Change in appearance and shop html code

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Change in appearance and shop html code

Post by aksenovaa » 05 Nov 2014, 11:54

Nowhere really does not describe how it is possible (and whether) to change the output code html (template).
I realized that I needed to create my own extension, but found no detailed description of what it should be and how to change the output html ...

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Re: Change in appearance and shop html code

Post by aimeos » 05 Nov 2014, 14:51

Documentation on this topic is still a bit low but it's not that complicated.

First, create a new TYPO3 extension that will be a container for an Aimeos extension and the rest of your changes or additions you would like to make:

Then you should go to the typo3conf/ext/aimeos/vendor/arcavias/arcavias-core directory and execute "phing createext". Make sure you have the phing command installed ( Enter the name of your project and after the extension was created, move it to your new TYPO3 extension in the Resourced/Public/Ext directory like described in the docs. AFTER you've adapted the TYPO3 extension according to the docs, install it in the extension manager. Now you are ready to overwrite templates or create new ones.

The templates can be found in aimeos/vendor/arcavias/arcavias-core/client/html/layouts/. If your layout isn't possible by overwriting the CSS, you can copy the template in layouts/ to the same location in your Aimeos extension (<yourtypo3ext>/Resources/Public/Ext/<extname>/client/html/layouts/...). This template will now be used instead of the original one.

Creating a new subpart additionally requires a class in the src/ directory structure. This is most often a copy/paste and find/replace thing. New data can be assigned in the _setViewParams() method.

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Re: Change in appearance and shop html code

Post by aimeos » 26 Nov 2014, 10:29

aimeos wrote: First, create a new TYPO3 extension that will be a container for an Aimeos extension and the rest of your changes or additions you would like to make:
There's now a very easy way to create extensions: You can create a new extension using
Enter the name of the extension and if it should be packaged inside a TYPO3 extension. Afterwards, the generated .zip download will be offered to you.

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Re: Change in appearance and shop html code

Post by aimeos » 09 Feb 2015, 15:31

We've written some documentation about how to adapt the templates of the checkout components and what configuration options are available to modify their behavior. These are basically tutorial style articles that summarizes what is possible by using the existing options. You can find them in the configuration section of the Wiki: ... l#Checkout

More tutorials will follow for the rest of the components.

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