->createItem();
$basketProducts = $baseItem->setProducts($orderedProducts);
$basket = $baseManager->store($basketProducts);
$orderManager = \Aimeos\MShop::create($context, 'order');
$orderItem = $orderManager->createItem();

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