How to add additional fields to a customer

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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by aimeos » 22 Jul 2019, 21:00

Can you try "laravel" instead of "standard": ... r.php#L378
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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by MikaelNazarenko » 22 Jul 2019, 21:10

/var/www/labor/ext/labor/config/mshop.php :

Code: Select all


return array(
    'customer' => array(
        'manager' => array(
            'name' => 'Customer',
            'laravel' => [
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					DELETE FROM "users"
					WHERE :cond
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					INSERT INTO "users" (
						"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
						"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
						"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
						"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
						"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
						"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
					) VALUES (
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					UPDATE "users"
					SET "siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
						"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
						"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
						"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
						"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
						"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
						"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
					WHERE "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT lvu."id" AS "", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
						lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
						lvu."company" AS "", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
						lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
						lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
						lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
						lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
						lvu."city" AS "", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
						lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
						lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
						lvu."email" AS "", lvu."website" AS "",
						lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
						lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
						lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
						lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
						lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
					FROM "users" AS lvu
					WHERE :cond
					GROUP BY lvu."id", lvu."siteid", lvu."name", lvu."company", lvu."vatid",
						lvu."salutation", lvu."title", lvu."firstname", lvu."lastname",
						lvu."address1", lvu."address2", lvu."address3", lvu."postal",
						lvu."city", lvu."state", lvu."countryid", lvu."langid",
						lvu."telephone", lvu."telefax", lvu."email", lvu."website",
						lvu."longitude", lvu."latitude", lvu."birthday", lvu."status",
						lvu."vdate", lvu."password", lvu."created_at", lvu."updated_at",
					/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
					LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
					FROM (
						SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
						FROM "users" AS lvu
						WHERE :cond
						LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
					) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
The same result (( I am not able to enter into admin (( :(

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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by aimeos » 22 Jul 2019, 21:24

Don't know if the standard customer.php config file is merged so I would try to copy the complete file from the ai-laravel extension and if it works, change it according to your needs.
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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by MikaelNazarenko » 22 Jul 2019, 21:39

If I understand you right, I have copied full content from /var/www/labor/ext/ai-laravel/lib/custom/config/mshop/customer.php to /var/www/labor/ext/labor/config/mshop.php

File /var/www/labor/ext/labor/config/mshop.php :

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3,
 * @copyright Aimeos (, 2015-2018

return array(
    'manager' => array(
        'address' => array(
            'laravel' => array(
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_address"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_address" (
							"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_address"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?, "salutation" = ?,
							"title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?, "address1" = ?,
							"address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?, "city" = ?,
							"state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?, "telephone" = ?,
							"email" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?, "longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?,
							"pos" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "siteid" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuad."id" AS "", lvuad."parentid" AS "customer.address.parentid",
							lvuad."company" AS "", lvuad."vatid" AS "customer.address.vatid",
							lvuad."salutation" AS "customer.address.salutation", lvuad."title" AS "customer.address.title",
							lvuad."firstname" AS "customer.address.firstname", lvuad."lastname" AS "customer.address.lastname",
							lvuad."address1" AS "customer.address.address1", lvuad."address2" AS "customer.address.address2",
							lvuad."address3" AS "customer.address.address3", lvuad."postal" AS "customer.address.postal",
							lvuad."city" AS "", lvuad."state" AS "customer.address.state",
							lvuad."countryid" AS "customer.address.countryid", lvuad."langid" AS "customer.address.languageid",
							lvuad."telephone" AS "customer.address.telephone", lvuad."email" AS "",
							lvuad."telefax" AS "customer.address.telefax", lvuad."website" AS "",
							lvuad."longitude" AS "customer.address.longitude", lvuad."latitude" AS "customer.address.latitude",
							lvuad."pos" AS "customer.address.position", lvuad."mtime" AS "customer.address.mtime",
							lvuad."editor" AS "customer.address.editor", lvuad."ctime" AS "customer.address.ctime",
							lvuad."siteid" AS "customer.address.siteid"
						FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuad."id", lvuad."parentid", lvuad."company", lvuad."vatid",
							lvuad."salutation", lvuad."title", lvuad."firstname", lvuad."lastname",
							lvuad."address1", lvuad."address2", lvuad."address3", lvuad."postal",
							lvuad."city", lvuad."state", lvuad."countryid", lvuad."langid",
							lvuad."telephone", lvuad."email", lvuad."telefax", lvuad."website",
							lvuad."longitude", lvuad."latitude", lvuad."pos",
							lvuad."mtime", lvuad."editor", lvuad."ctime"
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuad."id"
							FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_address.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'lists' => array(
            'type' => array(
                'laravel' => array(
                    'insert' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_list_type"(
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                    'update' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_list_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                    'delete' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_list_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                    'search' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvulity."id" AS "", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
								lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
								lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
								lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
								lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
							FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvulity."id", lvulity."siteid", lvulity."code", lvulity."domain",
								lvulity."label", lvulity."status", lvulity."mtime", lvulity."editor",
								lvulity."ctime", lvulity."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                    'count' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
								FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS LIST
                    'newid' => array(
                        'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                        'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                        'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                        'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                        'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                        'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                        'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
            'laravel' => array(
                'aggregate' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						) AS list
						GROUP BY "key"
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_list"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_list"(
							"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
						"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_list"
						SET "parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?, "end" = ?,
							"config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuli."id" AS "", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
							lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
							lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
							lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
							lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
							lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
							lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
						FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
							lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
							lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
							lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'property' => array(
            'type' => array(
                'laravel' => array(
                    'delete' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_property_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                    'insert' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_property_type" (
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                    'update' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_property_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                    'search' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvuprty."id" AS "", lvuprty."siteid" AS "",
								lvuprty."code" AS "", lvuprty."domain" AS "",
								lvuprty."label" AS "", lvuprty."status" AS "",
								lvuprty."mtime" AS "", lvuprty."editor" AS "",
								lvuprty."ctime" AS "", lvuprty."pos" AS ""
							FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvuprty."id", lvuprty."siteid", lvuprty."code", lvuprty."domain",
								lvuprty."label", lvuprty."status", lvuprty."mtime", lvuprty."editor",
								lvuprty."ctime", lvuprty."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                    'count' => array(
                        'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
								FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
                    'newid' => array(
                        'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                        'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                        'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                        'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                        'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                        'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                        'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
            'laravel' => array(
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_property"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_property" (
							"parentid", "key", "type", "langid", "value",
							"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_property"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "langid" = ?,
							"value" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvupr."id" AS "", lvupr."parentid" AS "",
							lvupr."siteid" AS "", lvupr."type" AS "",
							lvupr."langid" AS "", lvupr."value" AS "",
							lvupr."mtime" AS "", lvupr."editor" AS "",
							lvupr."ctime" AS ""
						FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvupr."id", lvupr."parentid", lvupr."siteid", lvupr."type",
							lvupr."langid", lvupr."value", lvupr."mtime", lvupr."editor",
							lvupr."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvupr."id"
							FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'laravel' => array(
            'name' => 'Customer',
            'standard' => [
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					DELETE FROM "users"
					WHERE :cond
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					INSERT INTO "users" (
						"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
						"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
						"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
						"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
						"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
						"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
					) VALUES (
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					UPDATE "users"
					SET "siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
						"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
						"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
						"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
						"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
						"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
						"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
					WHERE "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT lvu."id" AS "", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
						lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
						lvu."company" AS "", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
						lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
						lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
						lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
						lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
						lvu."city" AS "", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
						lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
						lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
						lvu."email" AS "", lvu."website" AS "",
						lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
						lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
						lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
						lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
						lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
					FROM "users" AS lvu
					WHERE :cond
					GROUP BY lvu."id", lvu."siteid", lvu."name", lvu."company", lvu."vatid",
						lvu."salutation", lvu."title", lvu."firstname", lvu."lastname",
						lvu."address1", lvu."address2", lvu."address3", lvu."postal",
						lvu."city", lvu."state", lvu."countryid", lvu."langid",
						lvu."telephone", lvu."telefax", lvu."email", lvu."website",
						lvu."longitude", lvu."latitude", lvu."birthday", lvu."status",
						lvu."vdate", lvu."password", lvu."created_at", lvu."updated_at",
					/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
					LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
					FROM (
						SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
						FROM "users" AS lvu
						WHERE :cond
						LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
					) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',

But how can I modify it to tell application to use my own Manager and Item ? Because with such modifications it has not affect. I added die to my manager - not working. If I change 'laravel' to 'customer' - the same, nothing happens. Problem is not solved (

The following format I tried also not working, means it doesn't use my new manager and item:

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3,
 * @copyright Aimeos (, 2015-2018

return array(
    'address' => array(
        'laravel' => array(
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_address"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_address" (
							"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_address"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?, "salutation" = ?,
							"title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?, "address1" = ?,
							"address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?, "city" = ?,
							"state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?, "telephone" = ?,
							"email" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?, "longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?,
							"pos" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "siteid" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuad."id" AS "", lvuad."parentid" AS "customer.address.parentid",
							lvuad."company" AS "", lvuad."vatid" AS "customer.address.vatid",
							lvuad."salutation" AS "customer.address.salutation", lvuad."title" AS "customer.address.title",
							lvuad."firstname" AS "customer.address.firstname", lvuad."lastname" AS "customer.address.lastname",
							lvuad."address1" AS "customer.address.address1", lvuad."address2" AS "customer.address.address2",
							lvuad."address3" AS "customer.address.address3", lvuad."postal" AS "customer.address.postal",
							lvuad."city" AS "", lvuad."state" AS "customer.address.state",
							lvuad."countryid" AS "customer.address.countryid", lvuad."langid" AS "customer.address.languageid",
							lvuad."telephone" AS "customer.address.telephone", lvuad."email" AS "",
							lvuad."telefax" AS "customer.address.telefax", lvuad."website" AS "",
							lvuad."longitude" AS "customer.address.longitude", lvuad."latitude" AS "customer.address.latitude",
							lvuad."pos" AS "customer.address.position", lvuad."mtime" AS "customer.address.mtime",
							lvuad."editor" AS "customer.address.editor", lvuad."ctime" AS "customer.address.ctime",
							lvuad."siteid" AS "customer.address.siteid"
						FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuad."id", lvuad."parentid", lvuad."company", lvuad."vatid",
							lvuad."salutation", lvuad."title", lvuad."firstname", lvuad."lastname",
							lvuad."address1", lvuad."address2", lvuad."address3", lvuad."postal",
							lvuad."city", lvuad."state", lvuad."countryid", lvuad."langid",
							lvuad."telephone", lvuad."email", lvuad."telefax", lvuad."website",
							lvuad."longitude", lvuad."latitude", lvuad."pos",
							lvuad."mtime", lvuad."editor", lvuad."ctime"
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuad."id"
							FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_address.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'lists' => array(
        'type' => array(
            'laravel' => array(
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_list_type"(
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_list_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_list_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvulity."id" AS "", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
								lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
								lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
								lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
								lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
							FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvulity."id", lvulity."siteid", lvulity."code", lvulity."domain",
								lvulity."label", lvulity."status", lvulity."mtime", lvulity."editor",
								lvulity."ctime", lvulity."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
								FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS LIST
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'laravel' => array(
            'aggregate' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						) AS list
						GROUP BY "key"
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_list"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_list"(
							"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
						"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_list"
						SET "parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?, "end" = ?,
							"config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuli."id" AS "", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
							lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
							lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
							lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
							lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
							lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
							lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
						FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
							lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
							lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
							lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'property' => array(
        'type' => array(
            'laravel' => array(
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_property_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_property_type" (
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_property_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvuprty."id" AS "", lvuprty."siteid" AS "",
								lvuprty."code" AS "", lvuprty."domain" AS "",
								lvuprty."label" AS "", lvuprty."status" AS "",
								lvuprty."mtime" AS "", lvuprty."editor" AS "",
								lvuprty."ctime" AS "", lvuprty."pos" AS ""
							FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvuprty."id", lvuprty."siteid", lvuprty."code", lvuprty."domain",
								lvuprty."label", lvuprty."status", lvuprty."mtime", lvuprty."editor",
								lvuprty."ctime", lvuprty."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
								FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'laravel' => array(
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_property"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_property" (
							"parentid", "key", "type", "langid", "value",
							"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_property"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "langid" = ?,
							"value" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvupr."id" AS "", lvupr."parentid" AS "",
							lvupr."siteid" AS "", lvupr."type" AS "",
							lvupr."langid" AS "", lvupr."value" AS "",
							lvupr."mtime" AS "", lvupr."editor" AS "",
							lvupr."ctime" AS ""
						FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvupr."id", lvupr."parentid", lvupr."siteid", lvupr."type",
							lvupr."langid", lvupr."value", lvupr."mtime", lvupr."editor",
							lvupr."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvupr."id"
							FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'laravel' => array(
        'manager' => [
            'name' => 'Customer',
            'standard' => [
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					DELETE FROM "users"
					WHERE :cond
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					INSERT INTO "users" (
						"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
						"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
						"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
						"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
						"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
						"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
					) VALUES (
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					UPDATE "users"
					SET "siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
						"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
						"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
						"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
						"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
						"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
						"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
					WHERE "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT lvu."id" AS "", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
						lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
						lvu."company" AS "", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
						lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
						lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
						lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
						lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
						lvu."city" AS "", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
						lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
						lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
						lvu."email" AS "", lvu."website" AS "",
						lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
						lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
						lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
						lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
						lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
					FROM "users" AS lvu
					WHERE :cond
					GROUP BY lvu."id", lvu."siteid", lvu."name", lvu."company", lvu."vatid",
						lvu."salutation", lvu."title", lvu."firstname", lvu."lastname",
						lvu."address1", lvu."address2", lvu."address3", lvu."postal",
						lvu."city", lvu."state", lvu."countryid", lvu."langid",
						lvu."telephone", lvu."telefax", lvu."email", lvu."website",
						lvu."longitude", lvu."latitude", lvu."birthday", lvu."status",
						lvu."vdate", lvu."password", lvu."created_at", lvu."updated_at",
					/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
					LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
					FROM (
						SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
						FROM "users" AS lvu
						WHERE :cond
						LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
					) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',

The above variant I changed 'laravel' to 'customer' and again I get '403 This action is unauthorized' when trying access admin.

I'm desperate.. (( :cry: People, please help me...

Maybe somebody may, at least, tell me where that merging is happening ? Then I can check what happens there, maybe I need use another format so I can check it there. Maybe now I specify my new Manager and Item not correctly..... ?

Maybe problem is somewhere in my Manager ? Because it uses my Manager
Last edited by MikaelNazarenko on 23 Jul 2019, 08:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 8148
Joined: 01 Jan 1970, 00:00

Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by aimeos » 23 Jul 2019, 08:21

This is the code that tells the factory to use your implementation:

Code: Select all

return array(
    'customer' => array(
        'manager' => array(
            'name' => 'Customer',
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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by MikaelNazarenko » 23 Jul 2019, 08:33

/var/www/labor/ext/labor/config/mshop.php :

Code: Select all


 * @license LGPLv3,
 * @copyright Aimeos (, 2015-2018

return array(
    'address' => array(
        'laravel' => array(
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_address"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_address" (
							"parentid", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
							"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
							"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
							"email", "telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
							"pos", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_address"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?, "salutation" = ?,
							"title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?, "address1" = ?,
							"address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?, "city" = ?,
							"state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?, "telephone" = ?,
							"email" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?, "longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?,
							"pos" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?, "siteid" = ?
						WHERE "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuad."id" AS "", lvuad."parentid" AS "customer.address.parentid",
							lvuad."company" AS "", lvuad."vatid" AS "customer.address.vatid",
							lvuad."salutation" AS "customer.address.salutation", lvuad."title" AS "customer.address.title",
							lvuad."firstname" AS "customer.address.firstname", lvuad."lastname" AS "customer.address.lastname",
							lvuad."address1" AS "customer.address.address1", lvuad."address2" AS "customer.address.address2",
							lvuad."address3" AS "customer.address.address3", lvuad."postal" AS "customer.address.postal",
							lvuad."city" AS "", lvuad."state" AS "customer.address.state",
							lvuad."countryid" AS "customer.address.countryid", lvuad."langid" AS "customer.address.languageid",
							lvuad."telephone" AS "customer.address.telephone", lvuad."email" AS "",
							lvuad."telefax" AS "customer.address.telefax", lvuad."website" AS "",
							lvuad."longitude" AS "customer.address.longitude", lvuad."latitude" AS "customer.address.latitude",
							lvuad."pos" AS "customer.address.position", lvuad."mtime" AS "customer.address.mtime",
							lvuad."editor" AS "customer.address.editor", lvuad."ctime" AS "customer.address.ctime",
							lvuad."siteid" AS "customer.address.siteid"
						FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuad."id", lvuad."parentid", lvuad."company", lvuad."vatid",
							lvuad."salutation", lvuad."title", lvuad."firstname", lvuad."lastname",
							lvuad."address1", lvuad."address2", lvuad."address3", lvuad."postal",
							lvuad."city", lvuad."state", lvuad."countryid", lvuad."langid",
							lvuad."telephone", lvuad."email", lvuad."telefax", lvuad."website",
							lvuad."longitude", lvuad."latitude", lvuad."pos",
							lvuad."mtime", lvuad."editor", lvuad."ctime"
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuad."id"
							FROM "users_address" AS lvuad
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_address.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'lists' => array(
        'type' => array(
            'laravel' => array(
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_list_type"(
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_list_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_list_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvulity."id" AS "", lvulity."siteid" AS "customer.lists.type.siteid",
								lvulity."code" AS "customer.lists.type.code", lvulity."domain" AS "customer.lists.type.domain",
								lvulity."label" AS "customer.lists.type.label", lvulity."status" AS "customer.lists.type.status",
								lvulity."mtime" AS "customer.lists.type.mtime", lvulity."editor" AS "customer.lists.type.editor",
								lvulity."ctime" AS "customer.lists.type.ctime", lvulity."pos" AS "customer.lists.type.position"
							FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvulity."id", lvulity."siteid", lvulity."code", lvulity."domain",
								lvulity."label", lvulity."status", lvulity."mtime", lvulity."editor",
								lvulity."ctime", lvulity."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvulity."id"
								FROM "users_list_type" AS lvulity
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS LIST
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list_type.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'laravel' => array(
            'aggregate' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT "key", COUNT(DISTINCT "id") AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT :key AS "key", lvuli."id" AS "id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
						) AS list
						GROUP BY "key"
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_list"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_list"(
							"parentid", "key", "type", "domain", "refid", "start", "end",
						"config", "pos", "status", "mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_list"
						SET "parentid"=?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "domain" = ?, "refid" = ?, "start" = ?, "end" = ?,
							"config" = ?, "pos" = ?, "status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvuli."id" AS "", lvuli."siteid" AS "customer.lists.siteid",
							lvuli."parentid" AS "customer.lists.parentid", lvuli."type" AS "customer.lists.type",
							lvuli."domain" AS "customer.lists.domain", lvuli."refid" AS "customer.lists.refid",
							lvuli."start" AS "customer.lists.datestart", lvuli."end" AS "customer.lists.dateend",
							lvuli."config" AS "customer.lists.config", lvuli."pos" AS "customer.lists.position",
							lvuli."status" AS "customer.lists.status", lvuli."mtime" AS "customer.lists.mtime",
							lvuli."editor" AS "customer.lists.editor", lvuli."ctime" AS "customer.lists.ctime"
						FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvuli."id", lvuli."parentid", lvuli."siteid", lvuli."type",
							lvuli."domain", lvuli."refid", lvuli."start", lvuli."end",
							lvuli."config", lvuli."pos", lvuli."status", lvuli."mtime",
							lvuli."editor", lvuli."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvuli."id"
							FROM "users_list" AS lvuli
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_list.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'property' => array(
        'type' => array(
            'laravel' => array(
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							DELETE FROM "users_property_type"
							WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							INSERT INTO "users_property_type" (
								"code", "domain", "label", "pos", "status",
								"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
							) VALUES (
								?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							UPDATE "users_property_type"
							SET "code" = ?, "domain" = ?, "label" = ?, "pos" = ?,
								"status" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
							WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT lvuprty."id" AS "", lvuprty."siteid" AS "",
								lvuprty."code" AS "", lvuprty."domain" AS "",
								lvuprty."label" AS "", lvuprty."status" AS "",
								lvuprty."mtime" AS "", lvuprty."editor" AS "",
								lvuprty."ctime" AS "", lvuprty."pos" AS ""
							FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
							WHERE :cond
							GROUP BY lvuprty."id", lvuprty."siteid", lvuprty."code", lvuprty."domain",
								lvuprty."label", lvuprty."status", lvuprty."mtime", lvuprty."editor",
								lvuprty."ctime", lvuprty."pos" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
							/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
							LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
							SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
							FROM (
								SELECT DISTINCT lvuprty."id"
								FROM "users_property_type" lvuprty
								WHERE :cond
								LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
							) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_type_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
        'laravel' => array(
            'delete' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						DELETE FROM "users_property"
						WHERE :cond AND siteid = ?
            'insert' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						INSERT INTO "users_property" (
							"parentid", "key", "type", "langid", "value",
							"mtime", "editor", "siteid", "ctime"
						) VALUES (
							?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
            'update' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						UPDATE "users_property"
						SET "parentid" = ?, "key" = ?, "type" = ?, "langid" = ?,
							"value" = ?, "mtime" = ?, "editor" = ?
						WHERE "siteid" = ? AND "id" = ?
            'search' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT lvupr."id" AS "", lvupr."parentid" AS "",
							lvupr."siteid" AS "", lvupr."type" AS "",
							lvupr."langid" AS "", lvupr."value" AS "",
							lvupr."mtime" AS "", lvupr."editor" AS "",
							lvupr."ctime" AS ""
						FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
						WHERE :cond
						GROUP BY lvupr."id", lvupr."parentid", lvupr."siteid", lvupr."type",
							lvupr."langid", lvupr."value", lvupr."mtime", lvupr."editor",
							lvupr."ctime" /*-columns*/ , :columns /*columns-*/
						/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
						LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
            'count' => array(
                'ansi' => '
						SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
						FROM (
							SELECT DISTINCT lvupr."id"
							FROM "users_property" AS lvupr
							WHERE :cond
							LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
						) AS list
            'newid' => array(
                'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                'oracle' => 'SELECT users_property_seq.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',
    'customer' => array(
        'manager' => [
            'name' => 'Customer',
            'standard' => [
                'delete' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					DELETE FROM "users"
					WHERE :cond
                'insert' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					INSERT INTO "users" (
						"siteid", "name", "email", "company", "vatid", "salutation", "title",
						"firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2", "address3",
						"postal", "city", "state", "countryid", "langid", "telephone",
						"telefax", "website", "longitude", "latitude",
						"birthday", "status", "vdate", "password",
						"updated_at", "editor", "created_at"
					) VALUES (
                'update' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					UPDATE "users"
					SET "siteid" = ?, "name" = ?, "email" = ?, "company" = ?, "vatid" = ?,
						"salutation" = ?, "title" = ?, "firstname" = ?, "lastname" = ?,
						"address1" = ?, "address2" = ?, "address3" = ?, "postal" = ?,
						"city" = ?, "state" = ?, "countryid" = ?, "langid" = ?,
						"telephone" = ?, "telefax" = ?, "website" = ?,
						"longitude" = ?, "latitude" = ?, "birthday" = ?,
						"status" = ?, "vdate" = ?, "password" = ?, "updated_at" = ?, "editor" = ?
					WHERE "id" = ?
                'search' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT lvu."id" AS "", lvu."siteid" AS "customer.siteid",
						lvu."name" AS "customer.label", lvu."email" AS "customer.code",
						lvu."company" AS "", lvu."vatid" AS "customer.vatid",
						lvu."salutation" AS "customer.salutation", lvu."title" AS "customer.title",
						lvu."firstname" AS "customer.firstname", lvu."lastname" AS "customer.lastname",
						lvu."address1" AS "customer.address1", lvu."address2" AS "customer.address2",
						lvu."address3" AS "customer.address3", lvu."postal" AS "customer.postal",
						lvu."city" AS "", lvu."state" AS "customer.state",
						lvu."countryid" AS "customer.countryid", lvu."langid" AS "customer.languageid",
						lvu."telephone" AS "customer.telephone",lvu."telefax" AS "customer.telefax",
						lvu."email" AS "", lvu."website" AS "",
						lvu."longitude" AS "customer.longitude", lvu."latitude" AS "customer.latitude",
						lvu."birthday" AS "customer.birthday", lvu."status" AS "customer.status",
						lvu."vdate" AS "customer.dateverified", lvu."password" AS "customer.password",
						lvu."created_at" AS "customer.ctime", lvu."updated_at" AS "customer.mtime",
						lvu."editor" AS "customer.editor"
					FROM "users" AS lvu
					WHERE :cond
					GROUP BY lvu."id", lvu."siteid", lvu."name", lvu."company", lvu."vatid",
						lvu."salutation", lvu."title", lvu."firstname", lvu."lastname",
						lvu."address1", lvu."address2", lvu."address3", lvu."postal",
						lvu."city", lvu."state", lvu."countryid", lvu."langid",
						lvu."telephone", lvu."telefax", lvu."email", lvu."website",
						lvu."longitude", lvu."latitude", lvu."birthday", lvu."status",
						lvu."vdate", lvu."password", lvu."created_at", lvu."updated_at",
					/*-orderby*/ ORDER BY :order /*orderby-*/
					LIMIT :size OFFSET :start
                'count' => array(
                    'ansi' => '
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count"
					FROM (
						SELECT DISTINCT lvu."id"
						FROM "users" AS lvu
						WHERE :cond
						LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0
					) AS list
                'newid' => array(
                    'db2' => 'SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()',
                    'mysql' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
                    'oracle' => 'SELECT users.CURRVAL FROM DUAL',
                    'pgsql' => 'SELECT lastval()',
                    'sqlite' => 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()',
                    'sqlsrv' => 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()',
                    'sqlanywhere' => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY',

/var/www/labor/ext/labor/lib/custom/src/MShop/Customer/Manager/Customer.php :

Code: Select all


namespace Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Manager;

class Customer extends Standard
    private $searchConfig = array(
        'customer.name1'=> array(
            'label'=>'Name 1',
            'type'=> 'string', // integer, float, etc.
            'internaltype'=> \Aimeos\MW\DB\Statement\Base::PARAM_STR, // _INT, _FLOAT, etc.

    public function __construct(\Aimeos\MShop\Context\Item\Iface $context)

     * @param bool $withsub
     * @return \Aimeos\MW\Criteria\Attribute\Iface
     * @throws \Aimeos\MW\Common\Exception
    public function getSearchAttributes( $withsub = true )
        $list = parent::getSearchAttributes( $withsub );
        foreach( $this->searchConfig as $key => $fields ) {
            $list[$key] = new \Aimeos\MW\Criteria\Attribute\Standard( $fields );
        return $list;

     * @param array $values
     * @param array $listItems
     * @param array $refItems
     * @param array $addrItems
     * @param array $propItems
     * @return \Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item\Customer|\Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item\Iface
     * @throws \Aimeos\MShop\Exception
    protected function createItemBase(array $values = [], array $listItems = [], array $refItems = [], array $addrItems = [], array $propItems = [])
        $helper = $this->getPasswordHelper();
        $address = new \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Address\Simple( 'customer.', $values );

        return new \Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item\Customer(
            $address, $values, $listItems, $refItems, $addrItems, $propItems, $helper
/var/www/labor/ext/labor/lib/custom/src/MShop/Customer/Item/Customer.php :

Code: Select all


namespace Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item;

class Customer extends Standard
    private $values;

    public function __construct(\Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Address\Iface $address, array $values = [], $listItems = [], $refItems = [], $addrItems = [], $propItems = [],
                                ?\Aimeos\MShop\Common\Helper\Password\Iface $helper = null, ?string $salt = null)
        parent::__construct($address, $values, $listItems, $refItems, $addrItems, $propItems, $helper, $salt);
        $this->values = $values;

    public function getName1()
        if( isset( $this->myvalues['product.name1'] ) ) {
            return (string) $this->values['product.name1'];
        return '';

    public function setName1( $name1 )
        if ((string) $name1 !== $this->getName1()) {
            $this->values['product.name1'] = (string) $name1;
        return $this;

    public function fromArray(array &$list, $private = false)
        $unknown = [];
        $list = parent::fromArray($list);

        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'product.oldcode':
//                    $this->setOldCode($value);
                    $unknown[$key] = $value;
        return $unknown;

    public function toArray( $private = false )
        $list = parent::toArray( $private );

//        if( $private === true ) {
//            $list['product.oldcode'] = $this->getOldCode();
//        }

        return $list;
Result: '403 This action is unauthorized.'

What is wrong ?? ((

Aimeos version: ^2019.04

Also, by the way, in this topic I saw examples of custom Manager with $searchConfig which consists only with newest fields. But parent class has this field private with a lot fields. So it is private field, it will not extended with new Manager. How does it work ? In my opinion I should overwrite $searchConfig with all fields - new and default

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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by aimeos » 23 Jul 2019, 09:19

Use the Standard customer item in your new manager first and see if it works. If yes, the problem is in your customer item (maybe the "?" in front of the constructor parameters) and if not, your manager is the problem.

You must not add all search definitions of the parent class because they are automatically added by using:

Code: Select all

$list = parent::getSearchAttributes( $withsub );
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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by MikaelNazarenko » 23 Jul 2019, 09:26

aimeos wrote: 23 Jul 2019, 09:19 Use the Standard customer item in your new manager ...
Do you mean this method ?

Code: Select all

    protected function createItemBase(array $values = [], array $listItems = [], array $refItems = [], array $addrItems = [], array $propItems = [])
        $helper = $this->getPasswordHelper();
        $address = new \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Address\Simple( 'customer.', $values );

        return new \Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item\Customer(
            $address, $values, $listItems, $refItems, $addrItems, $propItems, $helper
The problem is this method is not called (

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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by aimeos » 23 Jul 2019, 09:29

Is you manager constructor called? I guess not. Maybe some configuration caching? You can also set the customer manager name in the ./config/shop.php file
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Re: How to add additional fields to a customer

Post by MikaelNazarenko » 23 Jul 2019, 09:32

Manager constructor is called - 200%, I checked right now! Laravel cache and Aimeos cache I have cleared - not working.. Tell me, please, how can I add settings to ./config/shop.php ? What the format ?

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