fehlerhafte Installation Aimeos Shop Typo3

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fehlerhafte Installation Aimeos Shop Typo3

Post by Torsten » 07 Apr 2021, 16:09

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich habe in einer frischen Installation von Typo3 TYPO3 Version: 10.4.14
Webserver: Apache
PHP Version: 7.4.16
Database (Default): MySQL 5.5.60
Application Context: Production
Operating System: Linux 4.4.260‐icpu‐064
Bootstrap Package: 11.0.2
die Distribution "Aimeos web shop distribution" installiert.

Leider schlug dies fehl. Offenbar lassen sich per SQL die Tabellen nicht installieren.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mir weiterhelfen könnten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Torsten Riemer

Nach der Installation:
Adding tax column to order tables Checking table "mshop_order_base_product": OK Checking table "mshop_order_base_service": OK Checking table "mshop_order_base": OK Renaming catalog index tables to index Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_attribute" OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_catalog" OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_price" OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_index_text" OK Ensure unique codes in mshop_service OK Rename "prodid" to "parentid" in table "mshop_product_stock" Checking column "prodid" OK Migrating product property domain to "product" OK Prepare mshop_index_text table for simplification OK Remove mshop_locale char constraints Checking constraint for "langid" OK Checking constraint for "currencyid" OK Migrate mshop_index_text table engine to InnoDB OK Update "siteid" columns Add new type columns Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_property": OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_property": OK Checking table "mshop_media": OK Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK Checking table "mshop_media_property": OK Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK Checking table "mshop_price": OK Checking table "mshop_price_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product": OK Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product_property": OK Checking table "mshop_service": OK Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK Checking table "mshop_stock": OK Checking table "mshop_supplier_list": OK Checking table "mshop_tag": OK Checking table "mshop_text": OK Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK Drop old unique indexes Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_property": OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_property": OK Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK Checking table "mshop_media_property": OK Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK Checking table "mshop_price_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product_property": OK Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK Checking table "mshop_stock": OK Checking table "mshop_supplier_list": OK Checking table "mshop_tag": OK Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK Migrate typeid to type Checking table "mshop_attribute": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_list": OK Checking table "mshop_attribute_property": OK Checking table "mshop_catalog_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_list": OK Checking table "mshop_customer_property": OK Checking table "mshop_media": OK Checking table "mshop_media_list": OK Checking table "mshop_media_property": OK Checking table "mshop_plugin": OK Checking table "mshop_price": OK Checking table "mshop_price_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product": OK Checking table "mshop_product_list": OK Checking table "mshop_product_property": OK Checking table "mshop_service": OK Checking table "mshop_service_list": OK Checking table "mshop_stock": OK Checking table "mshop_supplier_list": OK Checking table "mshop_tag": OK Checking table "mshop_text": OK Checking table "mshop_text_list": OK Update attribute "key" columns Checking table mshop_attribute OK Drop the mshop_index_text table without ID column OK Remove foreign key "fk_macac_tid_tsid" from "madmin_cache_tag" OK Creating admin tables Using schema from cache.php Checking table "madmin_cache":

Oops, an error occurred!
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes: CREATE TABLE madmin_cache (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, expire DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, value MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, INDEX idx_majob_expire (expire), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB
More information regarding this error might be available online.

Bei Aufruf von „Aimeos Shop“ im Backend:
Oops, an error occurred!
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db615911526.mshop_locale_site' doesn't exist: SELECT mlocsi."id" AS "locale.site.id", mlocsi."siteid" AS "locale.site.siteid", mlocsi."code" AS "locale.site.code", mlocsi."label" AS "locale.site.label", mlocsi."config" AS "locale.site.config", mlocsi."status" AS "locale.site.status", mlocsi."editor" AS "locale.site.editor", mlocsi."mtime" AS "locale.site.mtime", mlocsi."ctime" AS "locale.site.ctime" FROM "mshop_locale_site" AS mlocsi WHERE mlocsi."level" = 0 AND ( mlocsi."code" = 'default' ) ORDER BY mlocsi."id" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0

Beim Klick auf „Execute the update script“ im Extension Manager:
Oops, an error occurred!
Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::setMessage() must be of the type string, null given, called in /homepages/39/d20171311/htdocs/typo3_src/typo3_src-10.4.14/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Messaging/FlashMessage.php on line 42


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Re: fehlerhafte Installation Aimeos Shop Typo3

Post by aimeos » 09 Apr 2021, 07:24

Please write your questions in English as not everybody understands German.

Your MySQL version is too old (5.7.8+ is required).
There's a workaround you can use to install Aimeos nevertheless:
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Re: fehlerhafte Installation Aimeos Shop Typo3

Post by Torsten » 10 Apr 2021, 07:10

After using a new database Version MySQL 5.7.32 everything works.
Thanks for your help.

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