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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by Amber » 19 Sep 2019, 03:29

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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by aimeos » 19 Sep 2019, 05:58

In that response, there must be JSON encoded data sent to the browser. How does that look like?
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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by Amber » 24 Sep 2019, 02:12

But I haven't change this code and response data. I don't know why look like that.

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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by aimeos » 24 Sep 2019, 05:38

Sure. We need to find out what is sent from your server to the browser so we can see if there's a problem. Thus, we would like to see the JSON response that is available in the Chrome console (Network tab) for example.
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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by Amber » 24 Sep 2019, 08:52

In the network tab, I don't see the JSON response.




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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by aimeos » 24 Sep 2019, 20:15

The last one (jsonadm) should be a JSON response. Click on it and then post the content of the "Response" tab
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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by Amber » 25 Sep 2019, 02:10


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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by aimeos » 26 Sep 2019, 07:45

Please have a look into the error log of your web server and in the "Log" panel of the admin interface if there are errors related to the JSON requests (OPTIONS, GET, etc.)
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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by Amber » 26 Sep 2019, 10:10

This is the log of my web server.

The "Log" panel of the admin interface don't have log related to the JSON requests.

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Re: No items appear at the list

Post by aimeos » 26 Sep 2019, 19:34

There are no errors shown so we don't know what happens as long as you can't provide more information.
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