Sitemap generation missing currency prefix

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Sitemap generation missing currency prefix

Post by createanet » 11 Oct 2021, 08:01


I notice when the job "product/export/sitemap" is executed, there are failures reported for our configuration.

Code: Select all

Missing required parameter for [Route: aimeos_shop_detail] [URI: {currency} 
  /{d_name}/{d_pos?}/{d_prodid?}] [Missing parameter: currency].               
I can see that currency is never merged into the $params for the target URL.

My shop config is setup to use the following prefix

Code: Select all

	'default' => [
		// abbreviated...
		'prefix' => '{currency}',
		'where' => ['currency' => '(?i)eur|usd|gbp(?-i)'],
As the "aimeos_shop_detail" falls under the "default" group, currency is a required prefix but the URL generation is neglecting to use or fallback to an appropriate default is missing - the latter I dont think is possible without passing through some middleware and applying to the request?

My URL take the following shape, where I have a regular expression that confirms the currency prefix matches an array of those supported and ignores the case sensitivity.

Code: Select all

If I make the prefix optional the error goes, but this obviously isnt intended as the generator now constructs invalid URLs.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Sitemap generation missing currency prefix

Post by aimeos » 12 Oct 2021, 16:33

That's a problem indeed. The sitemap XML export doesn't use currencies nor different sites in the URLs.
The solution may be to generate URLs for all site/language/currency combinations added in the Locale tab.
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