retrieve attributes-orders

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retrieve attributes-orders

Post by khizar » 08 Apr 2021, 12:25

hello aimeos,
i have integrated aimeos with laravel.
"aimeos/aimeos-laravel": "~2020.10",
"laravel/framework": "^8.12",

I have implemented Delivery service provider perfectly my problem is that i stored the tracking id of order which is returned from delivery api in order.i am posting the code below.

Code: Select all


namespace Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Delivery;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class Myprovider
extends \Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Delivery\Base
implements \Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Delivery\Iface
     * Sends the order details to the ERP system for further processing.
     * @param \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order Order invoice object to process
    public function process(\Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order): \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface
        $parts = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Base::PARTS_ALL;
        $basket = $this->getOrderBase($order->getBaseId(), $parts);

       // here is the code which i have skipped which contains $data array which i have sent to the api

        $apiurl = '';
        $response =  Http::withHeaders([
            "api-key" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "Content-Type" => "application/json"

        $t = json_decode($response);

            // $status = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base::STAT_PROGRESS;
            // $order->setDeliveryStatus( $status );
            // $this->saveOrder( $order );

            $attributes = ['reference_number' => $t->data[0]->reference_number];
            $serviceType = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Base::TYPE_DELIVERY;
            $orderServiceItem = $basket->getService( $serviceType );
            if(($serviceItem = reset($orderServiceItem)) !== false){
                $this->setAttributes( $serviceItem, $attributes, 'myprovider' );
                $this->saveOrderBase( $basket );

        return $order;

it sends order successfully and also attribute is saved as order service attribute .I can see in my data base.Now i want to retrieve that reference number in the order list but i don't know how to do it .i am posting the code of orderlist below

Code: Select all

	$baseItems = $this->get( 'baseItems', [] );
	<?php foreach( $this->get( 'items', [] ) as $id => $item ) : ?>
                <?php $baseItem = ( isset( $baseItems[$item->getBaseId()] ) ? $baseItems[$item->getBaseId()] : null ); ?>
              <?php endforeach: ?>
Please note that this is the code from orders list(file name: list-standard).it contains more code but i have only picked the necessary code.that dd gives me

Code: Select all

Aimeos\Map {#1836 ▼
  #list: array:2 [▼
    "delivery" => array:1 [▼
      0 => Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Standard {#1591 ▼
        -serviceItem: null
        -attributes: []
        -attributesMap: null
        -price: Aimeos\MShop\Price\Item\Standard {#1550 ▶}
        -prefix: "order.base.service."
        -available: true
        -modified: false
        #bdata: array:19 [▼
          "" => "15"
          "order.base.service.baseid" => "12"
          "order.base.service.siteid" => "17."
          "order.base.service.serviceid" => "7"
          "order.base.service.type" => "delivery"
          "order.base.service.code" => "shipsy"
          "" => "shipsy"
          "order.base.service.mediaurl" => ""
          "order.base.service.currencyid" => "SAR"
          "order.base.service.price" => "0.00"
          "order.base.service.costs" => "37.50"
          "order.base.service.rebate" => "0.00"
          "order.base.service.taxvalue" => "0.3713"
          "order.base.service.taxrates" => array:1 [▶]
          "order.base.service.taxflag" => "1"
          "order.base.service.position" => "0"
          "order.base.service.mtime" => "2021-04-08 08:08:25"
          "order.base.service.editor" => ""
          "order.base.service.ctime" => "2021-04-08 08:08:25"
    "payment" => array:1 [▼
      1 => Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Standard {#1594 ▼
        -serviceItem: null
        -attributes: []
        -attributesMap: null
        -price: Aimeos\MShop\Price\Item\Standard {#1556 ▶}
        -prefix: "order.base.service."
        -available: true
        -modified: false
        #bdata: array:19 [▼
          "" => "16"
          "order.base.service.baseid" => "12"
          "order.base.service.siteid" => "17."
          "order.base.service.serviceid" => "8"
          "order.base.service.type" => "payment"
          "order.base.service.code" => "cash"
          "" => "cashondelivery"
          "order.base.service.mediaurl" => ""
          "order.base.service.currencyid" => "SAR"
          "order.base.service.price" => "0.00"
          "order.base.service.costs" => "15.00"
          "order.base.service.rebate" => "0.00"
          "order.base.service.taxvalue" => "0.1485"
          "order.base.service.taxrates" => array:1 [▶]
          "order.base.service.taxflag" => "1"
          "order.base.service.position" => "1"
          "order.base.service.mtime" => "2021-04-08 08:08:25"
          "order.base.service.editor" => ""
          "order.base.service.ctime" => "2021-04-08 08:08:25"

now from here i dont know how can i access the service attribute

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Re: retrieve attributes-orders

Post by aimeos » 09 Apr 2021, 07:26

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Re: retrieve attributes-orders

Post by aftonheck » 23 Apr 2021, 06:54

Oh that was it, great thank you so much!

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